curve of an orangery of windows with curve of grass in front

Project 52 2023 week 18

We’re onto week 18 of the year. Here’s our week for Project 52.

Sunday on a bank holiday weekend and there’s an ill child in the house. Hopefully he’ll be on the mend by tomorrow. I was pleased to see the swallows are back flying around for the summer.

On Monday N was feeling a bit better. May bank holiday but we had no plans as I wasn’t sure if he’d be well.  We nipped into town for a few bits, then it was a relaxing day. I felt quite tired, probably because I’ve not been out and about.  Next weekend I definitely need to change that, so hopefully the weather will be nice for at least the mornings or afternoons.

Tuesday was back to work and another strike day from school. It was moving cows outside day, so N went and helped with that as soon as his work was done. It was warmer, I could finally sit and work without a blanket on my lap. Yay.

On Wednesday nothing was really different or going on. Just work and school.  No football training which is a bit of a mystery given there’s a tournament coming up, and surely they want to start training to prepare for next season where they’ll go up to a full size pitch.

Thursday was local election day. I wasn’t going to vote, then decided I wanted to go down and see what was happening with the whole voter ID thing.  They did look perplexed when they checked my 9 year old drivers licence as it is a terrible photo. I started watching Queen Charlotte which is the Brigerton spin off on Netflix.  2.5 episodes in and loving it so far.

On Friday I had a flexi day. My Tesco delivery was very late in the slot – usually it arrives between 8.20-8.30 – then at 8.58 rang to find out where we live. Sigh. Drives me mad that I write a very detailed explanation of how to find us on my orders, and the drivers never see it. My substitutions were what I’d have rather ordered but hadn’t been able to as they were out of stock, so that worked out well.

I then nipped into town to get some threading done – perimenopausal under the chin hairs sprout so fast!  Then I’d booked on the house tour at Sezincote House and Gardens. I was lucky with the weather which ended up being quite hot at 20C, and the rain held off.  The house tour was really interesting – no photos as it’s a private residence, and the gardens were beautiful. The house is in an indian style and really is quite stunning to see in the Cotswold countryside.

Saturday I nipped to the butcher and bakery early so I could be back to watch the Coronation. It was pretty empty in town unsurprisingly. Then I had on the King’s Coronation.  I do a love a historic event and the pageantry that we do so well. N kept nipping into to watch bits. 

curve of an orangery of windows with curve of grass in front

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  1. Glad you were able to get out and about this week, hopefully the tiredness has passed. Glad N is better. Yes that is strange about no football training especially with a tournament close by.

  2. I almost forgot to vote – our centre didn’t have all the banners out that they normally do. Glad it is starting to get warmer and hope that N is feeling better now. I have just finished watching Firefly Lane, Queen Charlotte is next on my list

  3. Glad N is feeling better again. Sezincote House and Gardens sounds like a lovely place to visit and nice that the rain held off for your visit there. I quite enjoyed all the pageantry with the coronation too. #project365

  4. The Sezincote House and Gardens look like a great place to visit. I have been meaning to start watching Queen Charlotte. Maybe tomorrow!

    1. Definitely worth watching. I then had to google the real story behind Charlotte and George. Made me cry at the end (although a lot does)

  5. I am glad N is feeling better now.
    I voted on Thursday with one of the Voter Authority Certificates as I don’t have any photo ID. I was the first one in our Polling Station with one so it was a bit of a novelty. x

    1. You’re the first person I know to use one. I think I’ll probably sort the OH out with one. I don’t think they talked about it enough, until right on the day. If you’re not on social media (or watched the One show – I think they mentioned them – on the one day), then it was all quite about them in my opinion)

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