Project 365: photo a day week 14
This week’s been quite a mish mash for Project 365. We’ve been out and about quite a bit with the weather at the start of the week being great, and there’s been lots of shopping going on. I’ve been really pleased with my bargains, although I’ve not taken photos of my impressive Monsoon haul (think reward special day 20% off plus around £40’s worth of freebies, plus sale items, plus using up some store credit) as I’ve already put them away in drawers and wardrobe.

Sunday was Mother’s Day, and N and I went to Compton Verney. I love it that N likes holding hands as we walk along. Definitely want to make the most of that before he gets too old to hold his mum’s hand.
Monday I had a day off to use up some holiday. N was in nursery so I decided to have a shopping day. Quick visit to Leamington and then back down to Bicester Village. At Bicester they had a Chic Goes Wild Campaign going on, hence a lot of floral decorations and structures around the place. Think yarn-bombing but with flowers.
Tuesday was mostly about Cath Kidston. I bought this bag at Bicester Village the day before, as well as a small rucksack for a birthday present for my niece/goddaughter. She loved hers (a proper grown up bag, not a children’s one!), and I love mine. It’s used for my current crochet project and is just the right size.
Wednesday was N’s final day of doing well with using the potty and toilet at nursery. On Sunday I’d made the throw away comment that if he wasn’t using the potty and toilet, then I’d have to start taking toys away each time he didn’t use it and should have done. Monday he did 2 wees on the potty, Tuesday he did 2 on the toilet and 1 on the potty, and Wednesday he did 1. Then the morning and evening ones he always does at home. The toy thing seemed to have worked (reverse reward system seeing as normal rewards don’t seem to work that well). He gave up his scooter on Thursday because he went back to square one. So over Easter we’re going to have to go cold turkey and to pants I think.
Thursday for the first time N actually showed some interest in the numbers and letter magnets on the fridge. He wanted to play with the numbers, so we lined them up, and he sang 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive. It was very cute. Usually I hear from nursery that he shows an interest, but at home it was always a different story.
Friday was Easter egg hunt day at nursery, so the morning saw me glue gunning to add extra decorations to N’s old easter bonnet/hat. The hat no longer fits and it’s a tad on the girly side, but I’m sure he doesn’t mind. He was just excited to have a little ‘basket’ of chocolate eggs on coming home.
Saturday has been crammed, but we had a lovely morning in town meeting up with my old best friend from secondary school. We’ve not really caught up or seen each other to chat to since she got married 2 1/2 years ago. She’s now pregnant, and is on Facebook (my main route for keeping up with people now), so we got together today for coffee. N was in his element chatting away, and of course being in town, it means every way you turn there’s another children’s ride to sit on.
Sounds like it was a busy week. I hope the potty training gets back on track. I used pants when I did it with my daughter and think it was the best thing I did. She didn’t like it when she’d have an ‘accident’ and I think as a result, started to recognise when she needed to go.
We’ve not formally started yet (we tried pants after Christmas, 6 days wees were ok then poo was a disaster each day, but he didn’t seem fussed about having wet pants, just wet socks or trousers. Going back to nursery was a catastrophe by 10.30am, and he was getting traumatised by the toilet, so gave up). Now he knows when he needs to go, and when he’s going and will tell you afterwards as well, but was hoping to at least get one poo on the toilet before we moved to pants. I’m planning cold turkey and pants over Easter, although was hoping to have got him using the potty/toilet at both nurseries at least a couple of times a day before moving to pants. I’m hoping that this time he’ll not like being wet – I can’t deal with mess on carpets every day, and staying inside. I get cabin fever plus hate not being able to go and do interesting things out and about with him. Seems a waste of weekend and holiday time.
Sounds like a very productive week, loving the Kath Kidson bag and well done to your son with the potty training progress. I really must try the reverse treat trick… might get somewhere with my kids! lmao
Let’s just say that potty training yet again false started. Seems the removal of toys doesn’t work either with my son. He’ll happily hand over his favourites! Think he’s not quite getting it
Sounds like a great week! I love the Cath Kidston bag I may need one to match my sewing box! That Easter Bonnet looks fab too!
I love the choice of the Cath Kidston bags. Have to say I loved the rucksack bag I got for my goddaughter’s birthday – it was a lovely pattern, but not in the larger bags.
Thanks for popping by
Sounds like you’ve had a lovely week. Very jealous of the Monsoon deals! x
It’s always satisfying to get some good deals. Just need to properly sort out my wardrobe now to get rid of all the old clothes that don’t fit…and lose the weight I need to as well.
Oh those letters and numbers bring back memories my eldest loved them.
I remember them from my childhood too. It’s taken a while for him to be interested, but he’s getting there.
Thanks for poppingby
Other than potty training sounds like a good week!
Oh yes, the joys of potty training. We’re trying to let him do it himself but he’s not really playing ball even though he knows what he’s meant to do and can hold it.
Sounds like a good week. I love holding hands with my son too and he still allows me at 8 which is lovely; #LAB club
It was a lovely week. The weather definitely makes a difference. Glad to hear that I’ve likely got a good few years of holding his hand left!
Thanks for stopping by
sounds like a busy week. Your monsoon haul sounds good – i missed their 20% off last week as things were manic on thursday but I have had some good bargains over the past year from there. All the best for the potty training progress – i keep putting it off for my little girl but i know we will have to face it some day soon. x
Hmm, potty training kind of stalled (we’re trying to encourage him to do it himself but I think we’ll have to try hardcore over Easter as he’s just not bothered). Really depressing he knows what he’s meant to do, tells me that he’s going to use the potty and toilet at nursery, and then just doesn’t or refuses. He just tells them he’s too little, or he wants a nappy. Grr, blooming child.
Good luck with your daughter – hopefully she’ll be better than N.
It sounds like a lovely week, I need to go shopping, but really cant face it!
Thankfully my son is not too old yet to hold my hand, I will be so sad when he is. Lovely pictures of your week.
Shopping isn’t always the treat you think it will be. I always think stopping for a drink and cake always improves if if you’ve not found anything nice
Monsoon and Cath Kidston – what a fab shopping week lol. Great photos Emma, your son is a cutie pie!
Definitely treat shops, made all the better by the bargains in both!
Thanks for stopping my Mellissa
What a lovely week you’ve had, (although, I didn’t think I’d ever say that to someone in the throes of potty training!) Lovely photo’s and I wouldn’t mind a little shopping trip myself.
Well, potty training didn’t really happen after Wednesday as his nursery school doesn’t have ‘small toilets like the other one’! Hmmph.
Thanks for commenting
I love the sound of hitting the shopping village and splashing out in Monsoon – my wardrobe is crying out for something new! The flowers look interesting! 🙂
It doesn’t often happen to get chance to have a day of proper shopping. Would be nicer still if I’d lost my weight. Was definitely a treat day.