Project 52 2019 week 2 – Wasgij 29 Catching Wedding Fever puzzle
Week 2 of the new year and Project 52, and it’s been a frantic one. Back to work and school for N and myself. And full of frustrations (and a bit of fun).
Sunday we didn’t get up to much. It was chance to relax before school and work. We just pottered around the house and garden, and played with the dog.
Monday was school. Nothing unusual, just the usual. N was at multisports after school which he really enjoys. I was back at work and it was hard work. We had final prep for a key meeting the next day, we’re prepping for a big annual event at the end of the month, and it’s forecasting time again. I also started my diet – I’m doing New You again, and hope to lose a couple of stone before switching to a more basic calorie counting healthy eating diet which isn’t so extreme. It started well and no major lack of sugar headaches.
Tuesday same again, although there’s been a change after school for N. At the moment we can’t get him to after school club after swimming so he’s going to a friend’s for tea. I’m grateful to my friend for doing that for me, and hopefully he’ll not eat her out of house and home!
Wednesday was uneventful. Thankfully I did manage to get out at lunch this week for bit of a walk around town, returning sales clothes, and picking up party bag fillers.
Thursday was more of the same. Although it all kicked off in the evening. Friday was a shoot day on the farm and the OH had decided N was staying off school to help with it. I’d said no, weeks ago because I don’t agree that kids should be taken out of school unless for good reason. It wasn’t a one off, he’s been to all the Saturday shoots and there’s another in a couple of weeks time. I told the OH he’d have to talk to school to sort it out because I was having nothing to do with it. I knew he wouldn’t call. But on Thursday he said he’d emailed. But hadn’t had an answer, so he’d not followed it up. I really didn’t think he’d take him.
But Friday came and N was off at the farm having breakfast early. But when he came back he was really confused. N is a pleaser and is all about rules. He didn’t want to get told off at school and didn’t want his teacher asking where he had been. He knew I wasn’t happy about it and wanted him to go to school. But the OH was having none of it and N said he ind of wanted to go on the shoot. It meant he missed his school disco – the first one he’d ever wanted to go to. Luckily he came back so he could go to tennis, and not off for the shoot dinner.
I of course got the call from school to find out where N was, as obviously the OH hadn’t called school, and they’d not received an email from him. I was fuming because the OH should have done everything properly, not just sent a random email. Hopefully it’s never going to happen again, and hopefully they’ll catch him to have a word when he picks up from sports club. Of course the timing was terible, so I have parents evening next week, so I’m sure I’ll have more to discuss about it too.
There’s not much I can do about it, Hopefully that’s the end of it, and the OH won’t do stupid things like that again.
Saturday was prepping for N’s ‘party’. Cake baked – it’s very homemade. Let’s just say, I’m ok at making cakes, but my bought fondant icing didn’t fit even though I cut the cake down, and the topper didn’t sit properly. N loves it, but I’m glad it’s just a few boys who’ll be seeing it! N and I had a great afternoon baking and chatting. And I even managed to get my Wasgij 29 Catching Wedding Fever puzzle finished. I started over Christmas, but just had a few pieces to finish.
N also had his first stage 5 swimming lesson. Going from 9 in a class to 4 (I’m sure there’s more who just weren’t there this week), was amazing, and he did really well. It’s a lot more length swimming so it’ll take a few weeks for him to get used to swimming the ongoing distances without stopping so much as they used to in stage 4. But he said he was fine. It’s nice to see him so comfortable in the water now.
This week’s Project 52 photo is of my completed Wasgij puzzle 29, with the Wedding Frenzy solution. I can’t find a definitive list of all the Wasgij puzzles but it seems there’s 50 and counting.

oh dear Friday didn’t sound like a good day and shame N missed the school disco, I’m assuming you’ve had parents day now and it wasn’t too bad. Great news with the swimming lessons
Good luck with the diet!
Oh I would have been so annoyed re the whole school issue and the shoot too!
Hope you didn’t get too much grief off the school
Surprisingly no comment. I think they knew how peeved I was.
Good luck with the diet. Wow re the shoot and school, I’d be fuming too about that whole situation. I can never get the cake toppers sitting brilliantly flat, but my son has never minded and that’s all that really counts isn’t it. Hope he had a good time #365
He had a fab time, and they all liked the cake so that’s the important thing
Ah it can be very difficult to watch what we eat when we are surrounded by tempting treats this last month. May you achieve your goal.
Oh dear, I would not have been happy about the school situation! My husband would never have dreamed of taking the kids out of school, but obviously he’s in a very different line of work.
I’m glad N liked the cake and I hope the new swimming lessons go well for him.
I hope the diet is going well, I really need something to kick start my regime. Ive not heard of this one. Sugar headaches are the worse! I hope parents evening goes okay and Monday’s school day was okay for him. I swear my husband never really thinks the consequences of things through sometimes either. xx
Good luck with the diet, it’s not easy. Glad that N is more comfortable with swimming and I do love the jigsaw xx #365
I am sure the cake tasted fine and that is the most important thing.
Oh dear at the mess of going off to the shoot and the school not knowing.
Well done on completing the jigsaw.
Yes, I’m not looking forwrard to dropping him off in the morning. Just hoping he gets a slapped wrist when he picks up.
Your OH sounds like mine. Its a shame N missed the school disco. Best of luck with the diet x
Sigh, they need to get with it and play by the rules don’t they. Thanks
Good luck with the diet.
Oh no! That isn’t right your hubby kept N off school. It has put you and N in a rubbish situation.
That looks like a great jigsaw x
Good luck with the diet! I’m not good with dieting, all I think of is when the next mealtime is, so for me it is counterproductive.
Sorry you had a conflict with your husband. I don’t think I’d be happy for my child to skip school for the shoot.
Glad to hear that N is comfortable now during his swimming lessons.
The jigsaw puzzle looks great fun.