Easy microwave chocolate mint fudge
Try this delicious chocolate mint fudge, made fast in the microwave
I’ve got a bit obsessed with fudge recently after lusting over slow cooker fudge appearing on my Instagram stories. I’m even lazier; making fudge in the microwave has always been my go to. Less washing up (the jug can even go in the dishwasher), no burning or stirring on the stove, and in the fridge to set within 10 minutes. I can even make 2 flavours (one batch, halved for two flavours) in the time it takes for N to go to the farm for break time. Result!

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The basic easy fudge recipe is just 1 tin of sweetened condensed milk and 400g of whatever chocolate you like. I usually go for milk chocolate because I’m not a white chocolate fan and find that a stronger taste. But if you want a pretty coloured fudge, then white chocolate is the one to go for. You can always add flavours on top. This time I made choc peppermint fudge.
Whatever flavouring or extra ingredients you use, bear in mind if they’re more liquid you’ll need to add more chocolate to help it set. It could need as much as another 200g of chocolate. I added another 50g and it set fine.
If you’re using white chocolate and want to colour your fudge a mint green flavour, use concentrates like Wilton food colouring gels* rather than a liquid. You’ll only need a tiny amount of colouring and you won’t need the extra chocolate needed to set it.
As I said, I like to split my tin of condensed milk in half and make 2 different flavours. Fudge lasts for up to 2 weeks stored in the fridge, but making half a batch at a time is a good option if you have no willpower like me. The alternative is a big batch and then give some away as a gift.
This peppermint fudge is a 3 ingredient version because I’ve used peppermint extract. You could use a mint chocolate instead like Mint Aero, and leave out the extract.
Apart from the ingredients you’ll need:
A microwavable bowl or jug (I used a plastic jug)
20x20cm (8 inch) square tin (or plastic/glass shallow dish. As I make half the amount, I use a takeaway plastic rectangular container, or similar. The sides need to be around 5cm high minimum.
Baking paper squares – I usually get mine from Lakeland but have just ordered some replacements from Amazon, or you can just use greaseproof or baking paper off rolls from the supermarket. You want it to come slightly up at least 2 sides, so you can remove the fudge inside the liner.
So, just 3 ingredients, plus about 3 minutes in the microwave and 2-3 hours of setting time.
I dug out some leftover candy canes from Christmas and crushed those to top the fudge with. But it tastes just as good plain. Or try a little melted white chocolate with peppermint extract in to swirl on the top before setting.

Once it’s set, just remove using the liner to pull it out. Then chop into 1 inch (ish) size squares. You can store the fudge in the fridge in a lidded container for a week or so.

I think this chocolate mint fudge is such a luxurious taste, it would be great for an after dinner sweet sign off the meal. Great to take to friends if you’re going round for dinner!

Chocolate peppermint fudge
A luxurious smooth easy microwavable mint chocolate fudge
- 397 g sweetened condensed milk tin
- 400 g milk chocolate
- 1-2 tsp peppermint extract
- 2 candy canes optional
Break the chocolate into chunks and add to the condensed milk in a microwavable jug.
Add the peppermint extra then microwave on full power until the chocolate is melted. Stir every 30 seconds until combined.
Pour into a baking paper lined tin or container.and if using, sprinkle crushed candy canes over the fudge. Press in slightly to the top
Put in the fridge to set for around 3 hours.
Once fully set, lift out with the baking paper and cut into 1 inch (ish) pieces.

What’s your favourite fudge flavour?
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