10 things you should be buying from The Works
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I love to shop and have been a fan of The Works for many years now. Any shop that rotates stock like it does, and has bargains galore of the little things that can be bought for myself, N or presents is a winner in my book. I also have their loyalty card (amongst the masses in my purse. Is anyone else overrun by loyalty cards?). I’m always amazed when people look at me blankly when they’re looking for something in particular and I recommend trying The Works. In particular for children there’s also a lot of choice, and if you can’t find it in store, there’s also plenty to look for online.

So for those of you who’ve not discovered the shop, here’s 10 things you should be buying from The Works:
1. Books
Yes, there’s specialist book shops for new releases, but if you want holiday reading, or to find older books by authors you love that you’ve missed, then have a dig around The Works. I used to buy Penguin Classics when I was trying to be a bit more well read, but now tend to just stick with chick lit and crime books. You can also usually find relatively new celebrity recipe books and autobiographies, plus historical, and local reference books, so something for everyone.
2. Gift wrap
You could go to the supermarkets or card shops, but then you have to store rolls of gift wrap. So I buy a lot of my gift wrap from The Works – there’s usually plenty of choice for birthdays, general and other occasions.
3. Toys
If you have lots of children’s birthday parties, always check it out for presents. There’s usually activity sets for all ages, construction blocks, quirky science or magic kits and more. I always look round and dream about the toys and games that we never really seemed to have back when we were children that they have now.

4. Jigsaws
N’s just got back into jigsaws again when he was ill, so I can sense a trip to investigate what’s available for him and I to do together.
5. Craft supplies
When I used to make cards I always used to look out the range. If you’re setting up a children’s craft box, it’s a nobrainer to check out the lolly sticks, pom poms, googly eyes and more. And for adults, there’s usually some bases for decoupatching – a bit of crafting always goes down well for some relaxing me time.

6. Seasonal items
Christmas at The Works is always busy, with everything you could imagine. It’s not always my cup of tea, but if you like a mish mash of Christmas and want to get started with your stash there’s always something amusing to buy. At the moment it’s Easter and Valentine’s day, whether it’s for crafts or nice little gifts for the home. I’m loving the little slate heart hangers, great for writing little messages to your loved ones.

7. Party bag fillers
While we prefer to give one decent gift to go in a party bag, there’s always room for some quirky other little fillers. There’s plenty of choice whether for party bags or just children spending their pocket money.
8. Colouring books
I always take a look at these, and in other shops I find them really expensive or too floral. But here there’s a massive choice. The other day I even spotted a gold foil version where there was standard colouring and ‘gold’ pages to colour in. Perfect for some mindfulness (if you can get over the angst of going outside the lines or picking up the wrong colour pen!
9. Storage boxes
You can never have too many pretty storage boxes, and you can find both the fold out/pop together boxes, or even little vintage suitcase style ones. All with pretty coloured designs on.
10. Gadgets for the home
If you’re more of an online shopper, you’ll not be surprised that The Works sells more than stationery and books which so many people think when walking by the shops. I’ve spotted spiralisers, juicers and my current favourite light boxes (yes, most of my friends last year received a light box for their birthday or Christmas presents!).
The only problem with sharing my list, I’ve now remembered a whole load of other items I’ve spotted and want to buy….must declutter, must declutter!
Are you a fan of The Works? Are you a high street or online shopper?
They really do have so much to choose from don’t they! I got some fab presents from there this Christmas just gone, and I love looking at all the art and craft supplies when I’m in there. x #TheList
I absolutely love The Works; between there and Poundland we get ALL of our craft supplies, both for me and the kids. X
Yes I love the Works, they always have really great deals on books and the craft supplies are a good price 🙂 #thelistlinky
Craft supplies are a no brainer. And I buy a lot of gift wrap stuff there too
I don’t know why I’ve never bought gift wrap there. I must check it out! 🙂
I’ve had some real bargains from The Works in the past. I’m more of an online shopper so you can compare prices and details easily, so it’s great that they have so much online too #TheListLinky
Great post. The works is one of those shops I could spend hours in! I love looking at all the cookery books! #TheListLinky
I love their storage boxes – the little suitcase like ones – for kids bits!
I only really think of The Works when I’m looking for books! This post has made me Re-think, I’m going to take a look online as I have birthday presents to buy.
Thnx for the tips!
I stock my present box from in there, and pass the parcel gifts are great. But yes, for me it’s automatic for certain books and stationery
I love the slate heart!
It’s cute isn’t it, and I like the fact you can buy 1 or a multipack for a discount