Bedding option tips to improve your camping sleep
Everyone loves nick nacks and intriguing gadgets, don’t they? Of the kind you find in kitchen shops or outdoor shops? I could spend hours in outdoor shops, and I don’t even like walking in the countryside. Ironic given I live on a farm. (I much prefer walking round towns with everything to see than across fields, just don’t tell my OH!). But camping gives you a great excuse to buy (or at least look at) new options each time. And improving my camping sleep options is something I’ve been working on for a while.
Because you never sleep as well as you expect to when you’re camping.

Annual camping trips
Each year we have an annual camping trip with friends (mostly mums and the kids), and every time I get out my essentials list and work out what needs replacing or what I’d like to buy. There’s always something extra to add to your equipment stash – whether we’ve had tent or equipment envy from the previous year’s camping trip, or I’ve spotted something new.
Apart from a love of shopping, I think my love of camping equipment stems from childhood. Firstly Guide camps. I went on two and neither were particularly successful. The first I ended up with a flu type illness as we were taking tents down. The second time I ended up being sick thanks to poorly cooked burgers. But it didn’t put me off. My brother and I spent many a summer pitched out and sleeping in our 2 man tent in the garden. Every week or so we had to re-pitch it so the grass was given time to recover.
As well as bricks and mortar shops, we now have the luxury of online shopping which is always handy when buying bulky things. Blacks online has plenty of options for everyone whether new to camping and trying it out in their back garden, festival goers or those who regularly go camping.

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Getting a good night’s sleep is so important in enjoying camping. The first night is always hard, but usually I find the rest I get a good night sleep (except maybe this trip because there was so much wind). So don’t scrimp on bedding solutions.
Tips for bedding options when camping:
1, Air bed, self-inflating mat or camp bed
I’m not a fan of air beds, and wouldn’t use one if I didn’t have an electronic pump to use in the car, but my back no longer copes with a thinner self-inflating mat (and I’m too much of a cheapskate to buy a much deeper better SIM. The days of foam bedding rolls are no longer for me. A camp bed can also be a good idea if you’d rather be off the ground and don’t mind being restricted to a specific sized bed.
2, Sleeping bag or duvets
Most people go for sleeping bags. For starters they’re made for the relevant temperatures, are available different sizes (junior, square, mummy, single, double, zip together etc) and take up much less room in a car than a duvet does. Plus you might only need a pillow and blanket, no other bed linen needed. But some people just take their duvets for a more home from home feel. Personally we’re sleeping bags all the way (although I do tend to use mine like a duvet over me as I hate being tight in them).
3, Blankets
You may have the best sleeping bag but some people prefer to be ultra-warm at night, and if you’ve room it’s worth taking a blanket to pop over your sleeping bag just in case. Better to have layers you can take off rather than struggling to sleep when the temperature drops.
4, Insulation
If you get cold or are going camping out of season, insulating under your bedding is a good idea. You can use interlocking foam mats, and emergency foil blanket or foil backed picnic blanket under your air bed or SIM.
Some people also like to sleep on their airbed or SIM on top of a campbed, so raising the bed up, but also taking the ‘mattress’ above the ground.
Hopefully these tips will make for a warmer night’s sleep.
What options do you use when you want a good night’s sleep while camping?
Disclosure: Sponsored post. All words are my own.
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clean soft fluffy pajamas 🙂
a tub of hot chocolate & big bag of marshmallows, no camping trip i complete without them xx
A good portable light is a must because you will never find anything in the tent in the dark and you might have to visit a bush in the night 😉
Definitely a shower! lol…Hate washing in public showers! lol
Baby Wipes
I’d take a nearby hotel with me just so I could go there if it gets too cold!
My essential would have to be wet wipes. Useful in a multitude of situations!
Baby wipes! They’re my everything essential.
Baby wipes would be mine, so you can keep clean x
My kindle and my dog!
A really good torch – helps you find irritating insects in the tent, lights night time visit to the loo, etc.
A proper pillow makes a big difference to a good sleep
toilet roll because at some point you cant find any when u most need it LOL
My camping Essential is a book and a babysitter! I might actually be able to get through my reading list then!
Bear Grills. If he can look after America’s President, he can look after me!
My camping essential would be my favourite pillow!
I wish I could take my bed camping as it’s so comfortable! But a torch & a blow-up mattress are my ‘real’ essentials.
A camp bed – honestly they are much better than an air bed don’t deflate halfway through the night!
We love our blow-up settee to chill out once our little girls asleep
En-suite in tent and A/C or heating depending on weather
Never forget a torch!
My camping essential has to be my partner and chief (humane) daddy long legs catcher; it’s the darting about in the tent I don’t like.
A little camp bed. Much more comfortable than an air bed…or the floor!
Wetwipes, a stove and a decent sleeping bag
my little one burner to put kettle on
A blow up couch, sleeping on the floor is enough without sitting on it!
Wetwipes! You never know when they will come in handy and they are useful for so many things including make do “showers”!
A robotic chef with mobile pizza oven
My kindle for relaxing with a book while the kids play!!
A pop-up toilet that folds into a small, light, sealed unit in seconds.
a kettle, and tea bags. There are few things in life that cannot be improve with a cup of tea,
hot water bottle!
My kettle and pg tips, everything is better after a decent cup of tea
Bug spray…definitely! 😉 x
a personal chef with a vast amount of food!
Definitely a bed but also a tent that is sound proofed so others don’t hear me snore
Anything to do with food or an extremely warm quilt.
A bottle of wine…..
wet wipes are a saviour!
A big group of friends as camping on your own is no fun. We just got back yesterday and we loved it, I would recommed taking a big thick hoodie.
Something that stops the mozzies from eating me!! (one that actually works)
A guaranteed source of energy, so that we can cook and make a hot drink, without the gas canister running out halfway through preparing our first meal!!!!!!!!
a torch for me and the address of the nearest hotel for my Wife!
PG Tips
My absolute essential is woolly socks to avoid cold feet at night
Your pillows from home. They make sleeping in a tent much easier.
A kettle for a cup of tea in the morning!
Beer and a torch.
A power supply so I could have a cup of tea in the mornings and can also charge up the kids phones for some peace & quiet
A couple of good books and a decent camping light, to be able to read when it gets dark.
Camping stove, but also plastic bags. They always come in handy!
A bbq, I love having all the family around the bbq eating and laughing 🙂
My phone – so I can phone for take away
Gloves – no matter how lovely a day it’s been it gets chilly at night so gloves are great for keeping you warm when you’re holding a chilled glass of something, sitting out in the evening.
Can’t really manage without PG Tips
A kettle as I love hot drinks especially when it is cold.
Camping essential is definitely wine! And a comfy pillow.
I always take my wok so that I can prepare big healthy meals for my large family
A kettle, cannot function without my morning coffee!
a torch. is my essential
Any type of light for night time visits
My electric blanket, I’m always cold when camping
Cannot sleep without my lovely duck down pillows – very luxury for camping!!
A couple of extra blankets to keep warm.
Definitely a head torch, so you don’t stumble on your way to the loo! True story, I once went camping in the countryside and saw a bunch of red lights in the sky line up in two perfect vertical lines and stay there still for AGES before disappearing into nothing. I have remained more open minded ever since.
A kettle to make an early morning cup of coffee
baby wipes as use for everything from personal hygiene to wiping down equipment!
Baby wipes is a must 🙂
I’ve had 2 big camping trips with my tent this year so far and planning another for October. I’ve bought hot water bottles for that one! My essential is my huge long padded coat, it is like wearing a sleeping bag and absolutely perfect for evenings and night time loo trips!
a laptop and a mobile internet connection – i cant live without the internet!
Blow up mattress to sleep on
My camping essential is a bottle of Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc, with a glass of course!
a good torch for any late night outings
A good pillow because my neck gets sore, a torch because I hate struggling to find the toilets in the dark and teabags for a morning cuppa
Bacon rolls cooked outside in the morning is what camping is all about.
It has to be a really decent inflatable mattress, I find it impossible to get to sleep without one.
Speak Out – the game. Took it two weeks ago when spirits were low due to a washout. Not only had our two families in stitches but half the site with us. It’s become a must have from now on.
My camping essential is my power bank to charge my gadgets!!
Mine is a comfy camp bed, so many times woke up in the morning to a flat blow up bed
Inflatable mattress. My back would definately let me know if I forgot it!
Dry shampoo. It’s perfect for those camping breaks when you don’t have facilities near!
A torch for late night toilet visits!
A camping stove
Baby wipes are my camping essential. They are amazingly useful for all sorts of things, not just cleaning sticky hands.
A torch to be able to see at night.
My nice warm duvet.
my camping essential would have to be a bottle (or three) of wine because once you’d drunk those you wouldn’t care if the weather was terrible or your tent wasn’t put together right!x
A decent mattress – we use foam ones which are a good inch thick and really comfy
Warm clothes! Hate being cold!
A magical king size bed made of marshmallows which goes up or down at a touch of a button
my sleeping bag is my essential. keeps me warm in winter and comfortable to sleep on in the summer!
A camping stove would be essential for having a mug of tea
A solar charger for emergencies
A really warm fleece for the cold nights!
definitely wet wipes, they are great for everything
A lamp im scared of the dark
Tins of sausage and beans mixed together, kids lap them up for breakfast!!!!
A windproof camping stove so you can make a lovely brew in the morning.
Insect repellant ! Anything that would stop the creepy crawlies in !
A camping stove, as I love tea and need to eat healthy food, also effective insect repellant”
A wind up torch
I always take my nespresso maker, I love camping with the kids, but can’t do without a decent coffee! x
The latest addition to our essential camping list is a marquee. I know it sounds over the top, but now I dont worry about cooking in the rain or eating outside the tent. It was the best item we have ever taken camping, and now we dont go without one.
A man!!! To keep me warm and do all the manly things like putting the tent up, making a fire and protecting me from the things that go bump in the night!
My swiss army penknife, you never know when you need to remove a stone from a horses hoof!
A really thick comfy inflatable mattress x
A torch because I’m secretly scared of the dark!
Kelly Ellen Hirst
Definitely a torch for those middle of the night toilet trips!
a Generator to power my CPAP machine…..
An inflatable mattress, I hate sleeping on the ground!
A head torch for reading when the kids have finally fallen aswell as for when I invariably need to go to the toilet and it’s dark
Insect repellent and water purifier!
First aide kit with lots of plasters as we usually need it at least ten times a day while camping.
Baby wipes
Has to be wet wipes!
A camping stove and lots of toilet paper.
I’m a ‘grumpy bear’ if I don’t get my morning coffee so I’d go for that….and equipment for making it.
Kettle for the tea
an air bed and sleeping bag!
Def soft loo roll x
baby wipes x
A thick, comfy, insect repelling sleeping bag because i hate the cold and insects haha
I would love to take fleecy pyjamas as I know it can get cold at night
My camping essential would have to be a stove to have that morning cup of tea!
My essential would have to be a portable phone charger – so I could be sure to call someone to come rescue me if the kids go crazy 🙂
hot water bottle
A good camping friend, it’s nowhere near as much fun camping on your own, also they’re invaluable helping to put the tent up and other tasks.
A stove for warmth and food,
Wet wipes!
A hipflask, need one round the campfire at night!
Wet wipes and pillows
Kettle for a cup of tea, if anything goes wrong or it’s really rainy, a cup of tea will make all better.
a shower
some sort of heater because i hate being cold
A comfy double bed and duvet (not real….!)
definitely a torch for those late night visits to the loo!
An air bed to sleep on
A torch and matches are vital
Dry shampoo so that I could keep my hair looking ok
baby wipes to keep clean and smell free 🙂
I’ve only been camping once & we forgot a touch, was a nightmare!
Our first trip is this weekend. I’m taking wine!
A camping essential is a torch
Deet, to keep the dreaded midge at bay!
A lighter or flint stick to light fire.
Most definitely baby wipes they are essential
Sun cream in any weather – I burn if I even think about sunshine!
A wind up lantern to see what you are doing
A few energy bars, just in case the worst happened!
A camping essential we learnt from our last camping trip is a stove..our gas ran out on the first night and we had to try and cook everything on a BBQ on skewers very hard for family of 5
First Aid Kit. Burns, scratches, cuts or bumps, one of these is bound to happen on an active camping trip, making a first-aid kit one of the most important camping essentials you could bring.
a torch as I’m always tripping over in the dark
Some wipes for sure
Probably my foundation lol x
Sleeping bags for sure so i am comfy and cosy
A large metal garden trolley….essential for carting all my essential camping equipment around muddy fields. X
I’d need a good reliable torch.
a washing machine
i have to take my pillow it makes me feel cosy
It has to be a sleeping bag. If you’re not warm enough with a decent sleeping bag, it’s tough to sleep! Nothing beats the feeling of snuggling up warm enough 🙂
An Airbed to add more comfort and extra insulation during the night.
midge cream if in Scotland, if not a good torch
A warm onsie for chilly evenings
Nice pillow – on the top of my sleeping bag – otherwise I won’t get much sleep.
My would be my lip balm and plenty of toilet paper
Wine x
A torch is essential for me, especially as we sometimes turn up at campsites after dark. It’s useful too for when guy ropes come loose during a windy night.
A torch,without one I’d be tripping all over the place in the dark,goodness knows where I’d end up!
Wet wipes.
A decent sleeping bag!
Mine is the little camping light bulbs so lightweight, takes up hardly any space and are really bright. Also love the waterproof picnic blanket. Make for great carpet inside tent ☺
A head torch so we can find our way to the bathroom even in the dark!
A real flushing toilet for a touch of luxury
my little kettle! couldn’t cope without a cup of tea in the morning
A camping stove for your morning cuppas and bangers n beans!