Project 365: Photo a day week 34 and 35
I had all my photos ready last week, but then didn’t get round to writing my round up post for Project 365 – week 34. So I’ve included week 34 and 35 together this week.
Week 34
Sunday we were due to meet friends for some outdoor play at Blenheim Palace where we’re both members. When we arrived it was raining, so we decided to go to see the crocodiles instead. N thought it was ok, but his attention span is shocking. He mostly enjoyed the picnic lunch and playing in the playground!

Monday: N loves helping out, especially if there’s post to collect from the farm. This was some children’s toiletries for us to review. Must get it written up!

Tuesday: We spent quite a long time out in the garden in the evening, and the dog just ended up in the perfect position for some ‘down to earth’ photos. She was loving sunbathing.

Wednesday was another evening spent in the garden. N was having so much fun, although I was trying to get him to pose (or at least stand still for me). I love seeing him laugh so much.

Thursday saw us trying to rescue our tomato plants in readiness for our holiday. Well, more like preparing them in the hope that they might turn red. They’re still not, but at least they’re still alive and not frost bitten (although a few have succumbed to caterpillars…grr).

Friday, N went to a birthday party of a swimming friend at All Things Wild. He had a great time, and this summer he’s loved standing and having his photo taken in any of these boards he’s seen.

Saturday we went to Treefest at Westonbirt Arboretum. We met a friend and her boys who live nearby – I’ve not seen them for a couple of years so it was great to catch up, although short. The boys had a great time, and it was a lovely themed festival to visit.

Week 35
Sunday we were in Bristol for our first full day, and of course N was still up at his usual time. Being a Sunday none of the places we wanted to visit were open until 10 or 10.30, so after breakfast we went for a wander to get our bearings. Millennium Square was popular with all the parents obviously up early with their young children, as there were quite a few prepared with wellies. N did barefoot!

Monday wasn’t great weather, but we did mainly indoor activities, including visiting M Shed. Apart from the old vintage bus, I think N’s favourite was ‘talking’ on all the telephones around the place.

Tuesday we returned home, and instead of paying for breakfast in the hotel (free for N, but an extortionate £9-12 for me), we stopped off at a McDonalds. Bargain, and a bit of a treat, especially as N’s rarely been to fast food places.

Wednesday and N was back wandering on the farm. He was excited to see one of his cousins, so was told by the OH to sit with him so we could get some nice photos. It’s a bit like ‘hide the cousin’, but lovely how all 7 of the cousins get on so well.

Thursday was a mixed up day at home. N’s youngest cousin has been off school, and I think it confuses him that N’s not around to play with in the summer holidays as well. So he came over for a play in the morning. They basically just charged around outside for an hour, and the trampoline’s definitely been worth the money as they love it on there. Most of the time they don’t bounce, they just run round or ‘wrestle’.

Friday was our long awaited trip to London for Kidsweek to see The Tiger Who Came to Tea. N had only been to London once before to Winter Wonderland when he was much younger, and napped through a lot of it. This time we went with his best friend at nursery school, and his mum who’s a friend of mine and N’s key worker there. More to come on that this week. But they had a lovely, if tiring day.

Love the paddling photo and the running around the trampoline one! You’ve had a fun couple of weeks 🙂
Looks like you’ve been really busy. Lots of ideas there for me to think of for days out. #365
It’ll all slow down now until I can book in another week off work. But it’s been great being able to get everywhere. My list of to go to places is still huge and growing though
What a lovely few weeks! The shot of the dog sun bathing is fab. Sounds like you’ve had loads of fun! #365
It’s been a great week off. Such a shame we’re back to work/nursery. Seems such a short break.
Love all the photos of N with his friends and cousins – they all look so happy. The photo of the dog in the sunlight is stunning.
I was trying to persuade N to stand in exactly the right place like a martian beamed down, but he wasn’t playing ball. The dog did it herself!
Love the sunbathing dog and the barefoot paddling! 2 great weeks here 🙂 #365
Thanks. It was a lovely 2 weeks, now it goes downhill as we get to dark evenings again