Project 52 2020 week 51 Christmas run up
With just under a week for Christmas, it’s all change again with life in Covid times. School has finished with secondary children having staggered starts back in January after mass testing. And the announcement on Saturday of London and the South East having a new tier 4 due to a new strain of the virus with faster transmission, with Christmas mixing now stopped. For some reason we’re still in tier 2 despite being surrounded by about 4 counties in tier 3 (and now tier 4), plus increasing cases vs where we were 1-2 weeks ago. Too many people travelling out of their areas for work, shopping and meeting people.
I was due to meet a friend outside for a socially distanced walk (my first non tennis meet up since March), but I cancelled before the announcement because it had grown another person, and I don’t feel right travelling into another county to a place that could be quite crowded. Christmas for non tier 4 has now been amended down from 5 days relaxation to only 1 day. This is what I said it should have been in the first place because it’s basically restricting most people to their own area which is better than travelling and sleeping over at others’ houses.
Anyway, back to Project 52 and week 51.
Sunday I was dragged out to help walk the dog. Of course it tipped it down with rain (tennis had already been cancelled), so got a bit soaked. We saw some deer running across the field we were walking in, luckily the dog was on the lead, but had a good look at them before they jumped the hedge to upset the sheep in the next field.
On Monday it was back to work and school. In the evening I had a work crafting ‘workshop’. Our work have been great with colleagues putting on quizzes, bingo, Christmas craft workshops. This was a pom pom decorations one, and I did cheat and use my pom pom making things. But it was fun to do, nice to chat to new colleagues, and I’ll be making some more over the holidays.
N wasn’t well so stayed off school on Tuesday. He’d moaned about his tonsils and being snuffly the day before but it was just a cold. One day off, and he’d passed it on to me. While he recovered within the 2 days, I’ve had blocked nose and echoey left ear right up til the end of the week.
Wednesday he was back in school, and gutted because he hadn’t avoided doing their Christmas performance. Rather than their usual key stage plays which are very well done, this was a narration of the Grinch by their bubble. Somehow I still managed to miss N’s one line – it wasn’t the best, although it was nice they could put something on. We cancelled his tennis lesson because I didn’t think he should be playing given he’d been ill.
Thursday it was same old same old. Work and school. N’s school had a pantomime live streamed for them all, which he said was really funny. He came home from school raving about an amazing goal he’d scored in hockey.
On Friday, it was the last day of school and work for 2 weeks (plus the inset days for N). The children all dressed up in smart clothes for their Christmas lunch, and they tried an outdoor bubbles carol singing, but it was wet and cold, and hard for filming. 10/10 for trying, but they had to abort it. Tennis was cancelled due to the rain.
Saturday was another quiet day unsurprisingly. We set up the back room tv with a second Firestick which N is very excited about. It means when the OH is watching boring westerns we can go and watch more interesting tv. Although it’s not the most comfortable place to sit and watch tv, so we should really clear it out and get a nicer sofa in there. I started a new jigsaw puzzle, read, and just relaxed.

New posts this week:
My daughter did an impromptu carol concert in the park with some of her friends as they missed the Christmas events at school. Hope you have a very Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year
How lovely seeing deer on your walk! Shame you got soaked though. The weather has been quite wet lately. How nice that your work does workshops like that. That’s handy you can now watch some different TV 🙂
I was the same as you surprised we were still in Tier 2 but we are now in Tier 4 -says it all really. Great idea on the craft workshops. I am thinking that maybe the only thing that gets me through January! Great you have the back room set up we need to do the same with the conservatory for the boys. Hope you had a lovely Christmas, love the tree.
Sounds like a nice quiet week leading up to Christmas. I hope your cold has gone now – I’m always paranoid about picking up colds from school as there’s always the thought in the back of your mind that it could be something worse. Fingers crossed that COVID will take a back seat in 2021, or even (fingers crossed) disappear completely xx
Sorry to hear you and N weren’t feeling good during the week!
Although I was glad the restrictions were tightened it must have been hard for a lot of people after initially being told they could meet up for 5 days and having made plans.
Love your Christmas tree
These tiers are too confusing to me and I haven’t paid much attention as I’m learning the rules over here. I do know family members that seem to think they’re exempt doing overnight stays, irritates me, say one thing on line but do another in real life, I won’t be visiting them when i get back to the UK. Sorry N passed his cold onto you, glad you’re both better now. Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas
Love your Christmas tree. The work crafting workshop sounds like fun. Merry Christmas to you all and hope you have a good one. #project366
Personally I am glad that the mixing between houses is being reduced over Christmas. I am sad for those who’s plans are having to be changed but in the long run it must be for the best.
That is great you have a different TV set up. I hope you now get to watch everything you want to.
I love your tree decorations. It looks so sparkly x
I agree. It shouldn’t have been for so long and potentially for so many people as it was. It was always going to need a u turn!