10 tips for the best camping snacks
If you don’t have permanently hungry children at home, don’t be surprised if they turn into ravenous ‘hangry’ creatures when you go camping. There’s something about being in the great outdoors that makes everyone hungry. But with mealtime routines often more relaxed, sometimes you just need to pump them full of camping snacks.
When we’re on holiday, we have more ice creams, and I’m also a bit more relaxed about snacks. Mainly because when we’re camping, although we take an electric cool box with us, there’s not the space to have an amazing storage space for tonnes of fruit and veg. But what kind of snacks are good for keeping children going between meals.
Don’t forget to check out ideas for camping meals that everyone will eat
S’Mores are great but why not try some alternatives.

10 top tips for the best camping snacks
1, Convenience is your friend
Yes you may want to destone fruit and chop melon, but trust me, just have a few convenience packs of fruits, or rely on fruit or veg that doesn’t need prepping.
2, Find a cool area in the shade to keep snacks if they won’t fit in a cool box
If you’re pitched by a hedge, then store in a box away from the light between tent and hedge or under a car if you’re not leaving the campsite for a bit
3, Avoid chocolate
Even if you think it’s not that hot, tents do tent to get warm over the day, so either put chocolate in a cool box or provide snacks without chocolate
4, Fruit and veg
When we go camping our meals are carb heavy, cooking veg means the need for more stoves/pots. So snack on fruit and veg to get some into you. Bananas are good (just don’t squash them), apples, grapes, strawberries. Or buy some carrot sticks, cherry tomatoes, sugar snap peas, or buy cucumber or pepper for quick chopping up.

5, Rice cakes or crackers with toppings
Top with peanut butter and apple, or Philadelphia and any sweet or fruity toppings you have (coconut or nutty pieces or sultanas
6, Popcorn
Make your own popcorn mix before you go, or make some while you’re there in a pan over the fire/stove

7, Trail mix
For my UK readers (trail mix isn’t really a well known food stuff over here), trail mix is cereal, plus extras (minus the milk!). Make this coconut, chocolate and caramel version with a cereal like shreddies at home and bring it with you to dip into
8, Sausage rolls on sticks
If you’ve got a campfire, try these 2 ingredient sausage rolls. You can cut them up smaller afterwards for snacks.
9, Flapjacks
Oats for energy, and you can keep them plain or add fruit.
10, Make scotch/griddle pancakes in a frying pan over the stove.
Take dry mix with you in a container, then just add wet ingredients as you need to make them.
Don’t fret if there’s too much sweet stuff being eaten while camping. Kids are always on the go and there’s usually plenty of walks around campsites to burn off the treats afterwards!
If all else fails, just go for the usual biscuits, crisps and a few fruit options like we all tend to lug along.
What snacks do you take on camping trips?
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