Remembering the good little things in life
Anyone else given up doing new year’s resolutions already? Or anyone like me who hasn’t really made any? I gave up making them after realising a few years ago that after 30 odd years, stopping biting my nails wasn’t really going to happen. And losing my weight can be done at any time when I’m ready and not ill (I was so ready to start this year and then laryngitis happened and doing a diet is the last thing I want to be doing).
So what I’m planning is just to try and enjoy the little things. It’s not been going well so far, because, well being ill, and lots going on at work. But there’s always something good in every day.
Last year, N and I started a little gratitude diary. Well, I was treating it as a way to remember the little things. He was just drawing pictures of what he fancied that day. We didn’t keep it up but it was a nice thing to do and is something we should really start again.

Here’s my good little things in life:
Feeling fit and healthy – it’s not going well so far, but there’s plenty of time. People at work have started a little gang to play squash. I’m not sure my knee will hold up to it, and I know I’m not fit enough to play again yet, but I’d like to give it a gentle go when I’ve lost a bit of weight.
Blue skies – well, any skies other than grey ones, because they can make you smile so much whether it’s a clear blue sky or a pretty sunrise or sunset

Flowers – I started buying flowers again towards the end of last year for my flower photography course, and they’re lovely to have in the house. So I shall be buying more, and taking more photos of them.
Photography – N might have said no to photos on the blog, but I can still take photos of him for us to enjoy. I want to go back and do him a video of all the previous Living Arrows shots. I’ve also signed up for the Year with my camera graduates camera club. Needless to say I’ve not done either of the first 2 homeworks, but I’d like to try and join in with that a bit, as well as possibly making some of the local meet ups or instawalks.
Friends – hopefully this year I’d like to try and arrange to meet up with at least 1 friend (outside of work) a month. Time marches on and I never get round to seeing friends, but really must make more effort through the year.
Music – last year I Shazamed a lot of new music, and haven’t got round to buying it. I need to sort out my itunes to download the library, remove it from my old laptop and get the library onto my new laptop so I can actually safely plug in my ipod again to update it and add new music. I really don’t want to reload 250+ CDs again. Then I can have some new playlists and rediscover some old favourites.
Dancing – because I love it, and hopefully getting fitter means less aches and pains in ankle and legs and I’ll be able to dance for longer. I want to get to some bigger freestyles further afield again, and make more of my dance blog What about Dance.
Videos – I might not be allowed to include N in my youtube videos, but I still want to share some of our outings. So it’s time to look out for different things to film when we’re out and about, and maybe get N in on the filming and directing as well.
And to top it off, chocolate. Chocolate goes against my getting healthy and losing weight, and I do find that I am an all or nothing person. But I’m not sure I can ever cut out a really good chocolate.

What are the little things in life that make you happy?
I’m enjoying novels, trying new recipes and the growing family of birds that visit my garden.
Seeing the garden cone back to life after a long wet winter,it,s great to have snowdrops & crocuses adding colour.
Catching up with old friends.
I’m really enjoying baking again at the moment, I used to do it loads before the kids came and now after 3 in close succession they are finally getting to the age I am starting to get a bit more time for me.
Rice pudding since I have been pregnant!
I enjoy spending time with my little granddaughter. We spend a long weekend each month with our daughter, granddaughter and son-in-law because we live quite far apart and it’s a 5 hour drive each way. We get a big chunk of time with them, and our granddaughter spends the Friday and Monday with us rather than going to nursery. I especially love doing crafts with her – she loves glitter, sequins and glue, and we can then return home with a new piece of art to stick on our fridge.
colouring and photograpy
my children, and spending time with them x
Going for regular walks in the local parks
I’m enjoying visiting new places and going for walks.
Little things I’m enjoying at the moment are being able to take half an hour in the evenings to myself and enjoy a hot chocolate 🙂
Spending time with my beautiful granddaughter Harper. Beautiful things cost nothing, but love and happiness xx
I’m enjoying that the sun has started to come out, which has improved my mood!
Enjoying the joy our puppy has brought to the children : )
Having evenings and weekends with my husband finally. His job meant he has had to work every weekend and 5 nights a week for the last 7 years so just being able to cook and eat together & chill out in front of a film or socialise with friends at weekends feels like a real treat at the moment!
Just seeing the smiles on my 3 childrens faces, it lights me up!
I went for a lovely walk in the sunshine today with a friend and so nice to feel the sun again
Love the fact it’s getting lighter and warmer at night xxx
Enjoying having weekends off again after working nearly every Saturday for 2 years. It’s wonderful.
Having a regular weekly walk with my friend
I’m enjoying the start of spring! Can’t wait to get out there with the kids and have some adventures
Just enjoyed some time off work and it was lovely having some family time during half term break!
I’m enjoying the evenings becoming lighter and a bit milder in the day
smoothies – I’ve even taken to chucking veggies in with them. I struggle to get in my fruit and veg every day but I can easily get in 2 veggies and 4 fruits in one smoothie 😀
The days getting lighter and spring bulbs coming up
I am loving the cauliflower cheese soup I mDe yesterday – going bonkers I can’t stop thinking it.
I really enjoy waking up and spending time with my family x
I just started practising yoga and Im loving it. I feel more subtle more relaxed and I am sleeping better.
Just being able to go to and fro work in the daylight – makes such a difference
Being pregnant and waiting for my little spring bundle to arrive
I’m really enjoying my cross stitch and watching White Collar on Netflix at the moment in the evenings 🙂
I really enjoy trips to the library with my 5 year old son. It’s our time as his dads not that big into reading and they have their boy time. Both my son and I are massive bookworms and can happily spend hours choosing books. It’s one of the few times my son isn’t distracted by something else like screens and we can have a good conversation about new things he’s learnt or discovered he likes. Then when we get home we snuggle up in his reading corner with all the new books.
daffodils on my mantlepiece!
raw cacao vegan truffles
Peace and quiet and good family films over half term break
I enjoy spending time at home with the family , just relaxing time.
Spending time with my children and just seeing them smile
relaxing a reading a good book
I’ve just started getting back into reading books I forgot how enjoyable it is when you get stuck into a good book.
saturday night tv 🙂
Watching the sunrise as the it’s now getting lighter everyday
The spring flowers
Fresh air with my daughter’s, even in the rain 🙂
Time with the kids & time to myself, clearly not at the same time!
I’m still enjoying chocolate! I’m also enjoying watching the bulbs start to spring to life in the garden 🙂
Recently found my love for jigsaws !
Being able to start going out walking again as the weather has just been awful
the sunshine finally coming back
I’ve gotten really really into pistachio nuts!
Lazy weekends at home relaxing and watching films
spotting spring flowers popping up
My 4yr old developing new skills all the time and surprising me with them, eg. Doing buttons on clothes, improved writing and drawing skills, widening food likes.
time spent with family
I’m enjoying microwave popcorn in the evenings!
A glass of wine with coronation street
While my toddler is napping I enjoy a cup of coffee and a chocolate biscuit while watching an episode of “My Crazy Ex Girlfriend” on Netflix.
walks with my dog
I’m enjoying having just about enough time to read my book and do some knitting
Spending time with my husband n a weekend now I don’t work shifts.
I’m enjoying seeing the snowdrops coming through.
I am enjoying dog walks in the mornings and cosy log fires in the evenings.
Getting a chance to read my book
enjoying every day
I’m just loving life, one day at a time!
Reading my book
Watching Netflix. I love discovering something new
I’m enjoying the simple life, having time to relax and read lots of books.
Going for long walks with my partner
Cosy night in front of the fire
Going for a walk in the sunshine
I’m enjoying the fact that the days are slowly getting longer and it’s sometimes even still light when I get in from work. Best thing is that this will get better and better.
Finishing work early on a Friday
Watching my little boy making me proud every single day.
i am enjoying my 3rd cup of caramel coffee
looking out the window at 5pm and realising it’s light again! x
Taking my new cocker spaniel Indie for sunny morning walks
A cup of hot chocolate and a biscuit.
Having time to myself and exercising more
Our dogs
Daylight in the morning when I get up and have my first coffee of the day. I hate dark mornings
spending cosy night snuggled on the sofa
using up my leave while the weather is so bad
Enjoying the outdoors when I’m walking the dogs xx
Silence – when my neighbour turns down the volume…
I am enjoying spending quality time with family and peanuts.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer!
Enjoying a read of a good book before bed
I’m loving my 4 year old grandsons logic, my daughter is having twins & he’s informed there’s only one baby & a mirror.
netfl;ix! we finding all sorts to watch on this rainy day
My friend has become blind and it has really woken me up to how lucky I am. I have always loved reading and I really appreciate it now. But even when bills turn up I’m grateful that at least I can read them and don’t have to wait until a friend turns up to read them to me.
I’ve really got into making homemade soups lately and am really loving them, such a differencec to soup from a can its unreal
Beachcombing… love walking along the beaches near me but more interesting when I find different pieces of driftwood, metals ,and anything I can make into something…,very relaxing
Cooking/baking something different from one of my many cookery books. As it’s been cold I have made soup for my lunch this week
Organising suprise trip overseas to visit my grandad on his birthday and get him to meet his great grandson for the first time
Going for brisk walks and enjoying coming into the warmth
I have just bought a yogurt maker and I have had great fun in making little pots of yogurt. It is so good and easy and I shall use my frozen blackcurrants, red currants, raspberries and blackberries to flavour the yogurt in the future.
Im really enjoying researching my family history. Its my dads 65th birthday this year and hes always wanted to do this but never got round to it. I thought i would join ancestry then put together a family tree in a frame for him. Originally a means to an ends but im loving it! Found a few surprises too but nothing too shocking 😉
Spending fun time with my 3 grandchildren
The little thing I’m most enjoying at the moment is making time before lunch to read.its hard sometimes to prioritise my own wants when there’s always more important tasks I could do, but making this part of my routine feels lovely.
I have just discovered Cremant so enjoy an occasional glass before dinner with friends but my favourite little thing at this time of year is watching the garden for snowdrops, crocuses and daffs to burst into flower. Lovely!
walks in natural parks with my love
Peace with the kids away at Uni
I am really loving just being able to spend any time I get with loved ones as they always manage to make my smile! Fingers crossed! 🙂
spending time with my pets
Have been stuck in bed with the flu so have enjoyed catching up watching Eastenders on Iplayer as I never normally get the time.
Quiet nights now my boys have got over the flu
half term with my children
watching the spring bulbs appear
A week off work
Watching birds paddling in the birdbath
Dmorbing walks along the beach, cooking with seasonal veg and hunkering down with a good book!
Snugly hugs with my 9 week old son
at the moment im enjoying me time!
Listening to the increased birdsong as Spring approaches, the fact that the hours of day-light are now longer and reading as many books as I can fit into a month.
seeing all the baby birds visiting my garden x
I am enjoying cosying up and catching up on some reading
Reading my book x
Country walks with my sons,
krispy creme dohnut wont be allowed any more after this weekend
My time at the gym
having a few days off to relax
Feeling my growing baby kick and prod me x
reading my books when my sons are at cubs on a monday
painting and hiding rocks out with the kiddies!!!
I’m enjoying my goodreads challenge as I know I’m gonna beat it by a mile and a half lol!!
My little boy who is growing up too fast and watching him reach his milestones, he is just started to learn to crawl at the moment xx
I’m learning to knit, I’m enjoying that on these dark nights x
Lying on the sofa, pyjamas on, wood burner on, cosy and warm
Managing to keep up with my New Year’s Resolution of walking to work every day – it’s so refreshing to be outdoors!
Sitting in front of an open fire on a cold evening
Cups of sweet tea and nice cosy socks.
out for walks with the dog and benefiting the exercise as well.
Listening to music while entering a couple of comps
My little girls, they’re growing so fast
Being in good health and enjoying each day
Winter scenery
My five beautiful grandchildren!
Walking the dog and seeing all the signs of spring
having time to read
Listening to music when I am chilling in the bath.
Reading the stories that I write for my daughter, gnomes, fairies, unicorns, you name it it is in it!!!
Going for walks every day and planning for the future
Walking in the fresh air as the weather (slowly) starts to get brighter.
My new role at work means I finish 45 minutes earlier. I’m loving using this time to read the papers and unwind.
(Angela Kelly on Rafflecopter)
Time with my children and the enjoyment of a candle and soft blanket at night
At the moment I’m really enjoying reading with my son x
I Love dark evenings
Snuggling up on the sofa with a good book and a perfectly made cup of tea
Im enjoying spending time with my little girl, she is growing up so fast.
My friends and family!
I’m enjoying teaching our little girl to talk.
maltesers hot chocolate
Rest. Treats from my fiancé :- Such as cup of tea, meal, etc. Kindness is appreciated.
I have changed my hours at work which means I leave work when its still daylight
A cup of tea after being out in the cold
Hot baths and mugs of green tea!
Epsom salt baths, a great way to unwind and detox
I’m enjoying cosy evenings snuggled up on the sofa with my dogs right now. Stick a film on, nice hot chocolate in hand and I’m set for the night 🙂
I am enjoying time with my family
Having a couple of days off this week and just being able to take it easy. 🙂
Being a blessed grandma…..
Doing anything with my other half 🙂
spending time with the family 🙂
I’m enjoying my new little kittens – most of the time!
I love a nice coffee in the morning!
The crisp frosty mornings.
Loving my book just now!
A simple thing i enjoy each day in the afternoon is having a cup of coffee while i read my book.
not smoking. i smoked for 16 years and stopping is the best thing i could have done
I’m really enjoying reading at the moment and set myself a goal to read 40 books this year!
Playing with my 2 boys, so clever!
de cluttering the house
I’m enjoying walks along the beach, as its cold and windy, the beaches are nearly empty and its so peaceful watching the waves 🙂
I’m enjoying a relaxing weekends. Soon we will be back to spending the days in sports fields, and rushing to get everything done afterwards
jam on toast
I’m moving home in the next month or so and surprisingly having fun clearing out the junk 😉
Getting up a bit earlier than everyone else in the house and enjoy a cup of coffee
Just enjoying a good book or movie in the evenings!
I’m enjoying spending more time reading, it was my new years resolution & I’ve stuck to it. And I’m really enjoying it!
Thick warm socks and a sharing a little cache of choccies!
I’m enjoying a nice warm bed and early winter nights.
Curling up in cosy blankets, hot cups of tea and rainbows
The evenings getting a little bit lighter
I love the peace and quiet of winter (no lawnmowers, no smelly barbecues or noisy neighbours). I love that nights come early, so I feel cosy and protected indoors….A good book and a hot drink in front of the fireplace is pure bliss!
Hot chocolate
I am really enjoying the cosy nights at the moment
I am enjoying the woodland walk just behind my house that I have not really noticed in 4 years! My resolution was to start walking everyday no matter the weather and i have explored every bit of wood now 😀
Right now I’m loving that there is a slight stretch in the evenings, and Spring doesn’t feel that far away.
Getting cosy in bed in the evening and doing some cross stitching.
micro food
A water bottle and chocolate when i’m on my period lol
My 10 week old Grandson Jacob
I’m loving the cosy evenings in and the stodgy winter puddings!
I love the way each day is getting longer, so it’s slightly less dark when I drive to work in the mornings and drive home in the evenings xx
im really enjoying the cosy evenings at the moment x
Getting paid..weird I know
I am loving the fact I recovered from my flu and am enjoying tucking into my favourite cakes and biscuits without feeling blah. I am enjoying listening to the wind howling outside and fussing my cats
Its lovely to wake up and its not dark, snowdrops are starting to flower and daffodils are coming up
I love when both my little ones are asleep for the night and I get to watch whatever I want on TV and put my feet up
I’m enjoying a lovely relaxing soak in the bath with a book
On a fair day, there is fabulous winter sunshine streaming through the house and I can fling the windows open for a bit. The nights are getting lighter which is a great feeling. And my New Year’s Resolution to reorganise and declutter the house is progressing nicely.
Having half an hour in the evenings unplugged and cross-stitching
watching my darling grand daughter discover the simple things in life and working out how they what and what they do
I do enjoy walking our puppy
Being able to get up when want No more young babies plus I’m retired through illl health. Hubby still works so nice to have the home to myself but then spoil him when he gets home
At the minute I’m loving watching my 1 year old start to paint- messy but very cute
I’m enjoying the ever changing view from my window.
Im loving spening special mummy time with my sons
I love going out on my bike.
I am enjoying hot baths with a book (and chocolate!)
Walking my dogs and all the little things I see along the way.
I’m enjoying walking my dog as he is getting old now so I like to spend as much time with him as I can.
I’m enjoying reading all the books I got for Christmas!
Watching my twin boys play disability football. They get so excited, and it is lovely when they are able to keep up for a change.
Playing with my new kitte, so cute and a complete timewaster
chilling in the bath after a long day at work
I am loving cuddles with my puppy.
The mornings and evenings getting slowly lighter and the shoots now coming through in the garden
I’m enjoying drinking a cup or hot chocolate and relaxing to read a chapter one my book at night
my daughter is 22 months old so every day she learns and does something new and each little thing makes me happy
I am enjoying my little chats with various friends in the evenings
I am enjoying Avocados ans Salmon in the mornings at the moment especially after a night shift x
Life in general loving life
A little bit of time off from work
I loved that it was a little bit sunny today , so could have my French doors open to the garden (even if I did need two jumpers on)
Sat in my kitchen I loved watching the birds, squirrels and rabbit
listening to music
The warmer weather and lighter nights, spring is in the air!
Making the most of a quiet life at work.
I am enjoying the sounds and lovely smells of our new Grandson, happy days
I am enjoying drinking unusual teas rather than gin and tonics
Good tv shows and a comfy bed
Playing with my dogs
I’m enjoying helping my daughter with her house
My warm & cosy slippers I got for Christmas!
I am enjoying finding more Christmas chocolates to eat!
I have a gratitude journal that is really getting me through the days at the moment. I’m also decluttering (just 30 minutes a day) and I find that is really improving my mental state!
I’m getting ready to move house so I’m collecting little new bits for my new house and making lists, I really enjoy that part of moving.
The snowdrops which have emerged at the bottom of our garden
I enjoy playing my piano
Seeing all the spring bulbs starting to come up in my garden.
Having my neices here for tea and decorating cakes
Playing Mary J Blige’s latest album
Enjoying watching birds in the garden x
the early morning walks to work, its finally getting slightly warmer and the birds are singing!
Loving watching the birds eating the seeds on my birdtable, making biscuits with my son and reading lots of good books in the evenings by the fire.
loving life at the moment!
I love the little family walks we go on at the weekend
Being a good mum to be son
Listening to my son read a book to me since he learnt to read
My son is getting into baking more, so I am loving planning our meals and what we can make together at the weekends.
Not having to get out of bed on weekends for random matches!
I’ve been enjoying my wife’s cooking! Mind you, I do that almost every day of the year!
The greeting I get from my parents’ husky when I visit. He’s such a little sweetie! Maybe he just likes my long nails – perfect for dog tickling.
The birds in my garden; I have loads at the moment. And the frogs croaking in my pond!
I’ve been enjoying trying new recipes with my daughter.
Spending time with my partner and his kids, takeaways and long talks on the sofa, my 4 month old niece!
It was warm enough to swim at an outdoor (heated) lido today, which is rare in January.
Spending quality time with my daughter. We are going through a difficult time with her dad and to cheer me up she picked up my favourite childhood books from the school library so we can read together.
Music, and looking forward to the longer days.
bubble baths after a tough day with dimmed lights
I think we have some of the same goals and likes. I all but abandoned taking photos and I think some kind of club would be fantastic. I do have problems storing by digital music and my iPod seems to have gotten harder to manage, must be an Apple thing.
Spending more time with the family
Spending time with my kids
Enjoying time with my children. Savouring the lovely moments
Im enjoying feeling my baby move in my tummy
having a bit more time to myself when I get in from work
I am enjoying spending lots of time with my little Grandson
I am loving going to the gym!
I’m loving the old classic Coronation Street actually!
Spending time at home with my hubby and two dogs
hot water bottles
A lie-in (combine this with breakfast in bed and I’m in heaven), a night out with friends, a stroll on the beach (preferably somewhere warm and sunny), being welcomed home by my dog, hearing my favourite song, looking at family photos, giving or receiving a good hug and hearing my children laugh. They’re all simple but powerful things which never fail to melt my heart and light up my life.
I love coming home from work and flopping on my cosy sofa
Enjoying it staying lighter for longer in the afternoons and praline chocolates 🙂
just enjoying the piece and quiet whilst my kids are at school during the day! x
I’m loving the bit of sunshine I felt today. I’m loving my bed.
The evenings lighting up, spending time walking my dogs, seeing my niece.
I’ve been enjoying visiting my five year old daughters school on Wednesday afternoons to do work with her, I’ve also been enjoying watchiwa my nearly 11 month old daughter taking little steps learning to walk, and training our puppy we got just before new years eve for my fiancé’s birthday on new years eve xx
Catching the odd ray of sunshine in the mornings.
just enjoying each day as it arrives
The feeling after going to the gym! And the new sleep spray I have 🙂
I’m really enjoying hot chocolate on these cold wintry evenings!
I’m enjoying my niece practising for her singing exam,I love to listen to her sing.
I am loving waffles. I got a waffle maker for Christmas. I hadn’t appreciated quite how fun and sociable Waffles for breakfast on a lazy Sunday would be. The kids love them, topping them is great fun.
I’m loving the beautiful sunsets I can see from my window & Adult colouring 🙂 x
Pancakes – we don’t usually have them throughout the year but since Shrove Tuesday stocks have landed in the shops, we have been buying and making already – comfort food yummy!
Nothing beats a hot bubble bath for me! A LUSH one is even better! 🙂
As far as resolutions go I am trying to copy my friend and be kind. I am trying to do DEAMOF (Don’t eat anything made of flour) and actually I do feel slightly better and I’m enjoying my Pilates classes more. Also catching up with my friend on twitter, choir starting again and (attempting to) play the piano. And just being outside, hopefully there’ll be some sunshine and we can get cycling too. Playing Connect 4 with my daughter and going to ride the escalators with my son. AND i’ve managed to get my filthy coat cleaned courtesy of Oxi Wizz, it looks brand new. And my lovely friend Linda put it in her tumble drier just to finish it off, I love Linda, she always makes me feel good about myself (except occasionally if she goes into strict piano teacher mode, lol).