Project 52 2022 week 2
Week 2 and we’re back into the swing of work and school. Yes the weather hasn’t been brilliant so far, but it’s noticeable how the afternoons are lighter for longer.
Anyway onto our week 2 of Project 52.
On Sunday we didn’t do much. N’s throat was sore but I dragged him to M&S food hall for a couple of things I wanted I knew were back being stocked again, and to Primark to get some new smaller vest tops. My old ones are just gaping around the front now, and too baggy under my jumpers. I’ll have to cut them up for t shirt yarn at some point to do some crafting. We were quite impressed to see M&S have a freezer in store, saying they turn their unsold bread at the end of the day into all different types of frozen garlic bread to sell. A great idea to reduce waste – just a shame we were there at the wrong end of the day.
Monday and N’s tonsils were up. He’d not felt great over the weekend in his throat, and we’d lateral flow tested to check it wasn’t Covid. He stayed off school – I think we jinxed it because we’d had his 100% attendance record through before the weekend, and celebrated a bit much for him having avoided tonsillitis for so long. Oops. Luckily he can just spend the day on the sofa or upstairs watching youtube or on Farming Simulator, so I could still work as normal. We had to cancel his tennis session.
On Tuesday he was back to school, after another lateral flow test just to make sure. It was parents evening today, and he had a really good report from his teacher. He’s on track with where expectations are, his reading age is surprisingly quite a bit above his age despite his lack of reading! Writing needs development but is on track. And he’s developing his own mind and opinions, but also listening to others views. All in all, I’m pretty proud of him in both his school work and attitude, and the way he’s growing up and acting with other people. Ironically after being told he’s always organised and does his homework, he forgot to bring his spelling book home, so couldn’t do his homework for that day, or his catch up homework from the day before. Oops.
Wednesday was back to normal without any illness. For the first time since having a Fitbit, my sleep was the same % for REM, Deep sleep and light sleep. It looked so weird on my benchmark and my normal average. Usually I have relatively high deep sleep, REM on track with other women my age, and lower than average light sleep. N was back at his private tennis lesson again. The new bigger racket seems to be going well, apart from serving which is a larger adjustment.
On Thursday it was another gorgeous day. Really bright and clear. Perfect winter weather. I had my INR, and it was yet again within range. That’s around 5 months so I’ve got a couple of months before I need to go back again to get it checked. N came back from football club absolutely filthy.
Friday was a much needed end of the week. My Tesco delivery was 20 minutes early, luckily I was back home from the school run by then. N loved his school day – their french teacher wasn’t able to come in, so a supply teacher did french with the Y3/4s, and N’s class got an hour of hockey, and hour of tag rugby. Then he had 1 ½ hours of tennis, so was a bit tired afterwards. It was really icy at tennis as they play quite late, and they were very distracted by lots of fire engines and police cars going past and up the road.
On Saturday I didn’t feel like I got to relax all day. Morning was an early haircut for N, then we headed into town to look for sweets.for party bags, then chores around the house, tea prep, and getting match stuff together for Sunday’s twice postponed match I did spend a bit of time dancing around the kitchen while cooking. I need to keep up my steps as I’m in a couple of challenge groups and my competitive nature comes out.
This week’s photo was across our field behind. There were so many birds flying around like a murmuration. I’m presuming they’re crows – they didn’t stay still enough to capture them in detail.

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I’m sorry to read N was poorly. I hope it passed quickly. Fantastic report from school. I think Little E reads well but doesn’t actually read books. I think they read all the time on their devices. It sounds like you are doing amazing with your weight loss. I’m still trying to get my head around a routine with mine. I didn’t know M&S did that. I wonder if ours does. I will take a look at our store when I’m next there #365
I love that M&S do that with their left over bread, what a fab idea! Awww no that his tonsils are playing up again and he had to miss school. Sounds like an amazing parents evening, well done indeed. Gosh what an active day for N with all that sport, I wish mine would run around a bit more.
Glad N is getting on with his new racket, shame about the flare up, but thankful it wasn’t covid, sorry it impacted on his attendance. i tend to dance around the house when I’m trying to get my step number up. Great idea re M&S with the garlic bread, hopefully you catch them next time
I had no idea M&S did that, it’s a great idea. Will check ours next time we go in. Sorry N has been poorly again. I love watching the birds especially when they swarm like that. I used to watch them over the pier when I lived in Brighton.
Sorry to hear that N had a flare-up with his tonsils but glad he is feeling better now. Well done to him on his school report. Sounds like you had a busy week on the whole. Love the photo of the birds – it must have been quite something to watch. #project365
It’s lovely to see the lighter days isn’t it. Great news on N’s school report. Made me laugh about him enjoying all the extra sport, that would be my son’s worst nightmare #365
I think all of their year group like sports. I’m just hoping he gets to do a good mix at secondary school
It’s definitely lighter in the late afternoon now. Great initiative from M&S, I wonder if ours would do the same, as I haven’t seen anything like that in Witney. Sorry to hear that N’s tonsils were bothering him again. Big well done to him for the school report!
That is quite a lot of birds!
It’s so nice to see it getting lighter in the evenings. Only a few weeks and he might get his earlier tennis session without floodlights
Oh what a good idea by M&S
Sorry to hear N’s tonsillitis has been playing up again.
And sounds like a fab parents evening.
The afternoons really are lighter for longer, it’s almost 5pm before it’s dark now. Hooray!
That is a great idea from M&S to use their leftover bread.
Poor N with the tonsillitis again. I am glad he’s feeling better now and well done to him, it sounds like a great parents evening.
Oh wow, that is a lot of birds. x
Won’t be long before we get another hour of light. Hoping to get out and play table tennis then. At the moment we struggle because it’s dark before I finish work.