Project 52 2022 week 31
Week 31 of the year was a busy work week trying to get ready before a weekend and then few days away. It also involved a lot of watching sport. Here’s our week for Project 52.
Sunday was my last day before work after a week off. It was a lazy day, I read, watched some of the Commonwealth Games, baked some 2 ingredient dough sticks, and just generally took it easy. It’s surprising how a week off not really doing much can make you really tired. I’ve also not managed to do much blogging either. Usually in a week off I’d get lots written, but this week, just the 2 posts drafted, and nothing on my lists blog. Instead I’ve read 4 books. Oh yes, and watched the amazing Women’s Euro 2022 finals where England beat Germany 2-1 in extra time. I was watching it on my laptop, with N keeping popping over to find out the score. Quite a moving moment to see them achieve the historic win.
On Monday I ended up with N in bed with me because he couldn’t sleep. That’s not happened for a long time. They were off in the day combining which meant I had a nice quiet working day with N out with his dad. I booked my car in for service and MOT. More watching Commonwealth Games. We started packing for going away.
Tuesday was more of the same with work. It was a good day, I felt like lots of things were being decided and moving forwards. That might all change tomorrow of course, but it’s nice to feel like there’s progress. Again they were out combining, so it’s been very quiet.
On Wednesday N had tennis camp. We had quite heavy rain for a bit. For about 2 minutes. It did freshen up the air for a bit, but then was back to mid 20s. It was very hot and muggy. After yesterday’s great day working I knew it wouldn’t last. 2 of our team’s support people are leaving, and a promotion means removing around a lot of things, and more recruitment. It’s been like this sincec Covid with people moving all over the place. It would be nice to just have a consistent team for at least a year.
I did final washloads before going away so we can get packed tomorrow. It was a rush to get to football training for N, then I had our ‘rusty rackets social tennis. One of the other women brought along her son who’s just a bit older than N so it meant we had 8 people. One of the stronger club players tried to give me some serving tips to try and sort out my toss up. I really need to just get down to the courts regularly to practice just serving.
Thursday was hectic. N was out on the farm, I was working, we needed to finish packing. I’d decided we’d just do fish and chips tea to save cooking with everything else going on. But with the OH combining, it meant there wasn’t a good time. By the time he told us just to get ours, it was much later than we’d normally want. Then of course I still ended up having to cook him something. Luckily I found some leftover pasta sauce so defrosted that, and he cooked some pasta when he got in.
On Friday it was a short working day. We had everything already packed in the car, so set off straight after work heading up to my friend’s parents’ house. The traffic was better than expected and we arrived dead on time I’d told them. We’ve not seen her parents for about 4 years, and only saw my friend for an hour or so back at half term, so it was good to see them. They’re on a pick your own farm, so very different to ours, but we enjoyed checking their maize maze trail was set up ok. And her dad took the 2 boys out driving in an old Punto he bought to teach her son about cars. N loved it.
Saturday we spent the morning on the beach at Cleethorpes. In this great summer weather, we could have been abroad. The boys dug a deep trench, while my friend’s daughter who’s a bit younger, dug her own small hole, paddled and collected shells. We had chips on the beach (holiday in the UK always involves way too many chips), then headed back to relax in the afternoon, and check out how many people had come to their trail. We ate outside in the evening which was so nice to do. We have so many flies at home we don’t eat out.

New posts this week:
I’ve found my reading mojo recently in exchange for scrolling through social media, although I’m only managing 1 book a week. HOPE YOU HAD A GRE4AT HOLIDAY AND NICE TO CATCH UP WITH FRIENDS
Hope you have a lovely time away. We have never been to Cleethorpes. I am really missing our travels. Hopefully we will get away in October
Nice to have a lazy day on Sunday. Glad you’ve been able to continue with your rusty rackets group. Hope you’re having a nice holiday – always nice when the traffic to get there is better than expected too. #project365
It sounds like you have been having a lovely time. Sometimes it’s nice to take a break from blogging and doing something like reading.
Ohh! You’re up near me, Cleethorpes is only about 30 miles from us.
The England ladies did do well. x