Project 52 2022 week 13
Another week’s gone by, we’re getting closer to Easter, I’ve booked all my leave dates to the end of summer, so things are looking good. There’s just a lot of change going on at work, and it’s always busy when we’re switching from one year to the next.
Here’s our week 13 of Project 52.
On Sunday it felt like the most normal day since Covid started. One family in the village were doing a Ukraine brunch fundraiser in the village hall, and we said we’d go along. N decided we should cycle and got very excited about our bike ride. It’s only just over 2 miles round trip, but crikey my bottom killed affterwards – even my gel saddle made it painful. It was nice to be out on the bikes, so hopefully once the weather gets better again we’ll go out more frequently. Especially as my knee felt ok. The event was really nice. Living outside the village we’re a bit on the outside. But there’s one former school mum who’s always friendly and introduces me to everyone, so I met lots of people and felt part of the village. N loved being there with his friends too. And all no masks in the hall, which felt a bit strange to begin with, but so far haven’t heard anyone’s gone down with Covid so that’s a relief.
Monday it was back to work and school. It was the last of the nice weather and was lovely at N’s tennis lesson. I managed to fit in making some almond and coconut clusters – delicious but too easily eaten. We had a meeting after school about their residential. We still don’t know what N’s secondary school can offer as an alternative for their day at the school which clashes with the residential. Splat bang in the middle of it. I didn’t get an answer whether I could come and collect him to enable him to still attend the secondary open day, but despite the ridiculous 7hour+ round trip for me, I really want to try and make it work.
On Tuesday not much happened. I did manage to get out at lunchtime to pick up something from the butcher’s. I’m feeling really hungry this week, and after having my painful knee I’ve avoided too much exercise, so now feel really unfit too. It doesn’t take much to feel it, so I really need to get back to my steps again.
Wednesday was busy at work again. A really cold day too. I had to get my huge winter coat back out for N’s tennis lesson. I did have a panic as my friend I’d offered to have my second Wimbledon ticket had already accepted another offer so I needed to find someone else to come with me. Thankfully one of the school/tennis mums was happy to come, so we’re set. Hopefully it’ll be nice weather and a good day out. And that the dads remember to do the residential pick up which is the same day.
On Thursday the weather was madness. Snow and sleet on and off all day. And so cold. I had another INR test – my fingers weren’t letting any blood out. I think she tried 6 times, I swung my arms around, put hands between my legs, and ran my fingers under hot water. In the end she had to massage my finger. And my reading was too low for my range, so back again next week. Work was non stop, I had to stop a last minute call where someone had run for advice with 2 minutes to go before I was due to pick up N.
Friday was a short work day. It was so busy I didn’t get my lunch til 2.15, was about to log on for N’s school church service, only to find another call come in as I was scoffing down my food. It didn’t help that all day the servers were down, so once I mistakenly closed 2 files I had open, I was stuck unable to access them back to finalise a piece of work that needed submitting.
We went for fish and chips takeaway for tea, then N had his group tennis session. I get a bit frustrated because it feels like too much of a fun session and not really any coaching. Yes they played doubles, but they’ve done no ground shots or decent rallying time for ages, and it feels like they’re not getting time to really practice their shots. With 2 coaches there, they could have done a lot of good basic practice with 3 kids to a court. Instead it feels like a lot of stop start, too much chatter, and for a 1 ½ hour session, not a lot of actual hitting.
On Saturday we finally made it to the local football club match to speak to the team captain to get a response when N would be able to join. He knows most of the team from school or parties, and it sounds like they’ll be starting evening training after Easter. It looks like it’ll clash with after school club football which is a shame. It means I’ll lose the one day I get to have a late pick up and not have to duck out mid afternoon to get him. But N’s excited, and hopefully he’ll enjoy joining there.
Otherwise it was a normal relaxed Saturday, although still really cold.

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Glad you’ve got your Wimbledon doubles partner lined up and well done with the bike ride. Mine needs fixing and I shall be attempting the journey too and from school soon
The fundraiser sounds good, nice for things to be back on again. Your almond and coconut clusters sound fabulous, next time take a photo so we can drool over them! That was a late lunch for you I would be famished! I tend to eat my lunch every day on the dot at 12 noon!
Ah,I’ll be sharing the reccipe at some point. Lunchtime is 12 here too, but with work I tend to now eat between 1-1.30 so when I’m eating at weekends I’m never ready at 12.
Even we saw some snow last week, although it didn’t settle. The village event sounds lovely, I would love to get involved in something like that here. I need to get back out on my bike
Nice to get out for a bike ride…but the weather has been so weird! Can’t believe how cold it got after the nice days we have had.
The almond and coconut clusters sound nice
Bike ride, that sounds a bit painful. I am not keen on bikes (I don’t ride), but I am looking forward to long walks when the weather is a bit better, now is raining in Liverpool.
How lovely of you to attend the brunch fundraiser. Well done.
Lovely to get out for a bike ride. I like the sound of the almond and coconut clusters. Hope you get some answers soon about what to do with the secondary school day. It was quite a change in the weather last week, wasn’t it, going from spring sunshine to snow! You look nice and warm in your winter coat though. #project365
It sounds like a lovely Sunday. I always get a sore bum when I’ve been out on my bike too. Village life sounds great.
I hope the schools work things out with the secondary school open day.
You look very cosy with your hood up. It has been needed this week. x
They really need to make better saddles, maybe that are more like a sling that you rest in rather than where your bones literally sit on hardness. Even my gel saddle doesn’t help!