Project 52 2022 week 3
Week 3 of this year and Project 52 has been fairly quiet. Well outside of work anyway. Other than lots of cake photos, I’ve taken about 3 photos all week – so much for my planning to get out with the camera more this year, let alone with my phone camera!
Here’s our week 3.
Sunday ended up a wasted day, Just hanging around waiting for N’s re-arranged (twice) team tennis match. An hour before the opponents messaged to say their players were in a football tournament semi final so could we move it back. Moved it back 30 minutes, then 30 minutes later they pulled out saying they wouldn’t get to us in any time to play. I was fuming. Why put players in an away match when you know they have a tournament in the morning. We have a tiny club, theirs is bigger, so I’m amazed they couldn’t find 2 players who were free. This season has put N off playing team tennis now, with all the rearranging of matches, and changing dates, being ill and injured and missing matches. He’s saying he doesn’t want to play team tennis for the summer season which is a bit sad, I don’t think they’ll put out a team because I doubt the others will want to get on an organise the remainder for the team. Maybe he’ll change his mind back again down the line, or just decide to play some friendlies if we can organise those.
On Monday it was just another work and school day. A busy week for work as we had to submit our forecasting, I had another new person in our team to ‘meet’ and a major meeting to prep for later in the week. N had his private tennis lesson while I walked a lot round the playing fields to get up my steps.
Tuesday I started to get caught up in Wordle. I love word games. Maybe I should try setting up a version to get N playing and improving his spelling and logic.
On Wednesday it was frantic trying to get everything done for work. We’ve had a lot of workshops this week for an internal project, so that’s not come at the best time of year. N’s second private tennis lesson was this evening. It was a bit lighter for longer for me to walk. He had a great lesson with his serves and shots working much better, and managed to win against his coach for the first time 2 games to 1.
Thursday it was our big work meeting so I struggled to get in my steps until the evening. N had after school football club and came home filthy again.
On Friday N turned 11 so got to wear non uniform to school. I had a flexi day which was spent getting the car washed, picking up some odd bits and pieces from town, then making N’s birthday cake. He’d requested a Victoria sponge. My brother hadn’t returned my electric beater he’d borrowed so my arm got a good work out beating the cream for it. It turned out well although didn’t get eaten that day as they had Domino’s pizzas for tea and were too full. N and I spent a bit of time putting together his party bags. We’ve done water bottles with sweets stuffed in, and will just add cake.
I won my fitbit work week hustle challenge, managing to hit over 100k steps in the 5 days! Turns out a Fitbit itself doesn’t make me do more steps (having had one for as long as they pretty much came out), but challenges and competition do. Plus I can watch tv while I’m doing steps – the final 2 episodes of the excellent Stay Close are ticked off.
Saturday I had an early hair appointment. I’d had a panic earlier in the week when they’d rung to say my lovely hairdresser had left. She’d only cut my hair twice and it has taken years trying to find another hairdresser I’d liked. So I’ve had to change again. Luckily this one is great. She’s a little older than me, with older kids, and assured me she wasn’t planning on leaving, and she’s got 31 years working there. She gave me tips on peri-menopause hair loss (which is my only possible symptom so far, and has been improving since I started using Plantur 39 and taking biotin supplements), and on hair dyeing greys – all without preaching, but she’s gone through similar issues. And she cut my hair nicely too. So all happy, and I’ll be sticking with her.
I then spent the rest of the day baking N’s chocolate traybake cake for his party. I wanted to finish a puzzle I’ve had on my board for 2 weeks so I can start some new Wasgij puzzles I have, but didn’t get round to it.

New posts this week:
How frustrating waiting for a tennis match. Surely that isn’t good sportsmanship cancelling like that. Especially if they have a pool of players. Happy Birthday to N. I like the sound of getting the chance to wear non-uniform. They don’t do anything like that at our schools. Love the cake, I wish I could make things like that #365
Ooh yummy looking cake. Work sounded really busy this week, hope it wasn’t as hectic as it sounded
The cake looks delicious. Sorry about the problems with the tennis I am not surprised it has put N off it would have done me as well. Good news re the hairdresser. I have just been looking up Botin online as I really struggle with hair less because of my thyroid and have a sneaky suspicion that maybe the same. I need to go and get some tests done to confirm. Thanks for the tip.
How frustrating to have the opponents pull out of the team tennis match especially as it’s put N off team tennis matches too. I’ve not tried Wordle yet although I keep seeing lots of posts about it on social media. Happy belated birthday to N – the Victoria sponge cake looks amazing. Well done on managing 100k steps in 5 days – I sometimes get my steps in when watching TV too. #project365
That cake has made my tummy rumble. Tennis sounds so frustrating, we had swimming cancelled last minute as there was no lifeguard #grrrr
Hope N had a great birthday and the cake looks fab. Glad the new hairdresser worked out ok and what a shame about the tennis #365
That is frustrating having to wait around for people to finish football matches and them then not turn up. No wonder it has put N off.
I started playing Wordle a few days ago and I love it.
Happy birthday to N. It sounds like he had a good day and I hope he has had a good party too. The cake looks fab x