guinea pig village at hatton adventure world

Project 365 – photo a day week 44

Well, Halloween’s now over, so Christmas is next on the agenda events wise which brings us almost at the end of this year’s Project 365.  It’s now week 44, and I’m throwing in some random photos this week thanks to not really doing much with N mornings or evenings before work and nursery.

I’m sure noone really wants to look at the same picture of N watching Peppa Pig each morning!  Here’s this week’s round up.

Sunday and we were at Hatton Adventure World for Pumpkin week.  I’m not really a fan of guinea pigs, but seeing them en masse at the guinea pig village is quite cute.

guinea pig village at hatton adventure world

Monday and I eventually got round to reading my subscription Essentials magazine.  I used to read lots of magazines before having N, but then found I didn’t have time to read, plus I wasn’t fussed about most of the topics any longer.  So I just stuck with Essentials.  I also reminds me of my mum, because she used to read Essentials as well and I used to nick her copy to read when I was a lot younger.  I’m not so keen on the freebie they threw in this month.

Essentials magazine

A brief walk on Tuesday lunchtime and I noticed how beautiful the Roman Catholic church near work looked above the other building.  I didn’t filter this photo, but the colours were such that it felt quite ethereal.

church above the roofs

On Wednesday I got really excited to receive our tickets for our Christmas steam engine ride with Thomas the Tank Engine in December.  Of course N’s really excited…hopefully he’ll be able to wait another month before it’s our turn to go.

thomas tank engine  rides

Thursday evening I set to work on our pumpkin.  It was a bit bigger than I thought it was.  It only just fitted on our window ledge.  N was all for having a go himself, so while I was carving or sorting out the little things, N was trying to hack away at it.  Luckily he didn’t get too far in, but maybe next year I’ll have to get him a small pumpkin to have a go himself properly.

hacking at a pumpkin

Friday was Halloween and N was at nursery.  I wasn’t sure that they were dressing up but N was happy to wear his Frankenstein t shirt.  He insisted on ‘soft trousers’ with it, so looked a bit like he was in pyjamas all day.  N wasn’t too sure about seeing the staff all dressed up – the room leader had to take her witch’s hat off!

Frankenstein t shirt for halloween

Saturday was our NCT group’s halloween party.  It was so lovely to see everyone, as I rarely catch up with them anymore, as I’m the only one working full time.  N’s now a little unsure until he’s been there a while because he doesn’t really see the other children much either, especially now there’s quite a few younger siblings as well.

We had to do a rerun of the same photo we took when they were babies.  So amazing how old they are now…and there were some smiles rather than the crying there was 3 years ago.  N insisted on having his blanket in the photo – he keeps referring to it as his ‘baby’ and he was quite tired by this point, hence him looking like a bored and tired bookend!  He also decided against wearing his spiderman dressing up outfit that he originally wanted to wear, so the trusty Frankenstein t shirt got worn again.

halloween costumes and NCT 3 year olds

So a good top and tail for the week.  I’m hoping that we don’t just get rain next week, so I can try and get out and find some photo opportunities.

You can check out what everyone else has been snapping over at The Boy and Me.

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

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