Project 52 2021 week 22 – golfing
Another week and it’s almost at the end of half term. It’s been glorious weather all week, although I’ve mostly stayed out of it. It’s much cooler inside. Covid wise, Indian variant cases are causing an upturn, although so far, our area hasn’t really seen an increase yet. Lots of people I know are getting their 2nd jabs, and my 19 year old nephew had his first one the other day too. Hopefully they’re getting through the vaccinations, so a rise in cases won’t be too serious.
Onto our week 22 of Project 52.
On Sunday we didn’t do much. N had tennis in the morning at the club, but only 2 of them turned up as the others were away. So they played for a bit, then went on the zip wire before we headed into town to pick up a couple of bits. In the afternoon I made an apple cake – it didn’t go down that well, so I won’t be making it again. I thought it would have been nice with ice cream, custard or cream as a pudding as well as cold. Obviously not their thing.
Monday was bank holiday. I’d not organised to do anything over half term. Because the weather was so wet in May, they were delayed with sileaging on the farm. It meant that instead of N just watching after school, he could go out chopping with them. So I was on my own for most of the day. I did some crafting (I was trying to make magnets, but my magnets were so strong, they wouldn’t stay attached to the decoration when I put them anywhere near the fridge. Fail!
Although we’ve not ventured outside of our town and home, we’ve definitely been out a fair bit this week. On Tuesday, while N went back out on the farm again for day 2 of sileaging, I headed into town to drop off more Vinted sales. I’m about to withdraw another £50, with more pending, although sales did slow dramatically the rest of the week. I also started a 7 day 7 minute workout challenge which was shared in a farmers wives slimming group I’m in. It’s a bit of a killer, although it will be interesting to see if I lose the amount of inches they say you should over the 7 days.
Wednesday was super hot. In the afternoon N had his first tennis tournament in a long time. I was pleased as he did no moaning, even though he hates playing on clay. It was a bit frustrating for me watching as he lost all his matches. 3 he was nowhere near the standard of his opponents, but the other 2 he should have beaten. His serves just didn’t work, and he really didn’t play the standard of tennis he can play. He didn’t seem demoralised (even after being beaten by one of his team mates), and was still happy to go in for another tournament in a few weeks. I hope it’s not too high a standard again, as he could do with some wins under his belt in this age group! It was lovely to sit and chat to another of the mums though.
My brother came over with his clippers so I could cut the OH’s hair. My brother cuts his own hair, and although he had to talk me through blending and how to use the different grade bits, he was quite impressed with how I did. I’d much rather he just went to the barbers, but that’s unlikely to happen.
Thursday’s tournament had been cancelled, so it was a day of chores. N needed new tennis shoes but the shop in town didn’t have anything that fit in his size. We also returned a pair of shorts I’d bought him the other day, picked up a couple of pairs elsewhere, then he had the promised McDonalds I’d said he could have over half term. I was disappointed though as there wasn’t anything on the menu I could eat for low carb. Well, apart from a plain side salad. They used to do a grilled chicken and bacon salad, but evidently they now only have a crispy chicken version. So he ate, and I had water! Our first eating in experience since March 2020.
On the way home we stopped to drop off birthday cards for my friend and her daughter – then stood for nearly an hour chatting on the doorstep. Anyone else find that after a year of not seeing people, once you start talking it’s hard to stop? We also stopped at a farm with a milk vending machine. We added syrup to make a litre of strawberry milkshake. N loved using the vending machine, and the milkshake was drunk in 3 days. He won’t drink milk on its own, but says it tasted so fresh compared with shop bought, that if we get the milk he would drink that. The OH is quite interested too as they used to be a dairy farm. Although this milk isn’t raw milk, it’s nearer what they used to get off their farm.
Friday I was back to work so N went out on the farm pretty much all day. Work was mad, picking up lots of queries that had been going on over the week. And quite a few short meetings so it was non stop. N spent quite a lot of time golfing in the garden this week. My brother brought him over 68 balls he’d found on the golf course, and has helped N with his chipping. So he said it won’t be long before he’ll be able to take N to the practice greens. Maybe N should take up golf rather than tennis, as he has picked it up quite well.
On Saturday, we ended up going into town to buy a new fridge. N opened ours first thing to find he couldn’t close the door. Then managed to get the door to fall out of the top hinge. The OH had a look but all the plastic underneath is broken. The shop only had one in the height we wanted and can’t deliver until Thursday. I’ll get the council to take the old one away which will be cheaper and means I have time to transfer the food over. Quite exciting getting a taller fridge and a little wider, but I’m not sure it means we’ll get an extra shelf. I hope so, otherwise there’s not much point getting a taller one.
In the afternoon N was at a friend’s pub lunch and park play birthday party. I’d organised for one of the mums to come back to ours for a garden catch up after we dropped the boys off, but we didn’t bother as most of us hung around for a drink and a chat until they were ready to head off to the park. It was lovely to see and speak to the other parents. Most of them I’ve not spoken to since probably February half term before lockdown 1. N had a brilliant time at the party, and came home already planning the next playdate with a few of them back at the park again.

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I’m sure we had some kind of apple cake in France and really loved it. My husband does his hair and our sons but no blending is done here lol. Sound like a very busy week on the farm and for you. I like the idea of a milk vending machine #365
I like the sound of apple cake and my husband only eats cold desserts so may give that a go. Well done on the clippers I tried once during the first lockdown and did such a bad job he won’t let me near his hair now. I know what you mean about chatting with friends, it is so lovely to be able to see people again.
I’m not sure I’d have wanted to do the hair cut without having someone stood there guiding me. Plus it takes ages. The OH’s isn’t too bad though as it’s quite short and thick. Not like N’s where you’d really notice if it went wrong
I am at an age now where I am excited about new appliances LOL
Sorry to hear that N lost his tennis matches. It is frustrating when they don’t perform, but its all a good learning curve (apparently). Apple cake sounds yummy
Hope N enjoyed being able to help with the sileaging. It’s a shame about the tennis tournament but glad he wasn’t demoralised and wishing him all the best of luck for the next one. Hope your new fridge has now arrived and the taller fridge does give you the extra shelf. Glad N enjoyed his friend’s birthday party. #project365
Don’t think I have ever tried apple cake. Might have to give it a go.
Oh no to the fridge door breaking but good you can get a bigger one now.
Sounds like golf might be the way forward. I’m so glad that mine are ok with one grade all over as I’d have no idea how to graduate it, so well done if you’ve managed that! #365
The weather has been lovely, well apart from today. It’s rained all day.
That’s a shame that the apple cake didn’t go down well. My lot will eat any cake and it’s a bonus if there is ice cream.
It sounds like you had a great afternoon yesterday. It is nice to see people again. x