Lambing season begins
There have been a few new lambs up at my brother-in-law’s buildings, but we’ve not yet had a chance to get up there and see them. However, this afternoon N didn’t have too long a sleep and with the sun shining, we decided to go for a walk down there.
They’re about a mile and a half away, so I got out the old pushchair which we’ve not used since last summer thanks to the rubbish weather and not going on a walk since then down the country roads! Of course N decided he wanted to try and walk a bit of it which is always worrying with there being only the road to walk in and cars going past pretty fast. He seems to be learning really well to hold hands when there’s a car coming although on the way down there, he didn’t want to walk very far. It was odd being out with the old travel system pushchair as we’ve used the Baby Jogger mini for most trips out.
Needless to say I was in walking trainers rather than wellies, so I got a bit soggy going over the muddy drive to see the lambs, and then up to the house to have a chat, but N seemed quite taken with the lambs (although he preferred seeing the 3 dogs again as he’s not seen them in a while).
Then it was back home. N managed to walk most of the way back (complete with one hand in pocket, his new favourite stance), so it looks like we’ll soon be able to get rid of the pushchairs. Let’s hope there’s more good weather so we can get some more walking in.

Great fun to get out and enjoy nature’s offerings and what’s better than seeing baby lambs!
Nipping over from Country Kids.
Thanks for popping by
You have beaten me to it! We need to move our sheep over to the lambing field as the first ones are due any time now. Such a lovely time to be on a farm. Thank you for sharing and linking up.
It does seem a little earlier than normal for us, and mad because we’ve got calving at the same time as well. Can’t wait to see them out in the fields.