Project 365 2017 week 33 and 34
I missed last week’s Project 365 because I’ve been trying to migrate my blog to a new server, and couldn’t update my blog once the temporary site was being sorted out.
The only problem is that the new hosting seems to have less capacity than the one I’m on and my blog is too big for it. I’ve no idea how, and neither have they, but they’re not helping, just telling me it’s a problem and sending me daily emails to say my site is too large. So I’ve spent 3 nights phoning the helpline, who still can’t fix it because they have to pass it on to the migration team who don’t directly speak to customers. So I’m not getting anywhere with it. 1.5 weeks later, I’m giving up and I’m going to keep going with this blog and ask them for a refund on the move given it’s not worked and they won’t let it work unless I pay an additional £2 a month – for something that will be sorted out once the site has moved over and all the back ups have been deleted. So fingers crossed I can get that sorted out. It’ll be yet another phone call tomorrow I suppose.
So I’ve got 2 weeks of project 365 to share.
Week 33
We were sent Pass the Pigs games to review so on Sunday we had to have a few games. N was quite taken with the inflatable version. I preferred the small travel set.

I was on holiday this week, and on Monday, N had a friend over for a playdate. Apart from some bike riding they also made a den on the climbing frame. The bucket was evidently their toilet.

On Tuesday, we visited Dudley Zoo. It’s a great place, and the bonus was the castle that you could also explore. It was an amazing weather day as well.

On Wednesday I was sick. I’d dropped N off at tennis camp for the day, and headed off to a National Trust property. But on the was I just knew I was going to be sick. An hour from home. I had to mop up the car and myself, then spent a few hours sleeping in the car park before working out if I was going to make it the hour’s drive home. Thankfully I did, but was sick again at home, and then in the evening. I couldn’t work out why because I’d not eaten anything, and hadn’t been near people who’d had a bug. Thankfully N didn’t catch it. My only theory was that I’d had a bad headache when I woke up and maybe that had made me sick.
N didn’t seem too worried about sitting near me. He has a current obsession that he always has to remove his t-shirt and socks when he comes in in the afternoons.

On Thursday, N went out on the farm in the morning because he thought I was still ill. I wasn’t. But in the afternoon I persuade him to do some photos for a social media campaign. Thankfully he agreed, and even decided he was going to set up his own photo shoot.

On Friday we went to a new playground at Kilkenny Lane country park. The signs of autumn were already there. It feels too early but I suppose it’s not long until September

On Saturday I took this photo watching N checking on his sheep at the same time as walking the pup. He does take his jobs very seriously.

Week 34
On Sunday, I found N cutting. He had drawn a rather large picture of me and wanted to cut it out. I’m not quite sure I’ve got 4 hearts.

This week was back to work for me. On Monday, N had been outside picking up cooking apples. He wanted to make stewed apple for Granny because he usually eats hers and she’d run out. He peeled all the apples himself.

On Tuesday we had to finish off the Victoria sponge I’d made. I do love a sponge, but they don’t last when you’ve got cream in them.

On Wednesday I finally remembered to buy N some bandages. He’d wanted some because he wanted to bandage up his teddy’s arm. Let’s just say he’s a lover of Operation Ouch.

On Thursday, I went over to the farm to pick N up after I got back from work. He has his tea there when he’s on the farm with his dad over the holidays. The pup is now nearly 4 months old. She’s grown loads, but is still always frantic to see people when she’s in the kennel. But she was quite calm that day.

On Friday I was struggling with photos. At least I can rely on flower photos in the garden.

On Saturday, I went to Friends Fest at Blenheim Palace. We used to love Friends when we were at uni, and it was a lovely idea being able to go and see the sets. The irony was that I ended up going on my own – none of my friends could use my spare ticket and N refused to come along. I made good use of my selfie stick though.