Project 52 2021 week 24
A move to rain and cooler weather this week. Most of the week was more of the same. School, work, tennis (some), walking and cooking.
Here’s our week 24 of Project 52.
Sunday N had his second county tennis training session, so it was off to Abingdon. It was a really hot day, but luckily N’s age group were playing indoors in the cooler hall. Parents couldn’t stay inside to watch, so I headed off for a walk into the town as planned. I remembered to wear a hat (first time being out in public in a hat – other than on holiday, but at least my parting didn’t get burnt), and put on sun lotion, so didn’t get burnt on the walk in and out. Once home after training N decided he wanted to bake some cookies, so he whipped up some chocolate chip ones.
On Monday it was a sunny warm day at school, and N spent a bit of time afterwards with the dogs. At the moment, he’ll do anything not to do his homework until the second day which is silly as it means he has to do 2 days in one go. I finally started to see blog traffic pick up again – all US based.
Tuesday was another gorgeous day and I had a bit of a wander as a break from work enjoying the roses over the fence. I took some photos of the knackered climbing frame/swing. My father in law has to try and mow around it which is frustrating, it’s lopsided, and N rarely goes on it anymore. The OH reckons I should put it online to see if anyone wants it, but I can’t see that happening. It’s totally lopsided, and both he and N have had a go at pulling bits off so there’s screws and planks of wood missing from it. But it would be easier than us having to break it down to burn or get to the tip.
On Wednesday it was the same kind of day as normal. I nipped out at lunch to post some Vinted sales and bumped into another tennis mum. N has started going out to speak to the calves that are in the paddock now behind our garden, but also the Limousin heifers and steers in the field above. The day finished with his tennis individual session which looked like a good session.
We’ve also been discussing secondary schools. Our catchment school is ok – benefits are the farm/animal care options, and the fact he could likely get the bus from outside our house. But it’s looking like basically all the other children not going private, will be trying to get into another nearby school in the next county which is half the size. This year we reckon only one from Y6 is going to the catchment school, and that even people from town got into the smaller one. So we might stand a chance next year too. It’s a good sporting school which seems to cover all sports in Year 7 instead of the focus on rugby (N is really worried about contact rugby) and football at the catchment school. They’ve also got government money to rebuild over the next couple of years (although I think they are getting rid of the pool). The school day is earlier so I could drive him there, but would struggle getting him home – he’d have to go back via he village and walk from there, or we’d have to somehow share lifts with another person. Definitely a dilemma.
Thursday was more chatting to calves. They’re quite friendly although they’re only new into the field, and I don’t think they’re ones that N’s previously befriended when they were in the barns. N was finally booked onto multisports after school club again. He’s not done it for a couple of years because he said it was mostly younger children, but he’s decided to go back again as a couple of friends go. I think it’s always quite good for him to do more than just tennis and it means it’s one fewer early pick ups I need to do.
On Friday, it rushed past so fast. I got quite a lot done this week at work, and things are coming together in preparation for a launch and publication in July. The weather was miserable with pretty heavy rain all day, so tennis was cancelled. As we didn’t have to time tea like we usually do, we decided on fish and chips. So scampi for them and I had halloumi. I shouldn’t really have had it on my diet with the batter, but I wanted a treat, and I had it with salad so it wasn’t too horrendous. It tasted good though. N stayed up for the whole of the rather disappointing England vs Scotland Euros match.
Saturday was a lovely day. We nipped into town early to pick up a couple of things. Made a cottage pie al prepped for dinner, then we headed out for N’s playdate and picnic at the park with a couple of school friends. We were so lucky that the weather was dry and warm. The park was busier than we’ve ever seen it (still only us and 2 other families at different points). The boys did a bit of playing on the gym equipment then mostly played table tennis. I think N and I should go down there more often to play as we do like a bit of ping pong. Then we all headed back to one of their houses for the boys to play some more, while we had a chat. It was a really lovely afternoon, and bonus, when we got home the OH had put the cottage pie in the oven and the veg on.

New posts this week:
Secondary school are such a consideration. My little lady would love an animal option for classes. We have a few years yet to decided but we are hoping to move so we are always thinking of it, wanting to avoid certain catchments etc #365
The secondary school hunt has started here too. I wanted Eliza to go to the same school as Isaac but his old primary teacher who lives on that estate has told me that there are a lot of issues with the current yr 5 and they are not a nice year group – it has made me worried, but the school is really strict so I am hoping it will be ok. She is going to try the Grammar test too
Not sure if any from our school will go for grammar test this year. Think there’s more going private. It’s never simple is it. And our year is a baby boom year so it makes you think about that consideration too.
Good luck with deciding on which secondary school to go for with N – they both sound like they’re good in different ways. Lovely photo of the calves. Glad N enjoyed his playdate at the park. #project365
So much to think about then they move schools isn’t it? Hope it all works out for you for the best.
Sounds like a really lovely Saturday, it is so nice to have a bit of normality. I know mine have missed playdates. I am not looking forward to the secondary school decision. I think we may end up opting for an out of catchment school but don’t know if we will get in. Thankfully a little while to worry about that.
We thought we wouldn’t stand a chance as there’s lots of kids with siblings above us. But this year sixes, only 1 is going to catchment as far as we can work out, and the others, even ones living in town even further away than us have got in without siblings. Our year is a baby boom year though, but I know N would get in head of 2 others without siblings as we live closer. So might be worth a try, but then there’s concerns about getting him home vs catchment where we should be able to get a bus. So hard to know what to do.
Hope the secondary school options work themselves out for you, maybe you might even get to look round them come September. We’ve just had our transition day cancelled here #365
One school had transition day last week. Not sure when the other one is. Think that might be virtual as it’s a huge school. The 1st school is doing summer school transition in the first week of hols!
It sounds like a good week.
The secondary school sounds like a lot to think about. I am sure you will work something out and it will all come good in the end. x