Project 366 2016 week 21 and 22
I always moan about having to remember to take photos for Project 366, but it takes me longer to choose the ones I want to use for the week, and to edit and write the post. We were away last weekend visiting friends and going to Geronimo Festival so I didn’t have an update last week. Instead I’ve got week 20 and 21 this week.
Week 21
On Sunday, N went to the birthday party of a boy in his class. They live round the corner from us, and the dad’s a farmer, so it was a farming themed party. This is the type of party N would love if only his dad would agree…that would never happen because he’s never been to one of his parties. They just put the kids outside, had food in the barn, a combine harvester and tractor to climb on, quad bike trailer rides and general playing in the garden before a couple of party games.
N enjoyed it, although he was a bit aimless until a load of them found the trampoline. He was a bit ambivalent towards the combine even though we don’t have one. I guess he’s been on them before while harvest’s on. At least it was a themed party that he would actually wear a ‘costume’ for. Yes, that’s him at the back in his John Deere overalls and wellies, complete with mud from the farm.

On Monday it was back to school and this was all the stuff we had to take in. PE kit, coat, book back, indoor shoes and water bottle. Plus on a Monday there’s usually a booster seat because he gets picked up from tennis club and taken to after school club by one of his best friend’s parents. I have to prep everything the night before otherwise it’s just too much rush in the morning.

On Tuesday N got creative. He’s not done much drawing or writing at home for a long time, but off his own back he drew this. I thought it was a helicopter, but was told it’s his dream house with flowers on the roof. I do love how he can come out with a statement, then it leads us onto a tangent with quite a serious chat.

On Wednesday, I nipped out at lunchtime to the new Gateway shopping park in town. I’m running short on tops for dancing. I’m not asking much, just cool black tops – sleeveless, normal not exercise ones, maybe with a bit of detail and not tight fitting because they get too hot (and I no longer have the stomach for those!). Of course it’s the wrong season for black tops, but I’ve been everywhere and I’m really struggling. I guess I’ll have to hold out until the autumn/winter collections come into the shops. And madness, looking at the photo and seeing so few cars reversing into spaces when that’s where the walkway is, and when it’s always easier to just drive straight out than struggle to see as you’re trying to reverse out with lots of cars coming past trying to park. Mine’s the blue car.

On Thursday we spent a bit of time out in the garden and watching the guys doing the silaging on the farm. Our chives at the side of the house miraculously came up one year, and each year they’ve spread some more. They do look gorgeous though.

On Friday I wanted to investigate on the farm and see if we could spot the new kittens. We found 3 in the usual box down in the yard and took some photos. Then I turned round to find the mum across the way looking at us!

On Saturday we were heading up to Manchester to visit my best friend and N’s godmother so we went to the barbers’ first. Usually we get there before 8 and don’t have to wait, but being a bank holiday weekend only 1 of the 2 were working, so it was nearly an hour wait with 3 people ahead of N. He has the usual amusing tan line from being shorn now.

Week 22
On Sunday, we went to the Geronimo Festival at Tatton Park. Â It was a beautiful day, with lots of fun, but also a lot of queues. Â At the end, N decided to be helpful and carry the cool bag out to the car. He didn’t make it all the way, but he is turning into a really considerate little boy…with everyone else if not at home!

On Monday, we were back home and I decided to make a chocolate and berry trifle. All went well until the cream topping. I decided the cream was too runny after whipping it so stirred it slightly only to find when I went to spread it on, it needed to be piped instead thanks to it being over-whipped. Then I realised that a middle size pot of cream wasn’t enough to cover the trifle. Oops. Of course, it’s trifle so it still tasted good.

I was back at work after the bank holiday, and N at holiday club, so the only photos I took on Tuesday were of the yummy eton mess mini tartlets from Marks and Spencer. If you’re in there looking for treats, do try them, they’re delicious. And they make great objects to practise photography on.

On Wednesday I didn’t get many photos either except for some at bathtime. N’s obsessed with squirting water having had a mini water pistol in a party bag recently, and a water squirter from a comic at the weekend. It doesn’t make things very safe for me because the OH always decides to squirt me instead of N.

On Thursday (not strictly a photo), I was finalising the header and layout of my new blog What about dance.  I want it to have a very different look to this one so I’m torn between a dark surround vs a paler one.  Pale is more normal for the blogs I tend to read, but I think the dark may suit the new topic better.  The jury’s still out on it hence why I’ve not yet set it live yet.  If you’re a dancer and want to follow the blog, I’m on twitter and instagram (and facebook once the blog’s up and running and I’m all prepped).

On Friday it was a gorgeous afternoon so we enjoyed some sun in the garden. We found one of the frisbees, and had a couple of throws, but it needs some work. N got bored after 3 throws, so we just loitered around enjoying the weather for a bit.

On Saturday the plan had been to go to Waddesdon Country Fair, but N decided he wanted to be on the farm instead. I had a few chores to do, then didn’t have much time to get to the french bakery we normal go to on Saturdays. So I tried a bakery at a local farm shop site. It’s a great bakery, but has a tea room there so if you’re queuing for bread you have to stand in line with everyone ordering for the tea room which takes forever. I came out with nothing because the queue was too long and wasn’t moving, so gave up to drive over to our usual bakery. The only thing I came away with was this picture of one of the farm cottages there. Just gorgeous with the wisteria and other decorative touches.

Lovely photos – those tartlets have made me hungry! Love the farming party too! x
There has been a lot of sillaging going on round here as well. That bit I dont mind it is the smelly spraying of the fields afterwards that impregnates the whole house for days afterwards I am not quite so keen on.
Seen a few other bloggers that went to the festival and said it was too busy.
We did Fifi a farm themed party for her 5th birthday and did a lot of outdoor games and playing in barns and the farmer parked 2 tractors up for us ( we just rented the farm building and asked his permission) . It was November but people were told waterproofs and outdoor clothes no pretty dresses allowed and it went down really well.
That’s good, and brave in November. I suppose nowadays people are keener to be out in all weathers. Well, the kids anyway. Great that the farmer does that.
My god you have been busy, some lovely pictures!
It was over 2 weeks, and most of it was while I was working. I just take a lot of photos!
Sounds like a busy couple of weeks. The Wisteria on the front of the cottage is just beautiful, I love it! Hope you have a good week x #project365
Thanks Kirsty. It was a bit busy, but there’s always so much to do. Fingers crossed the weather stays dry up til next weekend!