Ideas for unusual Christmas activities – and a tractor run
Like any child I used to love Christmas. That was without the myriad of Christmas activities people now do over the advent and holiday season. I still love Christmas, but now it’s to make the excitement for N as well as myself.
When we were children, excitement was maybe a carol concert in London, going to see the ballet or a panto, walking to and from midnight mass, and waiting for Father Christmas to come down your road on the Rotary Club float with Christmas carols blaring out of the loudspeakers. Some of these are still favourites for people nowadays, but there’s so many options for unusual places to go and things to see with a Christmas twist.

Tractor Run fun
Our latest experience was our local Tractor Run. Yes, round by us there’s a charity Christmas tractor run. Basically tractors get decked out in fairy lights and drive around the villages in aid of charity. Three of our nephews took part in, so 2 of our tractors featured (although we didn’t realise as we watched them), and a couple of other farmers we knew drove theirs as well.
We headed to one of the villages, parked at a friend’s house, then walked down to watch from the recreation ground. It was a bit of a social, as I know 3 of the people she was also meeting up with, and then bumped into another old school friend and her children there too. N was in his element spotting the tractors, and it was nearly 100 tractors that drove past, bedecked in lights.

Not a normal Christmas activity, but lovely to get outside with children and see their excitement at seeing all the tractors and christmas lights go past.
It got me thinking about other unusual christmas themed activities on offer.
Unusual Christmas activities for the family
Visiting Father Christmas
Visiting Santa’s Grotto isn’t unusual in itself but now pretty much every shopping centre, tourist attraction and more, puts on a grotto. Go posh and traditional at Hamleys (if you can get a slot). Or head somewhere like a Sea Life Centre and visit Father Christmas amongst the fish.
Charity Christmas events
Do or watch a Santa run – these happen all oer the country for adults and children.
Get outdoors
Go to Cinema in the Snow. There’s more and more pop up cinemas, although still mostly London based. See Christmas themed movies at pop up screens in winter wonderland settings.
Visit an enchanted forests like that at Westonbirst Arboretum. There are illuminated trails all over the UK, but look for the more unusual ones to avoid the big crowds. Or arrive early and get on the trail first.

Christmas / New Year outdoor swimming. Maybe not one for young children, but several coast towns have a new year swim.
Take up a new hobby
Learn to a Christmas dance class. There’s quite often Christmas specific events on, but if you don’t know how to dance, head to a dance class first of all to get yourself started. Check out ceroc or local modern jive classes for fun social classes that will likely have christmas themes going on near to the big day. Who wouldn’t want to meet lots of new people and dance the night away
Learn to knit. And knit (or crochet) for charity. Help make the Innocent Smmothie hats to help raise money for Age UK. Or check out your local hospice who may have people make knitted Christmas items to sell in their shops.
What type of activities do you get up to over the Christmas season?
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