light reflections in the lake at compton verney from the bridge

Project 52 2024 week 6

Well, the final week before half term has come round so fast, assessment week again at school, and nice to know I’ve got a few days off work coming up too. Here’s our week 6 for Project 52.

Sunday – After only 1 spritzer the night before I felt so tired and dreary on waking up. I drink so little, I may as well not bother as just 1 drink often makes me feel not brilliant after. It was a fairly relaxing day.

Monday – I was in the office. The train strikes meant a lot fewer people were able to come in, so it was slightly different to planned. But we had a nice lunch out in town with a few people from our team. In the afternoon we had a journalist author come in to speak about his book and research on water which was really interesting, and made the topic really approachable for those of us who aren’t technical experts.

Tuesday – I made a naan bread pizza in the air fryer for lunch which was delicious.  I spent the evening trying to sort out my domain email, which turns out to be more complicated due to my domain and servers being at my old host, rather than all having been moved. I’m going to try and move them all totally over to my host so it hopefully will be less painful to fix the email issue.

Wednesday – I did my second walking workout this morning. They’re only for 15 minutes, but I’m hoping that starting these will get me in the habit, set me up for the day, and hopefully I can then easily extend them to get back to upping my steps again.  Football training, I hardly watched at all, as I was chatting with another mum. Oops.

Thursday – a good day at work with lots of meetings and progress made.. I do enjoy seeing people for meetings.  I always say I’m an extroverted introvert because I do like to be around people, even if I’m not good at small talk with lots.  I tried a new chicken and cauliflower cheese crumble type of thing. N wasn’t keen, OH said the cauliflower wasn’t cooked enough, so looks like that wasn’t a goer.  It’s a shame as I thought it was really tasty.

N’s Y8 options evening was not what all the parents and children expected. We’d been told it was a virtual event in the evening, and the link would go up on the webpage. But all there was was a recorded presentation. So at 6pm, Facebook and Whatsapp was going mad with messages asking ‘is that it?’ Luckily there was lots of information in the booklets, and the students had presentations and chance to ask questions at school. He’s chosen his subjects for Y9 now, so fingers crossed he gets the ones he wants, because there’s a lot he really doesn’t want to do and some that really aren’t his forte.

Friday – It was a more tiring work out today, which really shows how unfit I am. Finally did frozen chips in the air fryer. They were quite nice, and it’s always good when you try something and it works out first time. I had some sweet potatoes with my food shop (huge ones, I need only have bought one!) because I wanted to see how they’d come out in it doing chips. I’m not a sweet potato fan, but if they work I might make the effort to eat those. It rained most of the day (thankfully not as much or in the same direction as last night when it was coming into the house from above the front door  – the bit of wood above the door obviously needs cementing round it again).

Saturday – it was a busy one, and pretty much non stop. Football training early, luckily the pitch wasn’t too waterlogged for them to play. Then into town for various things (does nowhere sell washing up bowls anymore? – another trip elsewhere needed), quick lunch in Costa, before back home to prep dinner and get it in the aga. I also made scones. Then I took N and his cousin swimming while I finally got to sit down and read. In the evening we went to Spectacle of Light trail at Compton Verney. N only came for the street food after which was delicious. The lights were nice – and we were pretty much the first ones round so nice to see it without the crowds.

light reflections in the lake at compton verney from the bridge

Things I’m grateful for:

  • The rain stopped for our evening outside at Compton Verney
  • That N decided he’d come with me to see the light trail – no wasted money on tickets.
  • Nice to have all the team at work back after some were ill
  • N knew exactly what he wanted for his Y8 options, so they’re done and submitted.

What I’ve enjoyed:

  • Back to reading romance books – although I’m already 5 out of 6 read of the ‘box set’ remaining on my Kindle.
  • The lights
  • Getting back to simple exercise – if only to start building it up again.

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  1. I like the sound of a naan bread pizza – might have to try making one! Shame the Y8 options evening was disappointing – good job that there was lots of information in the booklets and fingers crossed for N getting the subjects he wants. The light trail looks so pretty. #project365

  2. Our school are taking their options now in year 9 ready to start in year 10. I do like the idea of starting them a year early so they know if they will enjoy them or not. The light trail looks really pretty.

  3. I did dry January and had a couple of glasses of fizzy wine on Saturday night and felt so sluggish on Sunday. Drinking is no longer for me.
    Good luck with getting your email sorted and for N getting the options that he has chosen. It’s such a big thing.
    Those lights look so pretty. x

  4. Oh that Spectacle of Light trail looks pretty cool. Oh I need to give the airfryer pizza a try, sounds like a quick and easy lunch to do. The year 8 options evening does sound like a disappointment.

    1. Yes it’s strange. But they get to choose subjects so it gives them a chance to try new subjects that they might want to choose for GCSE that they won’t have done yet. So Sport, Media, business, health and social care, french, etc. Some of them for GCSE they can’t take unless they’ve done the subject in Y9, so this let’s them (assuming they get the options they ask for) to try them out. They have to choose 2 out of 6 DT subjects and 1 ‘performing arts’ so it means he can drop music, art, computing etc. All the subjects he either doesn’t enjoy or finds really hard.