Project 52 2021 week 49
Considering how much we obsessively watched all the Downing Street conferences in the first part of the pandemic, and I was keeping an eye on the news, I don’t follow it as much now. I usually find out about changes on social media, then find the news to read it in more detail. I’m now on tenterhooks thinking we’ve got Blenheim Lights and Waddesdon trail after Christmas, my brother’s meant to be having Christmas here after staying away last year, and I’m seeing my old school friends next Sunday. I don’t really want to cancel but am hanging on hoping that things don’t get restricted further than plan B.
I don’t think we ever left Plan B – we’ve been wearing masks throughout, doing lateral flows when being around being or if we get any sniffles etc. And I’m working from home although the office was open socially distanced for restricted numbers only.. The office is now closed again. So we don’t know when the worst of Omicron will be over so things can get back to more normal again.
Here’s our project 52 week 49.
On Sunday we didn’t do much. We were on weather watch for our rescheduled home match in the afternoon but then the rain arrived (the wind was already awful), and after much deliberation decided we’d cancel. Sods law, it turned out that they probably could have played and risked it. But given the poor kids had had a nightmare playing in the cold and snow the previous week, I think we made the right decision. We’re unlikely to get an attempt for a 3rd reschedule in for the season deadline though which is a shame.
Monday was a bit of a nondescript day. Just work and school. A pretty spectacular sunrise. My blogger secret santa gift arrived which was lovely. And after Sunday I hit my biggest ever week of blog views – what 2 years ago I was getting per month – and also hit 1 million views in total for my blog. It’s only taken 9 years! Although 2/3rds of them in the last 2 years.
On Tuesday the worst of Storm Arwen hit. Just a lot of rain but more wind. Just before school pick up, it looked like rain falling heavily for about 10 minutes but the guttering was full and overflowing, and it looked more like slushy snow had fallen. I finished crocheting my slouch beanie hat. Despite me cutting the stitches down by 10, it was still quite large, and the wool was chunkier than I wanted really. But I’m pleased to have finished a more complicated pattern. Now to work on a lighter yarn in the hope of getting a lighter less chunky hat that’s still warm and a bit slouchy.
Wednesday was frantic at work. I just seem to spend all my time answering calls of help and advice. It’s nice to know I can help and people find me helpful. But sometimes I just seem to get nothing done that I need to. N came back from school having fallen doing random PE. Several children had fallen, including one who had a head bump. N had a huge knee plaster, and one on his arm. As well as sore hands. He struggled to straighten his arm, so we ended up cancelling his tennis lesson. The next day the bruise on the whole of the side of his hip was spectacular.
On Thursday it was more work and school. N’s really been enjoying football club at school. I asked him if they do drills and skills practice in the first half. It seems they just do kicking practice what they want. Then play lots of matches. Seems like a bit of waste of money – I expected them to at least learn some skills for part of the session given it’s external coaches coming in, rather than free and run by school teachers.
Friday was Christmas jumper day at school. I don’t think N wore his for more than 1 song they stood and did together. The rest of the day he seemed to be in shorts and t shirt (and a jacket for outdoors). A busy work day again. I managed to nip out at lunch to drop off a Vinted parcel. In the evening N only had his group tennis lesson. I had a good chat as usual with one of the other mums.
Our coach said none of ours are ready for yellow ball yet, and to do no matches until maybe Spring when he’ll switch them over fully to the yellow ball. It’s disappointing, but for N he wants to cement the technical progress he’s been making over the last couple of months rather than switching to the heavier ball and bigger racket, then putting the progress back. I can see the point, but then when we play we use a yellow ball, and you could argue regress the progress now and build it up with that ball, rather than delaying the switch until later. So we’ll see how he switches it up next term. At least no matches gives weekends a break, and me less hassle with organising teams.
On Saturday we did the usual quick trip to town to pick up a couple of things. N then had a tennis match. Because there was rain due, we arranged to arrive earlier so we could avoid the worst of the weather. It was a lovely club there, and both of the other parents were nice and friendly. They’re keen on playing some friendlies, so hopefully we’ll keep a watch out for those, and some lower or non graded tournaments to give the children a chance to maybe play the next ball up – moving into juniors once they’ve had a bit of practice.

New posts this week:
Storm Arwen was a bit of a non-event here, although we did have a lot of rain. Loving your new hat!!
Love the beanie, fab job. Hope N’s hip is better now. Shorts and tshirt at this time of the year, even indoors makes me feel cold.
Hope none of your plans get cancelled! I think lots of us are hoping we can squeeze a few more things in before Christmas. Love the beanie hat you made, wish I could make things like that. Oh no poor N having a fall, hope he is feeling better by now. Sounds really busy with work, bet you can’t wait for the Christmas break.
I had stopped watching the news, although with family plans over Christmas I have started again, and like you, a little concerned once again our plans will not happen. The beanie hat is brilliant well done you! It looks fab.
Poor N, sounds like one heck of a tumble he took – but fact more fell too… not great at all! The weather has been chronic recently though so nice that the sun has made an appearance the last couple of days!
I am digging the bobble hat, love the colour! I am all for them at the moment, there is no such thing as being too warm!
That sounds disappointing about the football training, you would have thought there would be some technical training behind it! Hope it has been a better week all round! Sim x
I stopped watching the news all together, just read the titles in the papers and what’s trending on social media. The Clown & Co don’t know what they’re doing.
Hope your Christmas plans are not postponed or cancelled. Hope N has recovered from his fall. It sounds painful.
Glad to hear he enjoys the football club.
Your hat suit you. Lovely colour!
We’ve been similar with masks and mostly working from home so plan B hasn’t changed much in that respect. Not sure how things are going to pan out for Christmas though. Well done on your biggest week of page-views on your blog and for hitting 1 million page views. Hope N is feeling less bruised now. Love the hat you made. #project365
Love the colour of your hat, good job! I know we’ve been out more than you, but really we’ve not left plan B either, I’ve never understood why masks weren’t needed everywhere indoors and even now it seems selective. Ouch to the hip bruise, hope it’s calmed down now #365
This was interesting. I think it’s the d time I’ve seen a post centered around a specific project. The first was on beauty topic in which old products were pushed out. But this had an experience twist to it. Enjoyed reading. Xx
Isa A. Blogger
Thanks for visiting.
I stopped following the news months ago but have been taking notice over the past week. I really hope that Christmas gets to go ahead.
Well done with your blog views! That is fantastic.
Poor N. It sounds like he had a nasty fall. I hope he’s recovered now.
I am loving your hat. x