31 Christmas blog ideas to get you over writer’s block
So many bloggers get stuck with post ideas. Many are just starting out so might not be used to thinking up lots of post ideas. Others might have been writing for years and can’t think of anything new to write. I’m sure blogger’s block is a thing (if not, it should be). Although I rarely get stumped for post ideas.
After 8 years of blogging, I’ve still got lists of post ideas that are just titles or topics. Plus half written drafts that I will get round to writing (or just decide it’s not right and delete them). Both for this blog and my dance blog. Even with 2020 meaning no days out after March, and a lack of holidays and breaks to talk about, I’ve still been able to find things to write about. Yes, some are a slight divert from my usual (food and crafty posts, plus more Wasgij solutions for those in lockdown), but that’s the joy of having a diverse niche.
If you enjoy writing, then topics will flow. If the topic doesn’t fit with your blog, then find somewhere to guest post.
Sometimes I do like to join in with challenges though, and prompts can be helpful to spark off ideas. Blogmas is upon us and if you’re looking to join in with daily prompts for the whole of December, or just in the run up to Christmas, you might be looking for some ideas.

I did have to do a bit of initial digging around to think of some different ideas to what I’ve previously written about. I had some great ideas but this year won’t work – Christmas market best purchase ideas, I’m looking at you! But even if you have one post idea that won’t work, sometimes they can be adapted to a different angle..
Dont forget the visuals too. I tend to write quite long posts, and usually want at least 1 pinnable image. This year I’ll try and blitz a few Christmas stock shots myself, look back at my old photos I could use. But also look up stock image sites. I tend to mix the ones I use up a bit, otherwise you can find other bloggers using the same ones. So try cropping shots differently, or using in collages to make them your own.
Anyway, here’s some ideas for Christmas blog posts, for this year and in future (hence why there’s some no lockdown ideas included).
Christmas blog post ideas:
- Your dream family Christmas vs the reality
- Homemade Christmas gift ideas
- Homemade Christmas decoration ideas
- How you decorate your home inside and out
- How you create the buzz of Christmas
- The best and worst Christmas gifts you’ve received
- What makes the best Santa’s grotto experience and where was yours
- How to make Christmas special for all the family
- Organisation tips for a family Christmas
- Round up of the best Christmas experiences in your area
- What you do for Christmas eve
- Family games you play at Christmas
- Day in the life at Christmas
- What Christmas means to you
- Happy holidays or Merry Christmas?
- The Christmas stocking / Father Christmas gift process
- When should you tell your child about Father Christmas
- The best Christmas activities for different ages
- When does your Christmas start
- Family Christmas traditions
- The best board games for a family Christmas
- How to cope with Christmas with families in different locations
- Your festive wear of choice
- Favourite Christmas treats
- Christmas baking favourites and tips
- What makes a great Christmas movie for all ages
- Top tips for Christmas drinks
- What do you eat at Christmas
- Blogger Christmas tag (there’s always one going round)
- If you work over Christmas, how do you celebrate it
- Round up of the year
Quite often I find one theme will then lead to other ideas, so it’s quite easy to build up some other Christmas blog topic ideas. Even if you save them for the following year.
Find these ideas later, by pinning the image

If you’re a blogger, what do you enjoy writing about at Christmas, and if a reader, what do you want to read about?
This post was written as part of Blogmas, writing daily in December.