Project 52 2022 week 49
The penultimate week of school and work before Christmas. Still lots of World Cup football on in our house, writing and posting Christmas cards, and planning Christmas things. Here’s our week 49 of Project 52.
Sunday was a busy one. N had a junior club tennis session with one of the club members. There were only 3 of them, so chance to practice some rallying and some match play. We then went to order a couple of new mattresses. Thankfully I got some great deals and amazingly they can deliver before Christmas. Hopefully that means no more bad back. The afternoon was full of mince pie making (N), writing Christmas cards and starting to wrap presents.
We watched the England match and we walked all over Senegal which was a bit of a surprise. France up next, which will definitely be harder.
On Monday it was back to work and school. The weather was getting so much colder. Tennis after school was cancelled, so it was a nice quiet evening – with lots of football on tv again, and Christmas movies once that was over.
Tuesday was an ok day. A friend called first thing as he’d got a puncture near our place, so wanted to park it here while he sorted out getting his truck to pick it up. N made the bulk of dinner – tuscan chicken – because I was still in calls.
On Wednesday it was a freezing day. Temperatures at around 0C, but dropping in the evening when N had football. Our aga got serviced and is finally on. So the house is much warmer both ends.
Thursday was a lucky miss. N was faffing before school emptying and repacking his bag. I arrived back from dropping him at the bus stop and found he’d left his textile cushion cover that he needed to take in for a lunchtime session to finish his project. Sigh. Turned out noone remembered it was on, so they’re doing it next week. Work was quite calm, although still can’t progress things as planned.
On Friday it was super chilly. Just the usual Friday work and school. N’s report came back with him, and was excellent. No commentary, just a table (with 2 pages explaining what it all meant) showing their pathway (current level and aspiring), behaviour, engagement and homework. But all good, so let’s hope he can continue it.
N’s tennis lesson was still on despite the cold. Next term they’re splitting out our group from the younger ones thankfully, although to do it we’re having to move from 1 ½ to 1 hour session. But hopefully it’ll be worth it. Hopefully with less time the kids will concentrate more and stop the chit chat and time wasting.
The Saturday football match was cancelled due to frozen ground, so it gave us a chance to get into town to pick up yet more sports gear for N. None of his joggers fit anymore, plus he needed an extra pair of skins as I can’t keep up with football washing. We also needed to get him a smarter pair of casual shoes for going out, rather than just sports trainers. Thankfully there was one pair that were suitable, they fitted and weren’t a ridiculous price. It was also haircut day for N. It does seem like never ending buying of clothes, and he’s not really growing fast. But it’s never stuff that comes up on Vinted to get it second hand.
The rest of the day would be watching the two quarterfinals of the World Cup, with England in play.

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Lovely to have a new mattress being delivered before Christmas. I have to admit we’ve not watched any of the World Cup! Well done to N on his excellent school report. #project365
It’ll be nice to have something different to football on the tv, although I do enjoy watching it a certain amount.
I surprised myself by watching the football, I am not that into it anymore, but England played well. Such a shame they went out though
I haven’t been watching the football as not interested. The report sounds familiar as thats what my eldest gets. I miss the individual reports of back in my day where the teacher wrote comments relevant to the child.
I suppose its harder for teachers to really know every child they teach, plus we get 3 reports a year. I don’t know if the July one will be more comprehensive.
It has been so cold this past week. I bet you are glad your aga is back on. Oh wow, it sure looks frosty with you. x
A lot of frost followed by a lot more snow than anticipated. Looks lovely, but not great for getting stuff done.