Exploring footpaths to enjoy the countryside
Considering we live in the countryside and have fields surrounding us, we don’t go for many walks. Actually we don’t go for any.
It’s a long cry from the days when I was dating the OH, when each weekend he’d take a few hours off work and we’d take the dog out for a walk together. Now the OH works all the time, it’s rare that he takes any time off especially in the day. Our black Labrador mostly roams around the farm all day and only goes in her kennel when she’s tired or wet, the springer spaniel would hunt all day and run off if let out alone all day, so is mostly in her kennel and out at specific times of the day to roam (and mostly follow the OH around the barns). My mother in law, and usually sister in law both go out for daily walks and usually take one or a couple of the dogs out.
When N was in a pushchair sometimes I’d push him the 1.5-2 miles to the next village where the park is, but we’ve not yet been for a walk across the fields. I always think I’d get lost walking in our own fields, or end up getting him cornered by nosy cattle. I also generally find walking the fields a tad boring because it all gets a bit samey and apart from the odd view, there’s not an awful lot to see. Given that we have a wonderful view out of the house, I don’t feel the need to just ramble in order to see that. I mostly prefer walking in towns because there’s a lot more to see, and I feel like I can walk a lot longer exploring.
But the other day I spotted a perfect field of rape seed and wanted to get out there and take some photos. So on the next drive out, I took my camera, packed N up with me, and we parked nearby to go for a bit of a photo shoot.

Even better there was a public footpath alongside so we walked along there some way.

It was lovely just walking out with N and not really something we’ve done before (other than walking round the massive park in town to get to the playground and walk by the canal).

Yes it was samey – just lots of rape seed crops and not a lot else to look at.

But it was great to be able to use that time to chat to N, tell him about the crops (which he seems to have forgotten only a week later), and have the time out to take what photos I wanted.

I’m now thinking that I should find a local map, and when we’re driving out and about, make more of an effort to just stop when we see somewhere to park and a public footpath sign, so get out exploring with N.

Do you go on many walks? How do you choose where to go?
Ah although ‘samey’ I think your photographs are wonderful. 😀 #countrykids
I think we’re going to have to start picking random places as well. Look out for a sign and then just walk.
I think you tend to ignore the countryside on your own doorstep. When I lived in Brackley I bought an OS map of the area and did some walking. Keep meaning to do the same here as Monkey loves walking and we want to start geo-caching. We went for a walk along the footpaths around the hamlet where my best friend lives in Derbyshire today – it was lovely.
So true. I like looking out the window but walking in fields is a tad boring. I need to do the same, get a local map. We’ve got 3-4 geocaches near us, including one on our hill. Must get round to doing one of the easier ones.
When we moved house we bought a book of local walks; in two years we’ve done 2 out of 12. We keep saying we’ll go walking once a month (and look for some geocaches as well), but it hasn’t happened yet.
Sounds like what I’d be like. I remember when we first moved to the village of our childhood, my mum would drag us out for Sunday walks. We hated them with a passion.
Your photo shoot looks beautiful, though I think I could lose my way quite easily in all that yellow! Like you I used to wheel the buggy with mine the mile or two to the village by road, it would have required back carriers to do the fields which didn’t work with 3! thank you for sharing your beautiful fields on Country Kids.
Not easy trudging 3 round with you. You must have had a mammoth buggy/pram. Despite us having our own fields (and a historical public footpath going through out land), I’ve not taken N out so far. Really should this summer, to see how far he can go.
We are able to try a few longer walks now and it is lovely to be do isn’t it. my husband and I used to walk regularly before we had children too. Lovely photo’s.
We’ve just moved house and behind us are feeds of rapeseed, I took the camera out with the kids for a walk amongst it the other day. We’ve never had this luxury before and they loved it, so different from our inner-city previous home. I love Ns face, just perfect and it looks great #countrykids
There are a lot of trails near us, through woods and along beaches, which are beautiful and we’ll often drive to one of those at the weekends. And, although walking in town is often not as easy as it could be (roads definitely come before pavements here!) I’m lucky that our town is very walkable and I do a lot of walking (when it’s not snowing!). Love these photos, they’re fab, definitely worth finding that footpath 🙂 #countrykids
Thanks Sara. You often don’t realise they’re there, so I really need to keep a look out.
I love the idea of just finding a public footpath and exploring it – there are a few footpaths around our village that I really must explore some time. I love your photos – the rape seed crop is so pretty. Looks like you both enjoyed your walk 🙂