Camping enthusiast gift guide - Bubbablue and me

Camping gift ideas – gift guide for camping fans

*Ad – some gifted products / affiliate links

Once you start camping regularly, there’s not much turning back.  And you end up growing your camping equipment each year.  Going camping is dangerous for your bank account because you see so many ideas for camping set ups that makes you think ‘ooh that would make camping life so cool / much easier’ (*delete as required).  Much is dependent on the size of your car, but even if you’ve been camping for years, there’s always new innovations in tents and camping equipment.

If you’re a camping enthusiast (or even just someone new to taking your family camping), you don’t always want to spend money on nice to have items.  So why not add your camping wishlist to your Christmas list and give relatives or friends ideas of things you’d love.

I’ve pulled together a gift guide with lots of camping gift ideas, including items I’ve been sent to try out and things I’ve seen over the last year which could make great gifts for camping fans – some for stocking fillers, some for normal presents.

Camping enthusiast gift guide - Bubbablue and me

Camping gift ideas

Cushtie pillow

These pillows come in their own bag, and are longer than blow up pillows, so great for camping.  Choose one in the colour you want (pink, blue or black), and give it to moaning tired kids on car journeys as well as using in the tent at night.  I’m terrible for forgetting a pillow when I’m camping, but hopefully this would be something N would grab to take down with us as well.

Axe shaped multi-tool

Who wouldn’t want one of these multitools? They’re useful and a bit fun.  Anything that combines useful tools means less chance of losing them too – we can never find a bottle opener or scissors when we need them camping, so this would be helpful in most problem camping situations (the best would be the addition of a peg hook and spray proofer).

Collapsible lantern

Anything that frees up space while packing for camping is a great idea, and this lantern’s sweet – plus useful with it’s handle you can hang from the tent.  It’s solar powered, so no need to worry about batteries running out.

Hydro flask

I don’t really drink hot drinks usually, but in summer temperatures can go down in the evenings. Camping in a big family group means that often drinks are poured out for everyone, and some people don’t get to theirs before they cool down. With the Hydro flip flask, coffee stays hot for up to 6 hours, it’s BPA and Phthalate free, and you can use it for hot foods like soup because it’s stainless steel build means it doesn’t hold on to flavours

camping gift guide

Hard ground tent pegs

Once you’ve been camping once you realise that the tent pegs that come with tents aren’t the best. It was only 3 years down the line that I heard about rock pegs.  You can get tent pegs for different types of ground, and after this year’s heatwave, the Rock Pegs I bought were brilliant. Not only are they great to knock into the ground, but they’re brightly coloured for easy viewing, and they include a peg hook for easy removal.  These make great gifts – or any one of the similar boxed tent peg options.

hard ground tent pegs

Snugboy Inflatable chair

We have a cheaper version of these, but they’re so handy to have camping. For lazing around at the campsite, in or out of the tent, or on the beach. You don’t need anything to inflate it other than either wind, or a bit of someone wafting their arms around.  For handy gift wrapping, they come in their own bag

inflatable sofa

Melanine camping set

We tend to just use the boring white set that came in our picnic set, but if you’re camping with friends, they tend to all get mixed in and it’s hard to know whose plates are whose. There’s so many designs to choose from, but they can be subtle and look less like camping or picnic gear or you can go arty with more of a mondrian style set.  Enamel is the alternative, but melanine has less cringe-rating with cutlery scraping on it.

Personalised enamel mug

These cute mugs would be a great stocking filler for men, women or children.  No need for them to lose their mug to anyone else in the tent.

Outwell Campfire Tripod

For those who want more than just a single gas stove, this is a bit of fun without having to go the whole hog with a campfire or bbq. It’s adjustable, and easy to set up, great for grilling and bbq-ing on

Aquabot water cleaner

For easy swilling off muddy shoes and boots, or washing up single items – handy when you’ve no permanent water supply in the wilds, or just squirting the children if they’re misbehaving.

Matador pocket blanket

This blanket folds down to the size of a packet of crisps, but open is big enough for 4 to sit on. Use it in your tent, or outside for kids to play

If you want to treat yourself, you could do worse than buying this amazing rainbow bell tent!


Disclosure: I was sent some of these gift guide products for the purpose of this gift guide. All words and opinions are my own.

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  1. That inflatable chair looks amazing, I could do with that next summer for the garden! – Thanks for linking up with the Christmas gift guide linky!

  2. Snugboy Inflatable Chair is top of my camping wishlist I envied all my fellow campers who had one this year although if I have one I won’t get much of a look in with my boy lol ,thanks for a fab giveaway.

  3. A self inflating mattress after borrowing a friends this year no way I can go back to a mat!!!

  4. l would love one of the self inflating mats i’m not very good with just the sleeping bag.

  5. Having made a new start in life I’m short of a tent! Im going to treat myself to a small backpack sized one for next year.

  6. its got to be a self inflating mattress for a bit of comfort and a leakproof tent is a must.

  7. I’d love one of those self inflating mattresses. A little bit of comfort would be great

  8. I’d love one of those pull along trailers, for getting kit from the car to campsite!

  9. A bigger tent – we only have a four man and I have two very active kids – not the ideal combo!

  10. a proper camping air bed – too old to be getting on to a down on the ground camping mat these days!

  11. As all my camping equipment is second hand, it’s well used, there are items on this prize list that would make our next camping experience far more comfortable, practical and enjoyable, the item which caught my eye in particular was the snugboy inflatable chair – we would take turns on this for sure.

  12. id like a nice big tent and some super cosy warm sleeping bags. so my husband and I can start our next part of life together now the children have flown the nest and create lasting cherished memories. thanks for the chance

  13. i have heard that this is the best on the market – Snugpak Special Forces Complete System Sleeping Bag x

  14. would love an airbeam tent, they go up so quick its unbelievable and down just as easy 🙂

  15. An Emergency Foil Thermal Survival Blanket to put under my tent – I’ve been told it really keeps you warm!

  16. A sun shelter – we went camping in June and were in desperate need of some shade, and we were in the UK!

  17. I would say a good air bed is a must, followed by water bottles, nothing worse that waking in the night for a drink and need to walk over a field to a water source.

  18. A tent with different rooms and a living room area! And a big good looking man with big muscles to put it up for me!!

  19. I think a good night’s sleep really makes or breaks a camping trip! I would love a new camp bed or one of the new SIMs I’ve heard great things about!

  20. A larger camping stove. Pour current one only has one ring so makes cooking a little limited

  21. Would love some super comfy blow up beds and a sofa bed I saw one a while back and it looked fab

  22. I would like a good air bed to sleep on… Getting a good nights sleep always makes camping more enjoyable

  23. Not having my own car I’d love a QTvan – love the fact that in such a small design they prioritised a drinks cabinet!
    With my loved ones having little money I’d settle with a blow-up mattress which stayed inflated all night.

  24. I love the campfire tripod, looks much more fun than the gas stove so that will be top of my camping wishlist.

  25. A new tent would be a great help as our old one is just not big enough for us all now.

  26. When we went this year the people on the pitch next to us had an air beam tent. Amazing! Up in no time and if I had one of those I think I could probably manage to take the children occasionally by myself when we are all off school but husband still working. I’m not tall enough to put our tent up without help 🙁

  27. The Snugboy Inflatable chair I’ve had my eye on for ages! Perfect for camping but also days out. Also any inflatable mattress would be great.

  28. We’ve only just started camping and have a week booked for next year. What I really want before then is one of those double camp stoves. Easily pleased me.

  29. I’d love to buy a decent sleeping bag liner, so that I stay dry and cosy and it’s also easier to clean afterwards!

  30. A good quality, insulated, light, self inflating ground mat, worth its (very light) weight in gold.

  31. A good airbed! That’s easy to inflate, comfortable and doesn’t start to deflate over night :-\

  32. A compact packaway blanket or massive towel that we can use for picnics, for the baby to roll around on and generally to make things cosy.

  33. Wet wipes are always useful 😉 and a warm blanket as sometimes a sleeping bag just doesn’t cut the mustard!

  34. a nice new camping bed or chair bed would do me as the one i have at oresent is a crap one thats about to break any day, and is extremely uncomfortable for me to sit on – due to the fact my body dislocates a minimum of 8 times a day

  35. We need a good light. Tried so many solar ones (we don’t have electric hook-up) and even on the hottest day, so they are fully charged they still don’t last too long. Oh and a good solar charger for my phone too.

  36. A radio that you wind up by hand to charge so we can have music and news at any time

  37. A lovely comfy inflatable mat to lie on in my cosy new sleeping bag. As long as you’re warm and comfy at night you can put up with anything. Also a chef to prepare and have ready a banquet when we return to camp from our daily adventures. Also a travelling launderette would be great.

  38. 2 New sleeping bags, ours are ancient, haven’t been camping for years, but hopefully next year.

  39. I would say my most desirable item would be a comfortable, supportive camping bed. I went camping last year with just a camping mat and had a crippling bad back for the next week.

  40. We are cheating slightly and have bought a campervan. I’ve got my eye on a ridge monkey pan for the hob

  41. Something decent to sleep on – an inflating mattress is much better than a thin roll mat

  42. Top of our list is new chairs, the replacements after the last pair were stolen are not very comfortable. It didn’t matter til we invested in a new tent and we can now accommodate chairs inside the tent.

  43. I have had my eye on the Snugboy Inflatable Chair. They look so practical (Beach!Garden!Concert!Camping!) and also comfy & inviting.

  44. Love the inflatable chair, it actually looks comfortable and something that could hold body weight well! Xx

  45. The pillow, and the hard ground tent pegs, just what I need! Always end up camping somewhere on hard ground, uncomfy and impossible to get the tent up. Need some more warm bedding for next time!

  46. Snugboy inflatable is so perfect for camping and looks so comfy! Fingers crossed! We can take all this to the highlands when we go camping x

  47. Snugboy inflatabke would be perfect for camping and looks so comfy! Fingers crossed! We can take all this stuff to the highlands x

  48. portable BBQ for me, or a camping stove, as I would still want a good hot cocoa to watch the stars with

  49. My top camping essential would always be a warm sleeping bag with a built in hood and pillow. All you really need!

  50. A new groundsheet. We made do all summer with none, which wasn’t so good when it had been raining

  51. A new self inflating mat at the moment. Really want a Sea to Summit one, although tempted by some other wintery ones. After camping in minus temperatures during a bad storm in Scotland last year, anything that adds a bit of insulation.

  52. I would love a camping stove and kettle to make fresh coffee and fry eggs for breakfast

  53. Oh deffo a camping friendly frying pan set so I could cook up some bacon and eggs for everyone

  54. A soft sleeping bag. To be honest I have a huge camping wishlist at the moment as my 13 year old daughter is about to start her 1st Duke of Edinburgh a Expedition and I haven’t even started on her out yet but she keeps telling me to make sure that she has a nice bed to sleep in

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