Project 52 2022 week 44
Well, it’s finally turned properly cold. First frost has arrived, and everyone saying they felt cold at tennis and football. Here’s our Project 52 for week 44.
Sunday was another trip to get more sports shorts. Why doesn’t he remember when we’re already in town! Then it was a homework day. N was so diligent. He did have a few breaks but got all but the final sticking on of all his content to the poster for his RE. He’ll finish that tomorrow. Then only has his geography and history projects. The geography one is well in progress, the other he has an extra 3 days for.
On Monday it was back to work for me and back to school. I decided to buy the cheaper Oxfordshire pass rather than the one we should be buying according to Midlands Stagecoach. For just over half the price, the cheaper one worked both directions on the bus and works out over £1 cheaper than 2 singles a day even removing the late bus afternoon he won’t go on the local bus. Nobrainer. Especially when the proper bus pass for our area works out more expensive than single tickets.
N had his first private tennis lesson since july. Noticeable how much he’s missed out on during that time, although it probably doesn’t help that it tipped it down with rain for most of the lesson.
Tuesday was a wet day. I wasn’t impressed arriving to send off a Vinted parcel I’d sold (the person had chosen Yodel. Who would choose them over others?!) only to find the parcel drop off shop was closed for 2 days. Sigh. So that was a wasted lunchtime drive.
On Wednesday it was a miserable day with rain and wind. Busy at work, then football and tennis were cancelled due to the weather. Shop to drop off the parcel was closed again. I’ve given up and cancelled the sale.
Thursday was a bit calmer at work. N’s school had the BBC come in and talk to them about different backstories and jobs of a couple of people – a weather girl (are we still allowed to call them that?) and journalist. I had a headache most of the afternoon, so an early night was hoped for.
On Friday it was a blitz through work. Then N had tennis – first time where it was dark ahead of them arriving, and so cold for us watching, even with hat and gloves on. It was nice to chat to everyone, and it looks like the Sunday morning tennis will be back on again for the juniors which will be good. Assuming there’s a second adult helper for those who need more hitting and less coaching.
Saturday was a tough one. I had a headache most of the day that I couldn’t shift. And it was an early start off to Rugby for N’s football match. It turned out it was a ‘silent’ sideline. No shouting or support allowed other than clapping to try and help reduce the abuse that refs and players get from parents. This was an advantage for our team because the last time we played this team (in a friendly), a couple of our players were shouted and sworn at by the other parents. It was very strange not to be able to support our team, especially when they needed a boost.
Frustratingly the referring was terrible. Their team only got called out for one shove. One he didn’t call for a free kick despite our player being pushed off the side of the pitch which led to them scoring a goal which he didn’t disallow. At the end we were on the attack right near their goal at 2-1 down after a much better second half, and the final whistle was blown. Allowed, but very unusual. Our coach also got yelled at by their coach for one comment asking about their team’s shoving. Our players also got snide comments from a couple of their players while walking along clapping the other team at the end. Not a nice match to have played.
We did end the week watching someone’s nearby fireworks from upstairs which was nice.
This week’s photo was one of the nice houses in the road I parked in trying to post my parcel.

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Glad N managed to get his homework done and that the Oxfordshire pass for the buses works out cheaper. How interesting to have the BBC come and do a talk at N’s school. I can see the reasoning behind having a silent sideline but I can imagine it must have felt quite strange. What a shame it wasn’t a good football match though – the other team doesn’t sound like a nice one to play against. Love the photo – those red leaves on the house are beautiful. #project365
Shame about the tinted sale, don’t blame you for cancelling it. I used to hate it when my son played certain teams in football, the language and behaviour from some of the parents was terrible
I noticed the frost and we’ve had the heating on for the first time in months. It has been so cold today.
Well done to N with his homework and I am glad that you have found a cheaper bus pass. What a faff you have had with it.
I hope your headache has gone now.
I don’t like the sound of the silent sideline. The whole point of cheering is to give the team a boost. The other team sounds like really bad sports. You would think the parents would know better.
What a pretty house. x
Definitely colder yesterday and today here. All cosy with the fire on though. Headache has eased thanks. Some teams have a selection of nasty kids in, but it’s not surprising given what some of the parents fire off at the ref, kids and other team’s parents.