Project 52 2022 week 46
This week’s gone worryingly fast, but with a fun weekend it was always going to be quick to get there. Here’s our week 46 of Project 52.
Sunday was a very lazy day which I really needed. I just basically read inbetween sorting out washing, folding, emptying the dishwasher and prepping/cooking dinner. N was very focused on getting his history project completed. It’s definitely been a lot more work than I’d expect a year 7 child to do in terms of the length of time. I’d be able to whip something out in the 2-3 hours they state, but he wasn’t even aiming for the top level of work and still took a lot longer than that over the weeks.
On Monday N felt really nauseous and a bit headachy, so he ended up being off school. Luckily he can just look after himself so I could get on with work. It meant he missed handing in the 2 projects he’d worked so hard on. I wanted him to take photos of them and email them in so that he could prove he’d done the work, but he wouldn’t do that. It means he won’t have those lessons to hand them in til the end of the week.
Tuesday was Tesco Christmas delivery slot morning. I was in the queue at 5.45am, and done by 6.45. It’s only been mad queues since they moved from a midnight opening. Obviously with Covid, so many more people are getting deliveries compared to before.Then it was back to school, even though he said he still felt a bit sicky. He came home without his PE kit. I was fuming although he did say he went to check back in the changing rooms at break and lunch but they were locked and no teachers were around.
On Wednesday I kept thinking it was Thursday which was a shame.The PE bag still didn’t come back from school, but for the first time in a long time, N is free of homework. Hopefully for a reasonable amount of time as he’s had a few assessments this week.Football training was very wet. N’s metal studs worked because he was one of the only kids who’d not fallen and ended up coated in mud. Parents got wet too as we needed to put up and take down the floodlights. But N enjoyed it.
Thursday we couldn’t find N’s second pair of PE shorts. Thankfully his left behind kit was still where he’d left it in the changing rooms, so at least he’s got one pair back. No idea where the other’s disappeared to – not in drawers, washing machine, wash baskets, the OH’s drawers or the clothes horse. Hopefully they’ll turn up somewhere soon.
On Friday, it was a slightly more in control day at work. It feels like everything’s coming together like it always does. I got caught up coming back after my INR test in the primary school walking back up the lane after their Children in Need walk. Got to have a brief hello with various TAs, the head, and a couple of parents.
After Elon Musk’s purchase and various sackings and pulling Twitter to pieces, there was a lot more chat than normal with whether it was going. So over to Mastadon to check in on all those who’ve set up there just in case. I will miss Twitter if it does fall to pieces, because it’s my chatty place for inane discussion. I don’t get that anywhere else now I’m not in the office regularly.
Saturday was last minute football training so N was happy about that, plus they still got their hotdogs afterwards. Then I left N with the OH while I went to Oxford for the afternoon before going to see The Mousetrap in the evening. I mooched around the shops, there was a Christmas market going on, and stopped for coffee then something to eat. Yes it was a Maccy D’s but as I’m new to the app I got a burger of choice plus chips for only £1.99. Nobrainer and saves sitting on my own in a restaurant. Although there’s so many new places to eat in Oxford now there’s a few I’d like to try out.
The theatre was very hot, very cramped – I’d forgotten how you basically don’t have leg room there to sit with your legs in front. Luckily I had a spare seat next to me so could sit kind of sideways and have my legs to the side, but it wasn’t comfortable. The play was good, and now after all these years I know whodunnit.

New posts this week:
Well done on managing to get a Christmas delivery slot. I couldn’t be bothered to wake up early to get a delivery but managed to get a click and collect slot. Glad N got his PE kit back and hope the other pair of shorts turns up. Glad you enjoyed your trip to the theatre to see The Mousetrap. #project365
Our school set homework once per week and the children will know a week in advance as to what subject it will be. it will take 2-3 hours to do it. In-between teachers may set online learning/revision for the students to complete also, but no more than 10-15 mins worth.
We’ll go to the actual stores for the Christmas food shop, we don’t tend to buy much different to the normal shop. Hope the PE shorts turn up soon.
Thankfully they did eventually. That’s a good way of doing the homework. Although N’s only had 1 set of key words to learn this week and last, so now the projects are done that’s it for a while.
I don’t remember my eldest having so much homework when she started secondary. She barely got any!
Glad his PE kit turned up.
Love those decorations in the picture.
N does seen to be getting a lot of homework but it sounds like he is doing well keeping up with it all.
The Tesco queues sound crazy. I got my Asda one with no drama for the day I wanted weeks ago. I didn’t bother with Tesco as I have struggled to get a slot for most of the year so I didn’t hold out much hope.
That’s such a shame the theatre was hot and cramped. I’m glad you enjoyed it though. x
I tend to book 4 weeks out, as soon as my usual slot becomes available so never have issues getting slots thankfully. Although it is frustrating now because I order an 8-9 slot which usually arrives later than the time when I used to have a 9-10 slot!