Project 52 2024 week 16
We’ve actually seen a bit more sun this week. Yes more rain, and a little more wind, but quite a lot of blue skies too. You never know, this might be spring properly starting (fingers crossed I haven’t jinxed it). This week’s mainly just been work, school and cooking as per usual. So nothing that interesting to update on.
Sunday – a quiet day. N spent most of the day out on the farm or in the fields somewhere. Then once the grass was cut, the garden was set up for football, so I had to kick a few balls at him. Luckily it wasn’t for too long – I’m very out of practice since last year.
Monday – Not much went on other than work and school. N’s happy because the final cow (and yes it was his one hanging around) has calved for spring.
Tuesday – day in the office for a team workshop. It was pretty busy in with another group for their team day, although our group were dialling into the rest of the team in another location. It was nice to see everyone, catch up with some local people, and meet some newer team members. I made my first air fryer stir fry which worked really well. While it took longer (and using 2 drawers) than in a frying pan, it did mean I could fold and hang up wash loads while it cooked.
Wednesday – I was expecting our internet to go off for 2 hours in the afternoon. I moved meetings around, and made sure I had offline work to do. Then typically it stayed on. Football training was full of April showers. There’s a new kid trying out, another defender. So it’s going to unsettle them a bit working out where he could fit in, and who’ll be losing out on playing time if he does join permanently. Could keep them working harder for places though.
Thursday – I had fun waiting on an Amazon delivery. It was meant to arrive by 8pm. Evidently it was delivered at 9.50pm. To the bins at the bottom of the farm drive. So I need to hope it doesn’t rain overnight, and that I remember in the morning to pick it up before the bin men come.
Friday – my food delivery only just made it, the driver was new and had to ring to find me. It might help them if the directions customers provide are then passed to drivers. Work was busy, I ended up working late. We had yummy cottage pie leftovers for tea. Then tennis lesson in the evening – it’s so nice them not having to use the floodlights.
Some of the cows have been moved into the field behind us. It’s so nice to see them out there again, although N keeps going out with my big camera to take photos of them.
Saturday – a bit of a lie in, although needed to go into town to the bakery stall and get some plasters before football. It was nice to have a home match and a sunny one too. It was a hard fought match, unfortunately ours lost by one goal. But they still played some good phases of football, rather than scrappy stuff like the opponents played. N did a good clean around the house with the carpet cleaner, while I was ordered to do the follow up vacuuming. He sorted out some camping mattresses for a friend to come over next weekend.

New posts this week:
Things I’m grateful for:
- An older child who’s happy to clean when the tools are right, and he wants a friend to come over and stay! He’s out the Vax carpet cleaner out, and I’ve been vacuuming to follow.
- Being able to get someone in to fix some of the back end issues with my blog.
- A home match meant a later start for football, so we could get our things sorted in town beforehand.
Things I’ve enjoyed:
- Trying out the air fryer for a couple of new dishes
- Being in the office with a few of the team
- Seeing the cows being back outside
Glad the final cow has calved and hope all the calves are doing well. Lovely to see everyone in the office. Nice to have a home match for football and sounds like N and his team played well. Lovely photo of the sunset. #WotW
The sky is beautiful, I have seen a few beautiful sunrise / sunsets over the last couple of weeks. Glad to hear that N’s cow has had her calf
I hate the delivery process and timings so I rarely use online services and too much hassle with returns. Glad to hear N’s cow has finally calved.
Oh hadn’t thought to make a stir fryer in the air fryer…may give that go.
The sun seems to have gone this week!
There does seem to be more blue skies and sunshine. It’s raining here at the moment but at least it’s not totally grey and dull.
Ohh! Stir fry in the air fryer is interesting. I don’t mind meals taking longer to cook when I can be doing other jobs.
I hope you got your parcel without any more fuss. x
We haven’t tried a stir fry in the air fryer yet, but saw in on TV a few weeks ago, so it’s on the list. The weather has been up0 and down here, but nice to see some sun
It worked really well. Not as crunchy as it might be in a wok, but still pretty good.