Music Exploration month 18 – drumming
We’ve been a bit rubbish recently listening to music. After the Paddington Concert last month, N’s still just been obsessed with rock music, although there’s been some other music floating round.
Here’s what we’ve been doing musically this month.
Listened to
World music. Unintentionally though. With a bit of Strictly Come Dancing providing samba and other latin music on occasion, N does seem to turn from what he’s doing to listen and watch anything that sounds out of context. As well as the bits of Strictly he’s caught, we also had Four to the Bar playing on the radio in the car one day. In the past, I used to enjoy dancing to them, and it seemed to go down well with N. Maybe we should try listening to more world music.
Watching and dancing to
Foo Fighters. Yes N has moved on from ACDC although they are still a favourite. The Foo Fighters have been added into the mix, and one morning I came downstairs to find him watching Led Zeppelin.
In the evenings it’s always lights off, his toy guitar comes out and N rocks, dancing around the room with the music at full volume. Nothing like a ‘calm’ pre-bedtime routine. Thankfully the hyper-ness doesn’t seem to impact his want to go to bed.
My main concern now is that the OH’s hair is a bit overgrown (he finds it a hassle to go to the hairdressers) and he’s threatening to grow his hair long like rock bands. He suggested it to N as well. N was wavering, but thankfully in the end, decided that his own hair would need a hair cut after all. Phew. Not sure I want a rocker with long hair in the house.
The drums. Well, a box really.
We have a large box in the living room at the moment and it’s had plenty of uses…den, house, snack place, and drums. When he’s rocking, he’ll often have a breather, pull his little chair over, find some wooden spoons and thrash out with his ‘drumsticks’. He’s not bad at keeping in time.
What’s N’s now decided is that he needs to go to his aunt’s house where they’ve got a drum set. He wants to have a go on those. If he does decide he wants to play the drums, hopefully I can also steer him into wider percussion as well. Orchestras are always looking for percussionists so it’s good to keep options open. At least we don’t live near lots of other people so no-one else would be deafened by practising.
Went to
Watch the Paddington’s First Concert at Warwick Arts Centre. It was a lovely concert along with lots of musical activities for children beforehand. It’s noticeable that N prefers fast music, whether it’s classical or rock.
What have you been up to musically this month? If you’ve written about it, do link up below, I’d love to read it.

Music is so brilliant isn’t it. My son loves dancing every time we make an effort to turn off the TV and turn on the stereo I’m reminded what a brilliant activity it is for us all x
I really need to put the radio on more often. N does love to listen to music. Thanks for stopping by Fritha
What a busy time. We love musical play with my girls.
What a lovely idea for a post! I think it’s great that your son loves lots of different kinds of music! x
Thanks Louise. I just want him to enjoy music like I do
I think N has got exceptional taste in music! Who doesn’t love a bit of Foo Fighting every now and again x
It seems the FF are a popular choice amongst my readers!
Emma’s school is all about the Christmas panto at the moment and Emma has been practicing her songs every single night for the past week, cute at times, annoying when we are all tired and craving for peace ;-).xx
Ah yes, we had that in preparation for harvest festival. Cute though. Hope her performance goes well
Really loved reading this music inspired post – music is so important for development and really awesome to hear he has such good taste in music – ACDC, Led Zeppelin YES!
Laura x
I’m just hoping his love of music transfers to an instrument when he’s a bit bigger
I think it’s great your son likes a variety of different music! x
I like his style, I’m a bit of a rocker myself hahaha my little one love Abba and the Mamma Mia film, does my brain in!
Oddly, my OH always watches Mamma Mia when it’s on tv! I don’t mind it, but not every time it’s on. Makes a change from Jason Statham or war/western movies.
I love this post. It’s so important to encourage our young into music. It’s a great form of expression. I love how you used various ways to do so too. We sing lots and have a music box. Oh and we love dancing. When the girls are older, I can’t wait to take them to the theater. Xx
Dancing’s a great start. It’s not only good for musicality but also fitness, and it’s fun so you don’t feel like you’re doing exercise. One for everyone to join in with
It’s great for kids to listen to all different types of music. I was so pleased when we could move on from the nursery rhyme stage to proper music.
I totally agree. Thankfully, we’ve never had to have nursery rhymes in the car.
Aww, so cute! We have quite eclectic tastes in music in our house.
Oh how cute is he playing his ‘drums’ whilst watching them rocking out!
How brilliant that he’s a rocker! We adore rock music and Toby jumps around to it too, he also likes any sort of music to be fair. Bet you breathed a sigh of relief over the haircut choice!xx
Definitely. It’s bad enough with the OH having really overgrown hair.
Oh gosh, they do love a box don’t they! Why do we ever bother buying them anything?! lol x
Yes, mine’s especially keen on boxes of all sizes
Awwww what a fab little dude you have! I think it is so cute that he pretends to play a drum 🙂
Gemma xx
It would be really great if I could go and do more stuff with my 3 year old but we are always stuck in the house either because of bad weather or daddy working. I was supposed to bring him to Disney on ice last weekend but couldn’t because of daddy’s work. Hopefully next time.
That’s a shame. I guess keep an eye on things, or see if you can go with other people?
Aww this is so cute, I love that he loves his music. Boo likes to dance and sing, she pretends to play the piano lots which is super cute =)
Wow what an eclectic mix of music types. How fab that your little one is so into music. My son likes pop music at the moment.
Aw my son loves Paddington. I am actually giving him a paddington themed birthday party! So cute. Music is so great for their development. x
Oh the drums look great fun and the Paddington concert at Warwick Arts Centre sounds like a lovely idea. I will check out your review for my two boys:)
I think it’s a tour they do, so worth seeing if they’re doing one near you
I love listening to music, as I leave my early 20’s behind I am starting to love classical music more when I need to relax or just collect my thoughts and then my usual RnB, hip hop etc when I am in a party mood lol. Glad to hear N is still enjoying different music
It’s nice to have a good mix. I listen to classical in the kitchen sometimes, but found when younger it was great for revising to (no words!)
That’s so wonderful that your child loves music! It’s a great way to be creative. You have done so much – going to a play is lovely when they are little. The box drum is a fab idea x
A box is slightly less loud than pans. Thankfully he’s not had those out!
I love music and what an array of music you have provided here! My son (6) loves Queen whilst Molly is into Johnny Cash… I was tempted to start a ‘music appreciation’ session a while ago and it looks like you’ve just helped me to finally take the plunge! Thank you! x
Yay, glad you found it useful. Sounds like your 2 have good taste. Queen always seems to be popular with young children.