keto blackberry jam

Project 52 2021 week 39

The week of fuel panic. It all started on Friday before when the fact a handful of BP petrol stations had closed (due to lack of delivery drivers). The media managed to blow this up missing out how minor it actually was, people them panicked and there have been queues everywhere, with petrol stations closing. I spent a lot of time working out how many journeys I had to make, and how long I could go, hoping it would be back to normal by mid week. It wasn’t.

Here’s our week 39 of Project 52.

Sunday it was weird not having tennis, although even if N had been fit, the orange team had taken over the junior session to practice, so we couldn’t have played anyway. We didn’t do much, just lazed around. When I popped down to put some stuff in the bins, I spotted the 2 remaining kittens (one of the dogs got the 3rd a few weeks ago), 1 even stayed peeking out to look at me rather than running off. I haven’t seen the adults for a long time.

On Monday I was meant to have an evening webinar about the new tennis ranking numbers they’re introducing. But noone appeared when I logged into zoom, so I’m not sure what was going on. There was just no host to log everyone into the webinar. A waste of an evening, and a bit disappointing. Instead I just read all the guides online instead.

Tuesday it was just more work and school. Our work have announced we’re moving fully to hybrid working. Basically working from home, unless you’re someone who personally needs to be office based to work, or for collaborative team working. It includes continuing more flexible working, so it’s removed my stress about sorting out N’s pick up from school. I quite like working from home, I think it’s often easier to get hold of people now than it was before when we had lots of remote workers anyway. Once people start travelling for work again that might make more of an issue. Our company really is a good one to work for, although I’m not sure I’d have liked to work this way as a new worker to the company like many have had to do the last couple of years.

On Wednesday, it was more work and school. I used some of our blackberries we foraged, to make some keto blackberry jam. The recipe said it would make 2 cups worth, but it ended up being 2 cups worth, so I’ve got 2 jars out of it. It’s not that sweet, but was lovely on some greek yoghurt, and toasted keto bread. N liked it a lot too, so he’s been having it on toast for his breakfast.

Thursday was all about fuel. I really needed some (or would before going anywhere on Saturday). Usually I fill up about every 2.5 to 3 weeks. Thankfully with no tennis, just the school run has meant I could hold off getting fuel for a few more days. My brother had got some with no issues on the way to work, and I headed out to Tesco in the early evening. Luckily it was just like a normal busy Sunday – I just pull up behind the 2 cars filling up, then it was my turn. And no queuing around the car park to get in like I’d expected. There were no restrictions either, so a full tank and that will keep me going for another 3 weeks hopefully. I thought that was town back to normal, but evidently there were still problems at different times at different petrol stations through the day. Our Sainsbury’s forecourt has opened early after its refit this week, so that means more options too.

I also had a call back from the catchment school key stage 3 leader to answer my questions I had following the open day. I was impressed they called me (although I had had to chase), there’s some more positives, but also things that just haven’t changed and aren’t ever likely to since I was there. They’re curriculum things rather than decisions by the school, and probably national issues. We’re still not really any the wiser about which school to put first.Evidently noone has appealed with the alternative school for about 4 years – either as others say, they just let everyone in, or people just leave it if they don’t get it. I’m still waiting to hear if they can tell me how many get in for each criteria on the admissions list. Our county publish this but the other county doesn’t.

On Friday it was busier at work than expected. Lots of calls, chasing things for someone else who’s on leave. I didn’t manage to take my flexi so I’m well over on my time this month. Hopefully I’ll get back to more normal hours next month. N stood put himself forward for Prefect today. Last year he was just picked, this year they’re back to normal and having to put themselves forward. It’s a bit strange as they don’t have head boy or girl at their school, but then have prefects for each class. It’s a shame they don’t just have them at the top of the school as role models. Only he and his good friend stood, and they both had to do a speech. N was very proud of his, and wrote it all himself 2 days before. They won’t hear until next week who gets tthe role.

N’s heel felt a lot better, he’d not had pain for a few days. So we decided he’d be fine to go back to his group tennis, and back to the rest of tennis individuals next week. They’ve moved up 2 of the orange players (although bizarrely not their number 1 team player, leaving only 2 in the earlier group) so there’s now 8 of them, but as there’s 5 of the older more experienced ones, there’s always going to be one who has to play with the others who aren’t as consistent or strong. N’s not very happy. But the 2 who moved up didn’t do badly, they’ve improved a lot. It does mean that there won’t be room for the 2 girls who wanted a half term off group training due to other commitments. Them returning would mean 10 in the group, so there’s no chance for match practice. Will be interesting to see what happens after half term. It’s becoming more of an issue only having 2 courts now there’s kids who’ll be playing juniors soon while more younger ones coming through. Ours have been the top group for a few years, so it’s good there’s more children playing for longer.

Saturday was a busy day, but a lot of fun. We had an early start heading over to another town for the sports shop there. It’s a specialist tennis, hockey and cricket shop, as well as all the rest, and it turns out if you play for a team you get a 10% discount too which is good. Reduces the number of people trying things on there, then buying online. After about 10 pairs of trainers tried on, and nearly another hour, they managed to find a pair of tennis trainers that fit and were comfortable. He’s an inbetween size, but the bigger size with insoles was still too loose. Fingers crossed his feet don’t all of a sudden grow. It was really wet so we didn’t wander around the rest of the town.

The afternoon was spent cooking. N wanted to make mince pies from scratch so he’s made the mincemeat to leave steeping overnight. Then we’ll make the pastry tomorrow. He really does enjoy cooking and baking, he even mentioned being a chef at one stage.

keto blackberry jam
Making keto blackberry jam

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  1. I hybrid work too I’d say 9 days out of 10 I’m at home then 1 day I might have a couple of hours in office with the rest of the day at home it’s a Nice mix and like you I get to do school runs. Takes the stress out completely also easier if the kids are ill!

    Had no idea tennis rankings were changing but we are not quite at that stage yet. What age did N start competition?

    1. They started playing in their team league in the last year of reds. Played in lots of a local club’s matchplays, then did 1 tournament just before Covid which he hated/had quite a bad experience at. So it’s only been since tennis opened up again post lockdown that he’s got keen on doing them. When he did county tennis training they all had to do the county tournament so did some before that, and now has decided he wants to do at least 1 a month. He likes doing the team league matches most though. He’s more about improving his game than being a big achiever and winner of tournaments, but I’m glad he’s not been put off playing in them, even if he loses. The ranking’s remaining but they’re adding in this new one to compare internationally too. But only one they hit 10yo

  2. Sorry to hear your tennis zoom call was a non-event, sounds like the organisation was a bit rubbish. The fuel crisis has been a pain, luckily I have access to fuel where I work as it could have been an issue.
    Good luck with choosing schools, I am awaiting Eliza’s grammar test results and have added a couple of other options to the list

  3. It must have felt very strange with N not having tennis, glad that his heel is better though and hope that he can get back to tennis without any further issues. How frustrating that no-one was there when you logged in for your webinar. Glad that the hybrid working is less stressful for you with the school pick-up and that you managed to get some petrol. Good luck to N on applying to be a prefect. How lovely that N enjoys cooking and baking so much. The blackberry jam looks yummy. #project365

  4. It is still bad here fuel wise and I am not sure I will make it into the office next week on my allotted days. Good news about work after eight years of solidly working at home it is nice to be in an office but I do think I may reduce my number of days down at some point at the travelling makes me so tired. Like the sound of the blackberry jam and good news N’s heel is on the mend.

  5. The fuel issue has been so annoying. Hubby took my car to fill it up for me so I wasn’t queuing with baby. I don’t normally do a full tank but he did just in case it continues and he didn’t want me stranded anywhere….not that I am going out much at the moment.

    Hope N gets the prefect role.

  6. It was a mess created by the media, I agree. We, fortunately, had a full tank when this started, so could wait until it settled to re-fuel, which happened on Thursday last week.
    It’s wonderful that you like working from home. I love it too, it’s much better than spending time commuting, which I have to do for my studies though.

  7. This past week has made me quite glad that my fella and I don’t drive with the fuel panic. It’s been chaotic here at the petrol stations.
    That is great news about the hybrid working.
    Good luck to N with being a prefect and the mince pies. x

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