Project 52 2019 week 17 – wisteria
Week 17 of Project 52 has seen a beautiful Easter bank holiday weekend, weatherwise, one like hasn’t been seen quite as good as that for a long time. And then a fairly quiet week back at school and work.
Easter Sunday was pretty quiet here. We’d had the big family meal the day before, and we just pottered and relaxed as N didn’t want to go anywhere. His cousin came over in the afternoon to play, and the 2 of them played tennis, badminton, golf and football really nicely together.
Monday was more of the same but finishing with getting the school things ready for it starting back on Tuesday.
N started back school swimming on Tuesday, although strangely, the same venue doesn’t open for his normal lessons until a whole week later. Tennis is the same – there’s another week to wait, even with the private lesson he does. Bit of a shame for tennis as they’ve a first match back at the weekend and it feels like they’ve not played for ages (apart from in the garden). They’re not sure if private lessons will continue at the moment, because the 4 of them doing it has gone down to 2. So they’re trying another person to fill the gap and are hoping they’ll do 3x 40 minute slots instead which would be good for the children getting more time each.
I had to buy N a replacement school sunhat on Wednesday. He hates the legionnaire style hats and last summer, they’d had some baseball hats instead. We never got to get one because everytime I took money in for one, they’d just sold out. We now have 3 uniform suppliers, but none do baseball caps, just the legionnaire ones like school. So poor N is stuck with one of those – plus they’re just not really big enough unless they ‘give’ a little. At least with baseball styles they’re adjustable. I’ve explained why they’re better because they protect the neck, but I’m not that bothered either because an hour outside during the school day when he’s got a polo shirt collar to help protect (and if I remember, sun cream), isn’t going to be too bad for him as he doesn’t tend to burn.
Thursday was more of the same with school, and work which this week has been mostly about forecasting for the new financial year.
On Friday we didn’t have the usual tennis rush after school. N was able to do (most of) his homework in peace, and I had more time to get dinner cooked.
On Saturday there wasn’t any swimming which felt a bit strange. Our usual french bakery was closed, and I thought that with all the wind, it was unlikely that the market would be open. So we headed down to a smaller town near us to go and get the basics we needed from there. It seemed really busy and we had to go to the pay car park for the first time in ages.
I had a lunchtime optician’s appointment, just my usual 2 yearly check up. Last time I went I mentioned I needed to increase the font size when I was reading on my Kindle late at night but she said that was normal and that my eyes were 20:20. But this time I know I’ve been struggling to read tiny writing when the light isn’t great. I struggle with numbers on SIM cards (I have to either magnify it or get N to read them), and some fonts on small packs of food. She said there’s definitely been a little deterioration and I’m probably just over borderline, so I have a first reading glasses prescription as I expected. Not bad at 42, given that way back from age 13, everytime I went for an eye check they’d tell me I’d need reading glasses once I started studying more (but never did).
Trying to find a cheap pair of frames that suit me and that I like was a nightmare. I struggle with the shape of sunglasses which I now know my shape, but trying on reading glasses look awful because they’re so much smaller and they just look odd on me. So many are coloured which I’m not keen on either, plus I didn’t want to spend a fortune on glasses that I’ll basically wear when I’m struggling to read on the odd occasion. They’ll probably just stay in the kitchen most of the time. They only had one lens in stock, so I need to pick them up in a couple of days.
This week’s Project 52 shot is of the wisteria at home. It was originally pinned up on the wall, but broke and now just goes across the bottom of the house and ground, usually hidden by my car parked in front of it. But it’s all out now already.

What a lovely week. I do love wisteria, but I have never seen it up here. Only in England. It is beautiful xx
We have a Wisteria but only the white one has come out for some reason. I hope you are happy with the glasses when they arrive x
I find low light really causes problems. I’ve escaped reading glasses because of being short sighted, but can’t see small type if the light isn’t good. Hope you can get hold of a school baseball cap soon.
The wisteria is beautiful! I had a wisteria growing in a pot and it ended up covered in bugs. Had to cut it right down but it seems to be bouncing back
Thanks. I think it’s pretty indestructible, which is good.
I struggle with reading print on packets without glasses as well, why can they not make the print slightly bigger.
I have text size on phone and kindle bigger to make life easier.
Always feel it is a shame that after school stops with school as it would give them something to do.
Most schools now have wraparound care available. Ours does morning club (thankfully it started the year N started school), but nothing after school other than normal school clubs. But the only ones that go past 4.15 are film club (N won’t sit and watch films and it still only finishes around 5) and football which he won’t do.
I feel your frustration with the reading glasses, I now have to carry them everywhere with me, light isn’t good enough and arms not long enough is my problem. Must have been a strange week without any tennis or swimming
I’m surprised that school hats have come out already. #365
Picking glasses frames is always a nightmare and I’ve made a number of mistakes over the years #365
It is a shame to have such a long break from tennis. It was the same with my kids’ activities too – three weeks off dance and it feels like forever since my son played football. Then he had just one match and the season was over!
I hope you get used to your glasses. Making it to 42 without them is pretty good! I know my eyesight has deteriorated a bit, so I’m expecting stronger lenses at my next eye test.
It should only have been 2 weeks, but because we’re in Oxfordshire (play in Oxon for training), but the club is in Warks, along with the tennis company, the mismatch in Easter holidays meant it was longer. We did practice in Easter while at the hotel 1 day, and N did a bit in the garden, but just mucking about. This term he’ll be playing 3 times in the week and then occasional matches, so lots of opportunities in the summer now.
Beautiful wisteria! I always have a “wisteria envy” at this time of the year. 🙂
So annoying about the hats; they really should have them in stock if they insist on the logo-ed hats. Our school, thankfully, doesn’t have logo hats, but insists on ties.
It sounds like you had a lovely Easter.
How frustrating about the swimming, tennis and the hats! I would be tempeted just to buy a plain baseball hat and if the school complained tell them the uniform shops don’t do them.
The Wisteria is so pretty x
Unfortunately school sells them too and they have to be logo’d. I tried asking one of the suppliers if they’d add a badge to the baseball hats they do sell, but they wouldnt.