Project 52 2022 week 21
Another week’s gone by, and we’re at half term again. Just one more half term and that’s primary school finished. It’s a bit mindblowing how fast those 7 years have gone. Here’s this week’s Project 52, it’s week 21.
On Sunday it whizzed by. Now football takes up time on Saturdays, it means Sundays end up having to get everything done. We nipped into town in the hope of getting me some new trainers, but it was a fail, so I’m going to have to travel elsewhere to a specialist shop. N moped around bored most of the day until I got sick of it and sent him outside to find something to do. Cue him trying to hack away at a plank of wood that’s been in the garden for years. It kept him entertained until the OH rang him to go out on the farm.
Monday was back to school and work. I’m happy that my hand no longer hurts unless I prod the pad, so should all be ok with no pain at all over the next couple of days. Work was a bit frustrating. We’ve got lots of new thinking with people wanting to combine 3 areas of work into one, bringing work forward a month. I don’t see how we’re going to have the resource or time to do that, plus it’ll dilute our messaging. Very frustrating, and not listening to the people actually doing the work.
N’s tennis lesson was a bit wet. As was the end of their sileaging on the farm. It’s all done now though.
On Tuesday I had my annual review at work. It went ok, but let’s see what happens when it all gets centralised to compare to others. Otherwise it was just another work and school day, not much going on. Just a lot of rain.
Wednesday was work and school again. I’ve been trying to pull together lots of photos of N through the years so he can choose which he wants to use for his Y6 leaving photo board they do. There’s a lot of years of photos to go through!
N sorted out dinner because he wanted it early and I was in a meeting til 5. I’d prepped the pasta sauce at lunch, so he just had to heat it through, put the garlic bread in, and cook the pasta. It’s so handy having a child who is happy to cook and listens to instructions.
He had another friendly football match. They only play 9-a-side, and unusually had all their players available plus an extra child who plays for another team but seems to be turning up to our matches. So 14-15 kids meant he only got about 25 minutes on the pitch. They got totally outplayed by a much more skilled team but N said the other coach told him he’d had a good game which was nice. It gave him a bit of a boost, and he still really enjoyed it. I’m loving the social aspect!
Thursday was a busy one with work. I had my INR. It had been stable the last few times. This time it skyrocketed to my highest ever. Not good. It came down a bit on second testing, but I’m back again next week to check. I think I had a random few timing issues with my checks – always falling at the wrong time of the month when I see it drop lots, so the computer increases my warfarin dose. But now it’s risen a really high amount for me, so maybe it’ll now drop to nearer it used to be. I did ask whether something like the pre-menopause would impact it, but she didn’t know. I’m not showing symptoms, but I suppose you never know what will impact my INR range.
On Friday it was good to have a short working day. I had lots of meetings and didn’t get anything done. I think I just need to have a good 2 quiet days with no calls so I can get on with the things I need to do without being interrupted for lots of other things. At tennis they did matchplay as there were only 5 of the boys there.
Saturday was a busy one. It was lovely, but frustrating in some ways. I decided to head to Warwick first thing to get some tennis trainers from the sports. They only had 2 pairs in my size in stock, but the ones that fit properly were black and I really don’t want heavy black shoes. They did have more, but at well over £100 I’m not paying those prices when I don’t play several times a week. So that was a fail thanks to Covid/Brexit ongoing supply issues. Online shopping it’ll have to be, but at least I know what size/brand fits well now.
I picked N up from home before going to Abingdon to meet up with my bestfriend and her family as a stop off for them enroute to the south coast. Unfortunately the traffic didn’t play ball. There was an accident on motorway on the other carriageway that meant our side was crawling, then the dual carriageway was really slow too. We were only 10 minutes late. But my friend was an hour late, even though we reckoned she was probably only 10 minutes behind us when we hit the first issue. We ended up just having a quick lunch andletting the children having a quick play in the park before they had to drive on. N was pleased to get an ice cream – must be the cheapest 99 I’ve seen for years, at only £1.50! Bargain. It was lovely to see them after so long (over 2 years), but we’ll be seeing them again in early August, so it won’t be long.

New posts this week:
Glad that your hand is better now. I can imagine there’s a lot of photos to look through for N to choose one for his Year 6 leaving do. Well done to N for doing well on his friendly football match and glad he is enjoying it. Good luck with finding some new tennis trainers. Shame the traffic meant the time with your friend was cut short. The 99 was a bargain though – we definitely don’t see them that cheap around here! #project365
Love the idea of the end of school photos for N to choose from. Time does go fast, I know if so many going to ‘big’ school this year. I loved the social aspect of football with my kids, I’m still in touch with a couple of parents from those days. Sorry to hear your INR levels are high, I hope you get to the route of the course
Getting round to printing off the photos will be annoying. I think we’ll need to get them done in store at the weekend.
It’s such a big milestone, the end of the primary school. I was very anxious about the transition to the secondary but looks like Eddie has settled in well. Wishing N all the best in his new school!
The work changes sound stressful.
Lovely to meet up with your friend, but a shame about the traffic jams. The landscape looks so serene and peaceful, what a beautiful location.
Hope you find the right trainers online. I hate shoe-shopping, such a palaver.
It is crazy to think N is starting secondary school in September, the years certainly have flown over.
That does sound frustrating at work.
It sounds like N is really enjoying the football.
That is a shame about the traffic when you were meeting your friend. At least you had a quick catch up and hooray for the cheap ice cream.
What a pretty scene. It looks like a gorgeous day x