Get ready for bed with a Minions ReadyBed
I’d spotted ReadyBeds a while ago, and a couple of friends have raved about them, so I was keen to try one out when I was offered the chance to review one. Well, N was offered the chance!
There are two recent new designs, the Star Wars and Despicable Me junior all in one ReadyBeds. As N loved Despicable Me and I’m sure he’ll want to watch the upcoming Minions film, we had to choose the latter. When it arrived N was so excited to see it.
Once I’d pulled it out of the box, I wasn’t so excited as I had been. To me, it didn’t feel like material I’d want next to me. The top cover is polyester so it felt like it would be too hot and clammy next to skin. As for trying to pump it up…it proved a nightmare first time round.
I used the pump included in the box (always handy, because I can never find a pump when needed without having to trek down to the farm for the industrial tractor sized pump!) but couldn’t for the life of me, get the pump nozzle to stay in the bed. The air was pumping in but the bed didn’t seem to be pumping it. In the end I had to remove the air bed part from the cover so I could properly access the air plug. After 15 minutes of pumping, I’d still had no air in the bed and was ready to give up. I checked the instructions, all ok, then decided to ask online for anyone else who had managed to pump theirs up. It seemed that there was a knack, and that the pump might not have been in and fully airtight.
So the next evening I started again from scratch. This time the pump fitted in fully and immediately the air bed in a couple of minutes. Result! The knack was to shove the pump bit right down in tight – not sure how I didn’t manage it the day before.
The air bed was easy enough to recover again and it stayed blown up well. N leapt in straight away and decided he’d be sleeping in it that night. In fact since we got it, there’s only been 2 nights where he’s slept in a normal bed. Strange child, but he does seem to sleep well in it.
The built in ‘sleeping bag’ cover is thin so N has been sleeping with his duvet over the top as well. We’re planning on taking it camping and he’ll definitely need a blanket or duvet on top as well for the cold nights. I’ve always found that it’s hard to stay sleeping in the middle of an airbed, so having the zip up cover helps hold N in place. No falling out of bed this way.
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Considering how long N’s been sleeping in it (a couple of weeks), the air bed hasn’t needed pumping up again. Even his dad’s laid on it with him for a snuggle, and nothing’s burst or deflated. I’ve been really impressed with that.
N was gutted because one night he did come through and wake me up saying he’d got a wet bottom. He’s never wet the bed before since being out of nappies so it was a bit of a surprise, but he’d taken himself off to bed at 6.30, without going to the toilet beforehand so at least that’s taught him to always go. Handily though, because the cover is machine washable, I just whipped it off the air bed and popped it in the machine. It’s as good as new again with no shrinkage.
The ReadyBed is just the right size for him. At 150cm long, it should last him a good couple of years. Because the pump has an air removal part too, it’s easy to deflate and small enough to just roll up and store when not in use, or to transport it for a sleepover. I thought it didn’t have a bag, but it turns out the carry bag is part of the cover – the pillow area, which is really clever and useful.
All in all, once I’d sorted out the pumping issues, the Readybed’s been great. It’s fun for children, and practical, so it’ll come in handy over time. Aside from camping, I’m sure he’ll also use it for sleepovers at the farm.
You can buy the Minions ReadyBed from Amazon.
Disclosure: We were sent a ReadyBed for the purpose of review. All words and opinions are my own.