wild chives in the garden

Project 52 2024 week 20

Another week, and another Project 52. We’re onto week 20. Here’s my week.

Sunday – hot day today. After my issues with my knee and red leg, I’m getting swelling foot and ankle that side so now I’ve got both that swell up. Marvellous – not! Felt tired today, but nipped to town for meat, and quick top up bits. Got the car washed for the first time in ages – they didn’t do that great a job as the left part of the windscreen still has dead flies on it. As soon as I got home, birds pooed on the windscreen again. Sigh. I swear they prefer pooing on this grey car vs the old blue one which rarely got it on.  

Made a cake as I didn’t fancy doing a hot pudding and it means they’ll have cake for a few days. Did roast beef for the first time in ages. I don’t think my new manual meat thermometer works as the needle doesn’t seem to budge into the temperatures. So we’re resorting to the new digital one and hoping that’s ok.

Monday – went for my blood test as follow up to the infection from a couple of weeks ago with my leg.  It’s still swelling in the heat and a bit red. I hope that doesn’t last like the left one did because it’s annoying in summer always having to wear compression socks, and having 2 legs susceptible to swelling is annoying. At least they had no issue getting the vein this time.

N’s happy to have his favourite cows in the paddock and field too. I’ve been out to meet them and work out which is which name, and they’re very friendly.

Tuesday – blood test results came back as improving and keep an eye on my leg. So that’s looking good. Work was busy. 

Wednesday – I’d hoped the road was reopening, but nope, they’re back working our end of the closure again. Soon, I hope. It was a really beautiful afternoon. Sunny and warm although I didn’t get to make the most of it. I managed to shrink N’s ‘farmer’ shorts. They were an adult extra small, but I put them in with the OH’s workwear, because a cow had pooed down the shorts. I forgot they were 100% cotton, and in they went at 60C. Oops. Cow poo is still there despite stain remover, although N thinks they might still be ok to wear (maybe not off the farm). I’ll have to pay to replace them because he paid a bit towards them. They’re hard to come by though, so that’ll be a fun job. 

Thursday – I tried to find someone for my spare ticket to the theatre on Tuesday. Everyone’s unavailable, so looks like there’ll be a spare seat next to me. Just a work day, and then I got stuck into Bridgerton series 3.  Looks like I’ll be meeting up with a friend in half term which will be nice. Just need to organise it and pray for no train strikes.

Friday – today’s work whizzed by helped by an early trip to the orthodontist to get new wires put in his brace and tightened. He doesn’t need to go back for 12 weeks which is good. It was a lovely warm day, nice to sit and read while tennis was on. I finished the last 2 episodes of Bridgerton. It’s now another wait until June for the 2nd part of this series.

Saturday – early morning visit to the sports shop for tennis trainers. This time we were first in and fast out, only needing to try on 2 pairs. Slightly different to the first time I took N and it took an hour and 11 pairs of shoes. The rest of the day was relaxing – doing my jigsaw, reading, and sorting washing out.

wild chives in the garden

New posts this week:

Things I’ve enjoyed this week:

  • Bridgerton is back (but also now watched and waiting for part 2).
  • My chives are back out and flowering again
  • Spending time with N looking at and discussing his Simmentals in the paddock

Things I’m grateful for:

  • Bloods were looking ok and my knee bruising is gone, and can wear my compression socks again.
  • An easy and quick sports shop visit, and a 10% discount.
  • Good weather, that’s not too hot.
  • Being able to start booking our summer holiday. Road trips are great, but always worrying that there’ll not be enough time, and they’re always hard to get booked

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  1. Stunning photo of the chives, such a lovely colour. Well done with the trainer shopping. Whoops to the shorts and the washing machine, good luck trying to source a new pair.

  2. Oh dear, Sunday didn’t sound like a good day. It seemed to be one thing after another. I hope your leg is feeling better now.
    The road I live on is closed today and people are fuming in the local residents group. Eek! I hope your road is open now.
    Those flowers are so pretty! x

  3. I had my car washed last week too and the bloody seagulls have poo’d on it already. Hope you are starting to feel better! What a nightmare with the shorts