Project 52 2021 week 37
We’re into week 37 of Project 52 for this year and it’s felt like this week just whizzed by. It’s also felt more autumnal weatherwise.
Sunday was a normal weekend day at home. N and I went out early to play tennis before the club tournament started. We had an hour of playing, and it’s nice that he now says he finds it more interesting playing with me, than his friends. With me, he stays playing for an hour, whereas with friends they only ever do about 20 minutes. The rest of the day was lazy, just doing jigsaws, playing xbox, reading and watching films. A nice relaxing end to the week. And to be honest, not much different to every other weekend over the past 18 months!
On Monday apart from a busy working day, not much else happened. N was at school – same old.
Tuesday more work and school. I started thinking about birthday presents and Christmas. First up my best friend’s birthday. I always like to think of really good present ideas, but after so many years, I’m really running out of good ideas. Shame we don’t live closer so we could just do things together for our birthdays given they’re so close. I made really delicious fathead dough calzone/parcels for me for dinner as they were having pie.
On Wednesday, work was busy again. I think everyone’s still frantic at the moment. It’s really not stopped this year at all. After work, N had his usual tennis private lesson. It was a good one, and he had some good serving practice.
Thursday was spent working. N didn’t play football at school because evidently there had been lots of silliness last week, so they did tag rugby instead. N is funny with his opinions of the playing awareness of children playing sports. Maybe he should think about commentary/sports reporting when he’s older. I spent the evenings trying to sort out all the match times for our 2 green teams. 6 matches, 6 emails to opposing captains, and I’ve only had responses from the 2 final matches. Let’s hope the ones at the start of October get responding soon.
On Friday I had a half day flexi .For once I didn’t have to work too much into the time I was meant to be off. After work it was an early tea because N had a private lesson with the main coach before his usual group session. He seemed to cope pretty well with the 2 1/2 hours of playing. We’re just struggling to find court time that works for us and the coach so we don’t know when we’ll be able to fit more sessions in. There’s just not enough courts available locally. Covid has stopped him being able to coach at the schoo courts he teaches at because they’re not letting non pupils onto grounds, and our school court is used for car parking so isn’t in the best condition.
Saturday was a quick nip to various out of town shops, then back to relax for the day. I got out the sewing machine to make some bookmarks (which N promptly laughed at – cheeky sod). I’d hoped to go brambling again as the berries will be going over soon, but the cows are out in the couple of fields and on the hill where we know the fruits are good. A bit frustrating but typical. I’d also tried to find out what’s happened to one of my Vinted sales – the recipient evidently has about 6 items she’s waiting on that tracking says has been out for delivery 3 times and mine’s in that group. Unfortunately Hermes phone line doesn’t recognise tracking numbers on their automated system, and aren’t responding on twitter either. So it’s all abit pants. although I’d end up getting a good amount of compensation if it doesn’t turn up.
This week’s photo of the week was of a blue tit on N’s tennis rebounder net. I really need to clean the windows inside and out so I can take better photos through them!

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Sounds like such a busy week. It’s great that you can plan tennis together. Little E keeps asking about tennis but I think we would have issues finding somewhere for her at the moment. It’s also trying to fit it all in. Love the photo #365
Hope you manage to find some court time that works for you all!
Love blue tits, so pretty.
Lovely that N prefers to play tennis with you and that he stays for longer. Hope you manage to find court time. Everything seems in such high demand at the moment. Lovely photo of the bluetit. Our windows need cleaning too!
That’s lovely that N enjoys playing tennis with you. You clearly are an inspiration to him. Beautiful photo of the blue tit. It definitely feels more autumnal, the evenings get darker earlier and chillier. Hope the Vinted sales have been sorted out by now.
Great shot of the bluetit. Such a shame that N cannot get court time, we are struggling with pool time here – plus they have almost doubled their prices too
How lovely that N enjoys playing tennis with you more than with his friends. Sounds like N is doing well with all his tennis lessons despite the difficulties in organising court time – hope you manage to find a way of getting some more court time in. Love the photo of the blue tit. #project365
Sunday sounds like it was a relaxing day for you and N, lovely he wants to play tennis with you. Hope you get the Vinted sales sorted out
Great shot of the blue tit. Lily loves her tennis, she goes lessons weekly. Great result for Raducanu last week! Lily and I went to the local courts to play tennis last Sunday as well x
It’s so nice playing in summer weather isn’t it. Definitely an inspirational win by Emma Raducanu
It really has felt like Autumn this past week. A chill in the morning and a couple of grey days.
Aww! That is great that N is enjoying playing tennis with you.
What a fab photo! Blue tits are such pretty birds x
I had to switch between slippers and flipflops today as it warmed up in the middle. Now back in slippers and with a blanket.