2022 round up and looking to 2023
As with every year, 2022 has sped by. Covid’s largely just part of a usual thing like flu, everything’s pretty much back to normal. We’re out the other side and hopefully all the lurgies going round are reducing and making less of an impact.
2022 was the move to secondary school, the start of me getting properly back to tennis (if temporarily). Unfortunately my positive weight loss and getting fit all went to pots and I’m nearly back to where I started. So 2023 will definitely be getting back to fitness and eating healthier again.
I’m still loving blogging, although time is more stretched. Here’s my 2022 round up.
Family and friends
Everything’s pretty much the same on the farm. This year we’re back being able to have family BBQs, and birthday get togethers. A big Christmas eve pub meal. My brother’s still nearby, so we’ve been seeing him as normal.
I have to admit to being a bit rubbish this year with meeting up with friends. Yes, we’ve been out occasionally, and we’ve seen my best friend for the first time in so long. But there’s other friends I’ve not managed to catch up with. It’s definitely harder now N’s playing football on Saturdays, as that really limits the time for meeting friends.
Next year I need to get better at organising catch ups, rather than just saying I will.

Work has been mad busy this year. There’s been a lot of upheaval, a lot of stressed out people, and more adjustments to come. Hopefully things will calm down into next year. Working from home is ok, it means I’m getting lots of time to read in the morning before starting work, and the flexibility is great. But I think I need to start going into the office more frequently – I need to be around people. I think I’m getting too grouchy working on my own all the time.
This year saw the move from primary school to Year 7 and high school. The end of Year 6 went well, SATs went really well, and N had a good final year at primary. They were lucky that post Covid, they got to enjoy residential, and all the other activities with parents invited into school
It’s a big move to secondary school, but it all went smoothly for N and he settled in well. He’s really enjoying the mix of classes, and has surprised me enjoying even drama, art and textiles. He’s made a few new friends, but largely his friends are still those he was in primary with. Now we just need to stop losing all the uniform items.
I’ve been impressed with the school so far. They seem responsive to any issues and the communications have been better than expected.
I’ve joined the PTA. It’s chance to be more involved with the school, fundraising, meet some other parents and some of the teachers.
Sports and health
My weight loss had gone really well until Easter when we went away, and I struggled to find food without carbs. Chips were my failing and it’s all gone downhill since then. So I’m back where I started, and the new year will see me getting back to it. I need to get healthy again because I felt so good when I was eating keto.
Largely we’ve all had a healthy year. N had Covid in February just before the vaccines came for his age group. He was off for a week, mainly suffering an awful headache he couldn’t shake. He enjoyed the room service while he quarantined in his room. I’m not quite sure how we managed to avoid catching it, but so far he’s the only one of us in the house who’s had it. His tonsillitis frequency is much reduced, so must have just had 18 months hard time of it. He’s been signed off from ENT, and largely we’re managing it with Difflum Spray and echinacea.
I took up tennis – rusty rackets started, although it was only temporary as we couldn’t get the numbers going into the colder weather. Hopefully it’ll start back up again when Spring comes round again. I really enjoyed being back, but I’m not sure I’m ready to go to club mix ins yet.

N’s playing in a football team locally and really enjoying it. I’m quite enjoying the social side with the parents, and being a football mum.
He’s still playing tennis as well, but no matches anymore. Group sessions are now junior / yellow ball, but we have had some issues with mixing a lower ability group that’s not worked out for any of the older children. In the new year they’ve split the groups again, but it does mean they’ll only be doing 1 hour sessions rather than 1 ½ hour, for the first time in about 4 years! Hopefully the kids will behave and focus because there was a lot of chit chat and wasting time. With only an hour, they’ll need to play harder to get the full hour of value out.
2022 has been less about jigsaws, and more about reading, now I’ve got more time before work. This year I’ve read a huge 122 books, got through all the Virgin River and Bridgerton book series. I’ll be doing the Goodreads challenge again, probably sticking with my 75 book aim.

Days out and holidays
Now all restrictions have gone, we’ve been getting away for UK breaks through the year. We started with Tenby and Ludlow at Easter and had lovely weather there. Then got away to see my best friend in August, staying at her parents’ before heading onto Lowestoft for a few days away. Finally we ended up with a few days in Lytham.

We visited some lovely attractions, played a lot of crazy golf, walked a lot, ate some good food, and enjoyed staying in hotels again. It was so nice to be away from home for a break from every day. Just a shame the OH couldn’t make it as we’d hoped for at least one.
Days out were fairly limited. N’s at the age where he’s less interested in going out for the day, he’s at the awkward inbetween age where places are too young or too old. Or he’d be more interested if we were out with friends.
Highlights were probably the National Space Centre, Wembley Tour, a couple of bike rides locally, enjoying our town’s newly opened multiscreen cinema, and first (and second time) ice skating trips. Not forgetting a very hot but great first visit for me to Wimbledon.

We also had one of the Queen’s Jubilee beacons held for the village on our hill which was interesting to see all the other nearby beacons lit up.
I only had one theatre trip this year, to see The Mousetrap, but I’ve got 3 already booked in for 2023, so hopefully will get back to the theatre more frequently.
This blog’s been going well, and I think I’ve just about surpassed last year’s traffic. I’ve not yet hit the 50k a month that I’d hoped to this year, but maybe next year.
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Favourite posts from this year:
- Latest art and sculpture trails in the UK
- Smores alternatives camping and at home
- Wimbledon centre court visit as a first timer
- End of primary school days
- Becoming a high school mum
I did start a 3rd blog – All Things Lists, although time is my enemy. I started well, but I do need to write more posts for it rather than ignoring it! My dance blog has been languishing too, so more activity and posts needed there too.
Next year I want to also take more photos again. I’ve been rubbish at taking them this year, and haven’t been doing much on Instagram. I don’t want to spend too much time on there, but would like to get back to some photography so a happy medium is needed. Maybe I’ll take part in some challenges on there to get inspired.
Goals for 2023
I didn’t achieve many of last year’s so I’m not sure I’ll bother having specific goals for 2023. Maybe just to get healthier again, lose the weight I put on for good. And to make sure N is supported in getting more independent, being trusted, and through any issues as he goes through the final pre-teen year. And hopefully get the OH to come on holiday with us.
Hopefully you’ve had a good 2022, and happy new year for 2023.
I love reading round ups like this.
I have found it so much harder to meet up with friends now that my girls are older. I always thought it would be easier but they have a better social life than I do. lol
I am glad N has settled into secondary school so well.
Well done you with all of the reading, I read 6 books last year which is an achievement for me. I’m aiming for more this year.
Wishing you all of the best for 2023. x