Musical Exploration with children – linky 4
We’re rocking and rolling onto month 4 of my Musical Exploration with Children linky. The linky live each month on the 15th, and it’s open until the end of the same month. If you want a reminder let me know and I’ll try and prompt a few days before it goes live.
Here’s last month’s linky if you want to catch up and find ideas of how you can explore music with your children. We’ve been trying out some outdoor musical instruments at Cornbury Festival, and if you want to try making a selection for your garden, there’s a mountain of ideas over at My Nearest and Dearest.
We’ve been watching
This month we’ve been experiencing a lot of live festival music on and off tv. BBC3 has been our friend, what with Glastonbury – I ended up hearing N and his dad listening to and watching Metallica at 7.30 on a Sunday morning after it had been recorded for N. And then a bit of T in the Park.
We’ve been ‘joining in’
We also went to our NCT Cheeky Monkeys Tea Party this week where there was a music session for the children. I was volunteering so N was roaming free playing, and had obviously been rounded up with all the other children to sit in a circle for singing and music. He looked totally bored and wasn’t really joining in with the actions or songs, until the jingle bells were handed out and they sang ‘You’re happy and you know it’. Then he joined in singing away. It was lovely as I asked him what his favourite part of the day was, and he said the music.
We’ve been recognising
I must be one of the only parents who knows nothing about Frozen. I’ve only twice heard the song Let it Go on the radio, although our village fete had the local ballet school doing a dance to something which must have been from Frozen given the costumes.
Then we were in the car and Let it Go came on the radio. It took me a while to kick in and work out what it was, but N knew straight away.
‘Sharon and Jenny play the snowman song’.
Me blankly ‘Eh? At nursery?’
‘Yes, Jenny plays the song all the time. And the ballet’. So he’s actually listening to music properly and picking up tunes and words, recognising them for the next time that he hears them. He’s also been wittering on about ballet as he does his ‘turning and making himself dizzy’ spins, so I’m not sure whether they’ve been dancing around to the Frozen songs at nursery.
The Linky #MusicExploration
So what’s this Musical Exploration with children linky about? I want to encourage N’s love of music and help him to explore more music than just nursery rhymes and AC/DC. By introducing more music, genres and instruments, I hope his interest in music will continue as he’s introduced to more. This linky is about sharing what we’re listening to, what we’ve discovered along the way, and what tools or activities we find that could be interesting to others.
If you listen to music with your children, or would like to start but want ideas, then you’re in the right place. Do link up below and share the linky with others, as I’d love to get more people involved. If you don’t blog but have something to include, so tag me in a photo on instagram, share on my faceboook page or share in the comments below.

Such a sweet series, I love seeing what you’re all doing with your children and music! Even though I don’t have kids yet, I love seeing all the possibilities and gathering ideas for down the road 🙂
Thanks. Definitely great for swiping others’ ideas. I’ve got lots now, as well as the ones I’d initially hoped to do.
Thanks for commenting
I love the fact you are introducing N to such a variety of music. My tot advises me he does not like my music, only his will do! Interestingly he has found some compromise with his 7yr old sister – they watch The Wiggles DVD (tot songs) with guest appearance from Kylie Minogue – common ground:)
Oh dear, starting early with the music prescription! At least they’ve found something they enjoy together.
I remember car journeys where my mum wouldn’t let us play our pop music, only her 60s or classical music.
Great idea for a link up! We have been watching a lot of Glastonbury too! I last went when I was 8 months pregnant with my eldest! I miss it but hope to take the kids when they are older. My eldest is really enjoying playing her ocarina. It is an instrument that I had never heard of before but the school do lessons and she got to grips with it easily this year…she is 6.
An ocarina’s an interesting instrument to learn, but I suppose not far off a recorder. I found my mum’s one, so think I shall swipe that for N and add it to his harmonica.
Such a great idea to introduce kids to music at earlier stage. We often use music as a calming tool to aid sleep problems.
That’s a good idea – definitely a great way to change a child’s mood and as a relaxent
What an excellent idea for a linky. Must participate!
Definitely come and join in. I’m always looking for new ideas to try, and new blogs to read.