warwickshire lavender farm visit

Visiting Warwickshire Lavender farm in Bubbenhall

June arrives each year and the flower fields begin to open. Quite often you need to wait til July for some, including lavender fields. This year I decided to visit Warwickshire Lavender Farm at Bubbenhall near Coventry.

This lavender farm opened in 2016, and grows 3 varieties, and 20,000 lavender plants, as well as rosemary.

warwickshire lavender farm visit

Smaller than Cotswold Lavender which I’ve previously visited, it means it doesn’t get as busy. Although when I visited it was a termtime Thursday rather than a weekend which may have made a difference. If you’re visiting make sure you check the website or socials, because flower fields only tend to have short seasons before they harvest the flowers. Warwickshire Lavender opens Wednesday to Sunday, 10am-4pm.

It’s all pay on arrival, unless you want to book for a talk about the plants, distillery and bees. They also offer a few golden hour bookable slots per season, but these book up fast.

The lavender

As you park up, you can see the purple of the lavender on the fill behind. After paying you can make the most of the circular frame for photo opportunities before wandering where you want between the rows of lavender.

circular frame photo spot over the lavender field

There were some pro looking photographers there taking shots of the plants with tripods. And a large group of (presumably) influencers with one little girl. All dressed up in pretty dresses and hats, taking photos. There’s still so many rows to enjoy even with quite a few people around taking photos. It wasn’t hard to get photos without other people in.

It was pretty windy when I was there, so there was a lot of billowing plants. Fewer bees than last time I visited a lavender farm. The swallows were flying around.

close up lavender blooms
rows of dark purple lavender

Because it’s out of the way of main roads, it was so quiet and peaceful. I could see over towards a farmer with his sheep following the vehicle in other fields. It would be a nice location to see with a picnic or ice cream at the benches at the edge of the field.  There’s also a marquee with seating set up in case of rain or if you need sun shelter (not really needed much this year in the UK!)

purple and white lavender roes
close up of purple and white lavender

Alongside the lavender field, they also had an area showing different types of lavender plants which was interesting to see the variety of size and difference between them.

close up of lavender and hover fly
half selfie of woman wearing sunglasses with lavender field rows behind

Other facilities

If you want more than just to see the lavender, then there’s also a small cafe where the profits go to charity. They sell drinks and cakes or shortbread. You can buy ice creams from the ticket entrance too.  

Fancy buying some lavender products, then you can get these at the shop.

I didn’t stay long, but it was a lovely wander through the lavender, and nice to see somewhere new. 

I combined this visit with one to visit Pershore’s Confetti fields, so it was a gorgeous day spent amongst the flowers.

You can find other flower field locations to visit at my seasonal flower calendar post, and not forgetting the sunflower fields which follow from August.

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