Project 52 2018 week 37 – Blackberry season
This week’s Project 52 is a short one. Week 37 was a wipe out one, with work and school.
Sunday saw N go out brambling, so we’ve been having a lot of crumble, and then remaining blackberries on cereal. Autumn is definitely here – I’ve ordered a new pair of sliippers.
N really struggled this week, the first full one back at school. Going into key stage 2, they launched straight into a lot of homework. 20 minutes a day, plus 15 minutes reading. But the work is taking longer than that for the non-reading, so we’re struggling to get reading in. Plus he’s had weekend homework, which I don’t agree with.
He also got a bit upset in class one day because he misheard a number and then said he was confused about what they were doing. I think the jump from year 2 to 3 has been a massive one, and they’re certainly not easing the kids in gently. I did remind him that they’ve only just gone back after a summer off, and it will take a while to get the hang of things again. Hopefully in a few weeks, he’ll feel a bit calmer about it and be finding things a bit easier again.
He’s been enjoying his tennis again though, with his first private lesson one school lunchtime, and back after school again. It’s now noticeable how much he’s improved which is reassuring given the money it costs. I’m glad he’s enjoying it, and he’s got a few of his friends from school in his class again, so they’re all in it together.
My week’s ending with Blog On Toys conference up in Manchester. So N and his dad will be sorting themselves out while I get to socialise and talk blogging and social media with other bloggers.

Hope you had a great time at Blog On. I am gutted not to be there this time. Blackberries are amazing. Sorry N has been finding school a bit of a shock. Hope it gets easier x
i’m gutted but my son doesn’t like blackberries so brambling isn’t something that we do anymore. Loved it as a child though. I’m amazed by N’s homework, my son wouldn’t cope with that now #365
We need some blackberries to go with the huge amount of apples our tree has produced this year!
Yum those blackberries look delicious. As a teacher I totally believe that homework should be banned at Primary. Way too much pressure on little learners.
Shame about the hassles with school, I don’t believe in homework until the reach the lat year pf primary school, but I am sure things will settle down, early days yet.
e went and picked blackberries earlier today.
I do think schools could handle transitions better. We had problems with Reception to Year One and the teacher said well we don’t do much transition, but they still don’t now. Hope he gets used to it soon and the homework relaxes a bit.
Hi Emma, MmmmMMMmmmm blackberries. We do get a few here, but they aren’t in abundance and they are more food for the birds to enjoy than us. I do have fond memories of blackberrying though… Getting back into school and learning after the long summer holidays isn’t easy. I hope N settles down soon, it’s hard to watch them struggle. And I totally agree with not having homework at weekends. Children should be taught that there is such a thing as a healthy balance in life, work when there is work to be done, but also there should always be time to relax.
#MySundayPhoto x
Poor N. I hope it improves for him. Beautiful capture. Have fun today x
Grrrr to homework, drove me crazy for years. Hope N settles into a new routine soon with year 3 and starts to enjoy it
Sorry to hear school has been a bit of a shock to N. It is definitely hard going back after the holidays. My younger son found the first few days of year 10 hard because they suddenly have a lot more homework.
Have a great time at BlogOn! I’m not sure whether I will be stalking social media to see what’s happening or avoiding it altogether because I’m jealous!