Project 52 2022 week 22
Week 22 of the year brings the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee weekend. Two bank holidays in aid of the Queen’s 70 years on the throne. We haven’t planned anything jubilee specific although we do have a beacon on one of our hills for one of the nearby villages. The hill opposite has the other village’s beacon.
Here’s our week for Project 52.
Sunday didn’t really feel very relaxing. I nipped into M&S to pick up some food that had been missed from my food shop, then had an optician’s appointment. They’re now asking me to come back annually as I’m getting older and my eyes aren’t as strong. I’ve definitely noticed things are more blurry unless conditions are perfect. SO no change to my prescription except I should now wear my reading glasses more regularly, rather than just when I’m trying to read tiny product packaging!
On Monday N was off on half term. I had 1 working day in the week, and frustratingly the internet went down early morning. Thankfully it was back on by 10.15, because there wasn’t much I could do without it, now everything is moving to online storage and working. N spent most of the day out on the farm with his dad.
Tuesday it was meant to be a more relaxing day. I baked some nut fudge bars for the week’s treats (for me anyway, the other aren’t keen on trying my low carb treats). I read a lot, finished a puzzle, and watched N mucking about outside trying to rearrange sports equipment in the garden to optimise his football play.
On Wednesday I applied for N’s secondary school bus pass. Fingers crossed that the bus is changed to stop in our village in both directions, and also that he gets a place on it.
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We also headed to Leicester to meet with one of his tennis friends and his mum. We went to the Van Gogh immersive experience and the National Space Centre. Then N and I headed off to Fosse Park to see if we could get him a new backpack* for secondary school, and dinner. We also spotted quite a few of the Fosse Foxes on the art trail. All in all a really good day.
Thursday was another lovely day. The weather was glorious sunshine and warmth. We met friends in Broadway for the boys to play at the activity park there. It’s nice to find somewhere that’s got something for all ages. They could enjoy the football goals, although it was a shame there was nowhere to cycle or scoot there. Otherwise it was a great park. N had a tennis lesson in the afternoon, which was a really good one. It was amusing as it was done to the background of the church bells ringing for the jubilee. And there was a large group of people singing to ABBA and various other songs in the football pavilion.
We went up to our hill in the evening to watch the Platinum Jubilee beacon lit. It was nice to see all (minus 2 nephews) the family up there, and see the other beacons from afar, plus some fireworks.
On Friday I was going to go to a food festival. After checking online, I decided it was fairly limited unless you booked lots of masterclasses or the tasting tent. Instead I just had a relaxing day. I did some puzzle, read a bit, did some blogging. N went out on the farm in the morning, then had his cousin over to play table tennis and football. They decamped to inside to play Fifa once the rain arrived. It would be so nice to have more than one day this half term without rain, but this weekend isn’t looking too good either.
Saturday was a relaxing day. I went out early to drop off parcels, and get bread, read and did more of a jigsaw. My new Wasgij releases I bought arrived, as did N’s secondary school uniform. Hopefully it fits with a bit of room in as I just don’t know how much he’ll grow over summer. A lazy end to the week, but definitely needed.
This week’s Project 52 photo is of the rather nice shopping centre and John Lewis in Leicester.

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Sounds like you had a lovely half-term. The Van Gogh experience sounds amazing. Lovely to have a meet-up with friends and to finish the half-term with a couple of relaxing days. Fingers crossed that N’s new school uniform is a good size to last a while. #project365
I wanted to see the Platinum Jubilee beacon lit herem but it was traffic chaos so we didnt in the end. We saw the Van gogh exhibiition in Manchester, but sadly it wasn’t open when we were there. Sounds like a lovely week
I wanted to see a beacon, but didn’t get to do that. I was at the parade in London and at a pageant up north, so I did do loads that weekend.
Food festivals can be tricky. I went to one and got some pretty interesting stuff, others were not interesting at all. I bought some pretty fab spices once, like beetroot powder for lattes and other similar, which are not available at shops. Other times they only had like 100s of hot chillies, which is not something one can buy a lot of anyway. 🙂
I’ve had to have a new prescription for my glasses and now have to wear them almost all the time, other than driving or when I’m out walking. Watching the Beacon being lit with the family sounds a lovely experience, we tried to watch the Malvern one from the house, but couldn’t quite see that part of the hill. Enjoy your new puzzles and I hope N doesn’t grow into his blazer too quickly
I should really get my eyes tested. They are so bad. I do have glasses somewhere to watch the TV but I never wear them.
Good luck to N with getting a place on the school bus.
The Van Gogh immersive experience sounds interesting.
The shopping centre does look impressive. x
I do get mine done regularly, but it’s noticeable how blurry things look when reading and small things I really struggle with, especially when tired. At least my druzons they found last time haven’t worsened, I was worried about them getting worse and having to have eye surgery. Evidently they’ve been there for years before, but they only mentioned them last time.