Giveaway: Dribble bibs
I couldn’t (and still can’t) believe how much N dribbled from the age of about 3 months. He’s now got all 20 teeth but is still dribbling – I reckon he’ll be at school before he stops, although the amount of dribble has reduced slightly. I don’t think it helps that a lot of the time when he’s playing or thinking, he doesn’t keep his mouth shut.
I’m not a fan of using normal bibs to protect a baby’s clothes as they don’t seem to have the right sort of backing to prevent the chin getting sore or to truly protect their clothes, so I was pleased to have discovered dribble bibs when he was really young. We’ve been a fan of Funky Giraffe bibs from the start and found them to be the best at keeping the wetness off his tops underneath as well as having really cool patterns and colours to choose from.
In the hope that (sod’s law) he’ll stop dribbling now, I ordered some more for N as his old ones are getting a bit discoloured with all the saliva and washing, so I decided to get a couple extra to do a giveaway on here. Don’t worry, he’s not tried them out. I let him choose the colours he wanted and these are the ones for the giveaway.

They’re 100% cotton front, underneath is soft and fleecy, and there’re double poppers to allow for neck size differences. So if you want your baby or toddler to be as funky as N (he’ll look so naked without his bibs once he’s stopped dribbing), you can enter below through Rafflecopter below.
P.S. This giveaway is being run by me and me alone, because we love our dribble bibs and want to share our experience with others. UK entry only please. 2 prizes – 1 boy and 1 girl bib.
Boy bib.
I would like boys please
a girls please
I’d love a girl’s one please x
boy please!
I loved dribble bibs with Ethan. I actually brought the craze to my town 3 and a bit years ago.. They are everywhere now lol!!
Boy please if I win 🙂 x
girl please!
boy please 🙂
A boy one please 🙂
Boy one please.
girl one please x
Boy pls 🙂