Project 365 2015 week 18
It’s week 18 of Project 365, and although The Boy and Me has made the difficult decision to stop running it, and completing it, I’m going to carry on with my photo a day. Although it’s hard to remember each day to take a photo, I’ve enjoyed it, and I can challenge myself to better my photos.
Sunday, we mooched at home. N spent a lot of time out in the garden, and I think he’s looking so much older nowadays.

Monday and I’d not brought lunch in for work so decided to go to a new cafe/restaurant just round the corner from work. The new place has taken over from a previous cafe, and is a very different entity. Of course I couldn’t resist enjoying the scones display.

We’ve not got that many flowers in the gardens on the farm yet, but the tulips are doing well. It makes a difference that the spaniels are at my brother in law’s. It means there’s none on the farm to eat the tulips. Tuesday we were out in the garden after work and nursery again…more bike riding.

This week the OH’s had a bad back. I never know whether it’s because he’s getting old, slept awkwardly or has pulled it while working. But he always arrives home and immediately lies down to stretch out. On Wednesday, N was straight onto the bed, ‘helping Daddy’s back’ with his retro Fisher Price doctor’s bag.

Thursday I was struggling with photos, but I generally have a camera or my phone to hand. I’d been decluttering all week, and I loved the way the shadows were falling on N.

Friday, I finally managed to locate where the OH had put the BBQ I had delivered for review….back in February. Thankfully we knew we’d not be bbq’ing until the weather had improved, and the pr is fine for the moment. I found it behind all the equipment, fertiliser bags, and more, in the back of the barn. I tried to unpack it, but I think it needs 2 people as it’s pretty heavy.

Saturday was a big thing for me. Finally after trying for years to move my piano from my mum’s house to mine, and the OH permanently saying no, he’d burn it if it turned up, I got it moved today, along with some other bits and pieces of furniture. It’s so exciting having the piano here, but I must get it tuned, and practice…I can’t remember any of it!

So that’s week 18 and roll on some better photos across the week, next time.
Those scones look YUM! Good luck with the piano – I know Grace would love it if we had a proper one 🙂 x
Piano’s still in place, and no comments from the OH so that’s good. I’m loving having it. Great for a morning tinkle of the ivories although I need a lot of practice to get anywhere near where I used to be!
Love the flower shot, really pretty.
Well done Doctor N for helping Daddy :).
Great pics x
Lovely photos! Well done on getting the piano! It looks gorgeous!
I need to find our BBQ….It’s in the shed somewhere x
Our bbq us buried at the back of the shed – was hoping the weather would be nice this bank holiday but it appears not
Glad you found the BBQ my husband likes to hide things, he calls it tiding up! Hope yoir OH’s back is better x
Did the ‘doctor’ manage to cure the back? I’d love to have a piano, although I can’t play.
Ha ha, cute pic of Nurse looking after his Daddy! Dr N to the rescue! Those tulips are gorgeous.
What a relief to finally find the barbecue, that must have been so frustrating! Love the photo of Dr N looking after his Daddy. Enjoy playing your piano!