Project 52 2022 week 17
It’s another week, and holiday seems like it’s a long time gone. The warm weather seems to have disappeared. By the end of the week I was back in jumpers and slippers, even with my fluffy gilet back on top too.
Here’s our week 17 for Project 52.
Sunday we just spent at home pottering around. Quite a lazy day to catch up on a bit of rest after holiday, and I did quite a bit of editing photos and getting videos done. N spent a bit of it on the farm.
On Monday it was a shock to be back to work and school after quite a long time off (for me at least, just over a week off). I had to ring the council again about my food caddy still not having been picked up. That’s 3 normal collections they’ve just not collected, and 3 chase ups/reports of missed collections. I despair. I don’t understand why they don’t have the same route the normal recycling and waste lorries follow, so why have they missed it. The wheely bins are visible from the road, and the caddy’s in front of them. Grrr.
Tuesday, at school, the tennis lesson they had for a couple of hours seemed like it went well. N enjoyed it more than previous sessions with that coach, so hopefully he’ll see some value in it going forwards. It helps they could choose their partners.
In the evening N wanted to go and watch the team he’s joining play their quarter final cup match. He’s not allowed to play for them until the next season unless it’s a friendly. But it was nice to catch up with a few of the mums I don’t see that much. Hopefully I’ll end up enjoying the social chats there as well as with tennis.
On Wednesday it was so cold again. I had my thick winter coat on again to watch N’s tennis lesson. He played really well, and said he enjoyed it more again. Hopefully he’ll play more consistently now, and find he’s enjoying it again.
Thursday was pretty much a culmination of trying to get our heads around all the new things that are going on at work. New reporting, new projects, new systems. There’s a lot going on and still a lot of uncertainty about how it’s going to work out. It was nice to chat to lots of people today. Finally my INR has gone back to well within range. After tea N and I went out for a bit of table tennis, and had an audience of the calves in the paddock behind coming to watch.
I’ve been making a start looking up school uniform for secondary school. I don’t know whether to opt for the size he’s in now (or would be if he wasn’t wedded to wearing slightly too small trousers), or to risk going for the bigger size in the hope he grows faster over the summer. They say we need to order in June ideally, but that’s a good couple of months before school actually starts. We can’t order ties until we know what houses they’ll be in anyway, but at least I could order the non logo trousers and shirts from M&S now before they all go. I just need to measure N to make sure I’m right in my current sizing.
On Friday it was a fairly quiet work day. N came home having won the matchbox challenge for his class. 3 items were disallowed (they probably couldn’t find the sugar and similar items!). The 2 kids in other classes who won were brothers and got 74 items each in their matchboxes. An insane number. He won a cool notepad and colouring pens.
Biggest news of the week…my kerbside food caddy has been emptied. Only took them 4 weeks, so now it’s all cleaned out and ready to use again next week. Hopefully we’re now on their regular pick up.
We had chippy tea, then It was back to group tennis, which was a very lively session with a lot of noise. They seemed to play a lot more tennis than the previous few sessions so that was good.
Saturday was an early football training start, with a 2 hour session. It left me enough time to go off into town. I bumped into our neighbour when stopping for a Starbucks treat so had a chat to him. Dropped off my shopping at home before picking N up. He’s really enjoying the training, although I don’t know how he’ll feel once it’s winter.
It was a really warm day so we spent a bit of time outside playing table tennis. N got his archery set out until the dog wanted to come and sit in the garden with him. Just a nice relaxing day.

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The weather is really irritating me, I’m either too cold or lugging a coat around with me. Glad your food caddy has been emptied at last. With school uniform I wouldn’t buy it all now especially if you can only buy it from the school, there’s usually a second hand shop at a lot of schools and it could be worth seeing if there is a facebook group for the school uniform 2nd hand.
I’ve heard there’s an open evening where you can try uniform on for size, but noone’s mentioned 2nd hand opportunities. It’s just one online supplier but just blazer, tie and PE kit. Rest I’ve got from m&s. Blazers are only £28 so it’s not too pricy. I’m just hoping he wears it, unlike the numerous pairs of grey trousers he hasn’t worn in the last 2 years that I’m now having to sell on. And 2 school jumpers, and 4 PE t shirts he’s not worn either (admittedly those were a cock up the suppliers sent me too many but told me to keep them). Sigh
Last week was quite cold, wasn’t it? The weather seems to be warming up again now though. The food caddy thing sounds very frustrating with all those missed collections – glad it finally got collected. Good luck with all the new things going on at work and sorting out school uniform for N. Well done to him on winning the matchbox challenge for his class. #project365
It must have been so annoying with the bins. Although it’s great that they are picking up food waste. We don’t have that. I also have to keep UHT packaging and drop it at the tip, as it is not recycled in the normal bin.
I love the picture, it looks so beautiful and relaxing.
I haven’t had a chippy tea in so long, that’s always a good meal! Sorry to hear about your food caddy! I am hoping for better weather so we can all get out more. Thank you for sharing about your week!
Lauren x
Chippy takeaway is pretty much the only takeaway we get, unless it’s a birthday and my son requests pizza. Caddy did eventually get taken – whoop. Hopefully we’re now on regular pick up.
This weather has been a bit hit and miss this week.
Ugh! That is frustrating about your food caddy still not being collected.
Good luck with the secondary school uniform it is such a minefield worrying about buying too big or too small.
What a pretty tree, I do love this time of the year when everything is growing x
We’ve had rain today, and back to being chilly. Hopefully will be nicer again in the week. Thankfully the caddy was collected so hopefully that’ll now be picked up weekly. I just need to remember to get it out by 7am!