Project 366 2016 week 42
We’re on the home straight for Project 366. This week’s gone whizzing by to reach half term, and only another week and I celebrate my 40th (a bit late) with my best friend on a weekend away. It’ll be lovely to catch up, although with N on the farm with his dad for most of half term, this weekend (he refused to come out with me somewhere) and next, I feel a bit out of touch with him at the moment. Roll on shoot season then he’ll have no choice but to be out with me, plus we’ve lots of Christmassy events planned for December.
On Sunday we spent a day at home, mostly just mucking around inbetween N being out on the farm. This photo tickled me because it looks like N was sticking his finger up my nose. (we did get a nice photo of us as well).

On Monday it was the harvest moon. N was obsessed with it. He kept saying it was a super moon – his definition was that the moon was super because it had superheroes in it.

On Tuesday for the second morning, N woke up wanting to read one of his own books rather than a school book. First time ever he’s read home books. Not all of it, but 2 pages…it’s a start.
On Wednesday I actually got a lunch break at work. I headed into one of the gift shop places in town. It’s a lovely shop if you like seasonal times of year. Its Christmas displays are already up.

On Thursday N was meant to be doing homework but decided instead he’d be better off eating (which he’s doing all the time at the moment), and practising his dab move!

On Friday it was the last tennis before half term, and N’s best friend has decided he wants to go to the club as well. While it’s great N has a friend there, I was quite liking the fact that it’s something he goes to outside of school of his own accord and without his friends there. Ok, so there’s year 2 school kids there, but previously no-one from his year which meant he had to mix with others. It’s also meant that the last 2 weeks he’s not been put with the year 2 kids when they split into groups, instead he was kept with the younger children. At least this week he did do some hitting practice unlike last week which was more about rolling balls and racket control.

On Saturday I had my hair cut. Lots cut off not just a trim. I’d been intending to change my hair once I hit my weight goal and my 40th, but my weight is a tad behind after I slipped off the wagon, so I decided to get it cut by my hairdresser this time before she goes on maternity leave. I also went out dancing to a freestyle venue I used to go to 6 years ago. It was just as good as I’d remembered. The only downside with dancing is all the late nights.

I love to walk round the Christmas displays. Don’t buy much but love to look.
Bob goes to gymnastics and until this term it was all girls but see there are 2 more boys there now, so this got him mixing with the girls.
Love his laughing face in the first picture
Displays are lovely aren’t they. Really gets you in the spirit. Funny how sometimes they mix and other times not. One of N’s best friends is a girl, but generally he’s a boy’s boy all the way.
what a fab gift shop, thats my kind of place to visit
It’s great. Christmas for most of the shop, shabby chic normal stuff upstairs, and halloween in one corner. It sells some fab stuff at the moment.
Thank you. Crikey that’s late. Although I did hear someone else say they’d had theirs last week.