6 burnt cinnamon rolls

Project 52 2023 week 17

We might (don’t jinx it) be looking at a nicer week weatherwise to finish this week which has had a lot of April showers and turned a bit colder. The week’s been a bit more mixed with strikes, an office day and midweek football. Here’s our week 17 of Project 52.

Sunday was a fairly relaxing day, once the morning run around getting things I needed, diesel etc. N spent the morning finishing his art project.

On Monday I was in the office for work and potholes were on the discussion when we first got in. Apart from our project team who were in, the usual regulars weren’t in which was strange not to see them. It was nice to be back in there and seeing people face to face. Tennis was off due to the terrible weather – frustrating the weather didn’t play ball given there’s a few weeks we can’t get the courts for coaching.

Tuesday it was back working from home.  A lovely day weatherwise, of course when there was no sport on. Not much happening, just dropping off some more Vinted sales (to annoying people requesting specific posting days, and others who were taking the mickey in the amount of discount they wanted. If they’re asking for such a huge discount I won’t give them any off, whereas those who’re more realistic, I might knock a small amount off then they’ll usually buy straight away.

On Wednesday there was lots going on at work. Afterwards it was an away football match. It ended up being a late night after the boys got beaten. All my tv recording schedule was deleted, so I’ve had to try and remember which shows I needed to set up to record again.

Thursday was another teacher’s strike day so N was home. He had 3 lessons sending work, but no generic key stage work this time. So he was done by just after 9.30. It was handy because he basically cooked most of dinner, so I could just keep working. It was a better tea than my attempt putting pastries in. I put them in for a further minute, then got distracted. You never smell food cooked in the aga until the door’s open, so oops. They were a bit burnt after 25 minutes.

On Friday it was my short working day before the lovely long weekend. It was a good farming day, as TB results were clear. Phew. N had group tennis which was lovely to watch and chat to other parents in the sun. 

Saturday whizzed by. N’s throat was a bit tight, so we’re hoping it doesn’t end up being tonsillitis. His last football match of the league season was called off due to the opponents not having a team. It was strange but nice to have a morning free. We nipped to the shops for various things, then I did some reading, prepped dinner and tried to feel a bit relaxed. It never really feels like that on a weekend because it always feels like you’re cooking or washing or doing other things inbetween sitting down.

6 burnt cinnamon rolls

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  1. Oh dear your poor pastries. I love pastries so I would have been sad to see them burnt. I haven’t used Vinted yet either to buy or sell, but how annoying for you that people want to be so demanding. I think selling something locally seems enough bother, they always want it as cheap as possible and delivered even if its free and for collection only.

    1. Yes people never want to buy locally from me because I’m 7 miles outside town. But then a couple of times I’ve said ican deliver, 1 didn’t even say thanks and the other wasn’t in at the time we agreed.

  2. Oh dear to the burnt food! I keep meaning to give vinted a try as have lots of baby/toddler clothes. A shame the final football match was cancelled.

  3. Glad that N managed to get his work finished early on the strike day. Oops to burning the pastries. They do look a bit crisp! Hope that N’s throat is better and it didn’t turn out to be tonsilitis again. #project365

  4. I always use the timer when I’m baking or I will forget completely about what’s in the oven. :))
    Sometimes selling online can be very annoying, there are quite rude and demanding people out there.

  5. Oops to the baking, front ones look like they could’ve been salvaged for tasting at least. Shame about the weather, although it was lovely and warm yesterday.

  6. It has been lovely today! The sun was shining and it was so warm.
    It sounds like the buyers from Vinted are very needy.
    Oops with the pastries. x

    1. They can be very needy. The woman got her purchase superfast, and her feedback was merely ‘thanks’. No ‘made sure it was sent fast as I needed it by a certain date’, and no extra message of appreciation. So rude.

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