Project 365 2018 week 36 – Clovelly view
The latest week of Project 52 has mostly been spent on holiday. With the biggest news being that the OH actually came on holiday with us.
We headed down to Devon on Monday with the plan for N to do lots of body boarding. It didn’t quite work out like that as the surf at Westward Ho! wasn’t great at the depth N could go out to. I did manage to drag him off the beach so we could go out visiting places.
Clovelly Village was a trip one morning. It’s a pretty fishing village which is a cobbled hill with no vehicle access. As you walk down the hill you see charming decorations outside the cottages, and this was one down by the harbour. I think if you lived in Clovelly, you’d feel under a lot of pressure to keep everything looking pretty just for the tourists.
We came home on Friday and spent Saturday at Moreton Show, then finally got the tent up to dry it out. It’s not really been a relaxing weekend so far. Hopefully the next 3 days before N goes back to school will be a little more chilled out.

That is certainly a pretty arrangement on the cottage wall.. Made even more amazing by the wonderful sea view.
Must be amazing to look out at that every day
so glad you finally got away as a family and hope it’s a sign of things to come for you all. #365
Great that you all managed a holiday together. Looks like you had a wonderful time. Hope you get some down time too xx
Wishing you a chilled few days now. Mich x #MySundayPhoto
Great that you all managed a holiday together! Looks like a lovely spot, almost as though it could be abroad.
Oh wow! How great that your hubby went on holiday with you….
What a beautiful photo x
Been to a few very small places where you feel sorry for the residents as a) we cause chaos looking round their little places by bringing in our cars and as you say b) the self obligation to keep everything stunning.
Hate walking on cobbles streets
Hope you’ll manage to relax a little before N has to go back to school. The view is beautiful. The potted plants’ arrangement is neat and well-organised.
looks a relaxing photo – but yes sometimes it is hectic and not very peaceful – hoep you manage to relax for the last few days of the holiday
What a beautiful place to be, such a relaxing atmosphere
Such a beautiful part of the world – and what a great view. I hope it all calms down a bit for you in the run up of back to school #MySundayPhoto
hope you had a lovely family holiday #mysundayphoto #365
Clovelly is so picturesque, shame you have to pay to get into a village but at least it goes back into the upkeep of the area. Sounds like you’ve had a busy family week!
Glad you managed a family trip. The thing I remember most about Clovelly is all the cats. I once stayed in the village overnight and it had a very different atmosphere than during the day.
NahA! We’ve been in the West Country too this week, albeit Somerset (and Wales). Looks like you were staying in a lovely spot. trying to figure out if I’ve ever been to Moreton Show. pretty sure I have, but it would have been a long time ago. #mysundayphoto
What a lovely photo, glad you all got to enjoy a holiday as a family. #mysundayphoto
Wow, Clovelly looks beautiful. It must have been different having the OH with you on holiday. I can’t imagine going on holiday without mine!