Project 365: photo a day week 39
We’re now onto week 39 of Project 365, and this week’s ended well, after N started suffering a horrible cold at the start of the week. Thankfully a day later and he was getting back on good form.
I did have a panic that he’d come down with chicken pox which is going round nursery again. He had it a while back, but really mildly, but it turns out his few spots are probably bites as I initially thought. As he’s the only one who seems to have been chomped on, I’m all for getting rid of the ancient divan bed he has in his room, and plan to get a mid sleeper style so we’ve got some more storage.
Sunday we were at Hatton Adventure Farm. N was very taken with this huge ‘combine harvester’, so he was in his element with lots of role play.

Monday after nursery and we were out in the garden. N had found one of the random medals he has strewn around the house, and was running races…after giving himself the medal.

Each morning, N comes into the bedroom to say hi and wake me up. For the last week we’ve had 500+ sheep in the field behind us, but on Tuesday N was concerned as he couldn’t see them when he looked out of the window. He couldn’t understand that some of the sheep had been moved, and the rest were just out of view. He was moaning that ‘my sheep have gone’, even though they’re not his sheep.

Wednesday saw us have a really bad night. N had been crying most of the night saying his ear hurt, and eventually it took nurofen to get him to sleep. It turned out that the aching ear was likely down to him having a stinking cold. He’s had a few sleepy days.

Thursday and N seemed to have been over the wiped out cold feeling. He wanted to help me make tea, so I had to hand over the potato peeling to him. He is extremely slow, and I’m sure goes over the same area several times, but it’s great to have him interested in helping.

After nursery on Friday, we met up with a friend and her baby. The plan was to go to the pub for tea, but as we were a bit early for food being served, a trip to the park was in store. N loves these type of playground equipment, even though they’re now getting a bit young for him. I really must stop him taking his taggy blanket out of the house/car with him again.

Saturday was quite a relaxing day, although we were rushing from one place to another. We did find time to have a wander down to the farm, and the swing caught N’s eye. It’s a bit wonky, but seems to be holding through a 7th grandchild on the farm, so it’s nice he enjoys going on it.

Hopefully next week, N will have got over his cold, the bites will have eased, and we have a new bed (or at least on order).
What type of beds have your children had?
Lots of fun play 🙂 Hope N feels better 🙂 #project365
I hope little N is feeling much better now. Mich x
Thanks, he is doing fine
My kids are all full of cold at the moment too, it’s that time of year isn’t it. Chicken Pox is going round here too, just one of mine hasn’t had them!
Lovely photos – hope he is feeling 100% soon x
It’s the September hit, colds turn up time. At least his hasn’t lasted long.
Hope your final one catches CP when you want them to. Nightmare being on tenterhooks.
What a lovely set of outdoorsy photos and even when N has been so ill! Well done for getting out and about, I’m sure it does them (and you) good 🙂 x
Thanks. Yes I think so. It’s probably why he’s rarely ill, and even with this, had 1 night, 1 day of being bad, but then was pretty much over it….compared with me, when I get a cold mine drags on
Oh no 🙁 hope your little man’s cold has gone now and he’s feeling better. Lovely pictures x
He is better thanks. The cold didn’t last long thankfully.
Love the shot of N on your bed looking for the sheep! The one on the swing is cool too! #365
Thanks. I do love swing shots, although they are hard to capture
Hope you have a better week next week and the sheep back into view soon!
Thanks. He’s on good form now. Luckily his colds don’t seem to last long, and he’s now at peace that some of the sheep have moved fields