Christmas isn’t a competition; think Christmas memories
Christmas is a big thing for so many people. But for some it also feels like a lot of pressure.
For us, we’ve been able so far have the type of Christmas we’ve wanted. I don’t take much notice of what others are doing for their Christmas, other than to potentially find ideas for place to visit.
It’s all about the memories. Ok so children may rave about whatever expensive gift you got them, but they’re more likely to remember the simple gift they meant something to them. Or more likely the memories of your family’s Christmas traditions. Or the disasters that happened but meant more fun.
Here’s some of the Christmas memories I have from my childhood that I’ll always remember, and the ones I hope N will remember too.

Christmas memories
Christingle services in church where you get to burn candles and drip wax on your fingers and peel them off. Plus eating the peanuts out of their shells (no sweets on Christingles when we were children.
A carol service we went to as Brownies in another church, and the vicar had the whole congregation singing the 12 days of Christmas in sections. We were ‘5 Gold Rings’ and were quite magnificent.
Taking part in a Cinderella pantomime as an Ugly Sister with my best friend at the time, wearing fancy dressing gowns, hair nets and a lot of bad make-up.
Walking home after Midnight Mass at church, and waving Merry Christmas to the few cars driving past as they beeped their horns to celebrate.
I’ve also been checking out some things friends have said about their Christmas memories.
Sitting with my brother and us picking the best item on randomly opened Argos catalogue pages.
Charades with my Nan, who was reaaallllyy bad at understanding the rules.
Family games of Trivial Pursuit.
Always having a satsuma and walnut in our stockings, even though they never got eaten.
Upgrading advent calendars to chocolate ones, and my mum asking us to have a bit of chocolate each morning. But we’d already broken into the back of them and eating all the chocolates.
My mum making me a homemade knitted jumper with liquorice allsorts all over it (it was as bad as it sounds, but I loved it)
Opening stockings on our mum’s bed (I only have a photo to remember doing the same when my dad was still alive)
Toasting crumpets on the fire. And eating crackers and cheese in the living room on the floor.
A random invite to my brother’s friend’s parents house and all the teens/older children spending the afternoon in the ping pong room in the old dairy. I got a bit tipsy from the friend’s older brother who kept topping up my red wine (never faced it since). I somehow covered it up from my mum, and just went straight to bed to sleep off the headache when we got home.
The best Christmas when a family up the road invited ours over for the afternoon because we were just our mum and us, as were they after the parents split up. We had a great time, playing pictionary, eating a nice tea and enjoying being more than just the 3 of us.
Christmas day tea on the farm usually involves everyone – all the cousins and in laws, heading to one of the houses for tea, opening any presents that haven’t already been given, and a few games. It’s the type of big family Christmas occasion I always imagined growing up as we had a relatively small family.
Here’s what some of my friends have said they loved and remembered.
Boxing day dips in the sea (brrrrr)
Being allowed to eat in the living room for tea.
Lighting the advent candle every day.
Bucks fizz and smoked salmon on crackers for breakfast
Card games that carried on and on (and Monopoly)
Dad snoring in front of the fire after lunch
Bad family jokes
Party dresses even when staying at home
Eating chocolate coins for breakfast
Christmas baking with Grandma.
It shouldn’t be about outdoing the neighbours or people posting their huge piles of gifts, or massive shopping hauls on social media or whatsapp groups.. This year, I’m sure lots of families will be going back to a simpler Christmas, many staying at home and relying on technology to see their families and friends.
It will be interesting to see how the memories are made this Christmas season, because not many people’s Christmasses will be like any others we might have had before.
How will you be celebrating Christmas this year?
This post is for day 5 of Blogmas.
- Day 1 intro to Blogmas
- Day 2 What to look for at Christmas markets
- Day 3 Gifts for book lovers
- Day 4 31 Christmas blog ideas
- Day 5 Christmas isn’t a competition; it’s about memories
- Day 6 13 Secret Santa Tips
This post has been included by Twinkl among their top picks for their favourite Christmas traditions.